Was August Awesome? [giveaway]
*******************************This giveaway ended Sept. 1, 2011 at 10:30 EST. Stay tuned for the next one!
At the beginning of this month, I posted a list of 10 Ways to Make August Awesome. It’s always fun to have some monthly motivation and goals, so I’ll probably do similar lists for each month 😀
Bella’s August in a snapshot:
Here’s what was on there and how I did with my own personal list:
1. Have something to look forward to. For me, it was Healthy Living Summit – just as amazing as I anticipated it to be. The best part? Getting the Pilot away from work for a weekend so he could join me 😉
2. Create a goal for the month. First my goal was to practice more yoga, but it just didn’t happen. I just feel awkward and uncomfortable, especially since I can’t rock out handstands or arm balances right now, so I didn’t practice as much as I would have liked. [Looking back, it’s such a lame excuse. If I want to do it, I should do it, that’s all there is to it] Instead, I began to work on another goal that may come into fruition, but I’m superstitious and won’t post about it until all is bueno 😉
3. Plan a dinner party. Done and done! Now that our house has been “warmed” and 99.9% of our stuff is unpacked, we can start to have frequent smaller dinner parties like we used to. I’m so excited 😀
4. Go through your summer clothes and determine which ones you’d like to get rid of before storing the rest for fall and winter. I actually did this one before I posted this list, and my closet feels SO good! Bonus: room for new clothes! Heh heh.
5. Go for a swim! This didn’t happen. I thought it would motivate me to do it, but nope. I’m a floater, not a swimmer 😉
6. Pick up a new cookbook to try this month, or borrow one from a friend. This was exciting because I unpacked all of my cookbooks, including 3 new ones that I didn’t get to use before we moved from Valdosta. I can’t wait to bust into them!
[We have another shelf full of cookbooks, too. Forgotten treasures!!]
7. Sign up for a fitness event with a friend. I haven’t done this one yet, but am seriously considering the spring half marathon here in Tucson. I was supposed to do it this past year, but didn’t since I went to LA instead for Gatorade. This one will be about 12 weeks after the baby is born, so I’ll walk/run it, but really want to add some running back into my routine. I miss the “ex boyfriend” – it’s funny how you miss things when you can’t do them 😉 I ran a little first trimester, but it felt weird after a while so I stopped.
8. Scope out some new jeans for fall. This one happens on an almost daily basis. My pick for fall:
Love the cut, wash, length, everything 🙂
9. Go out for a girls night 😀 I’m lucky to be surrounded by girls in the squadron who always want to hang out- we did quite a few dinners and movie nights 🙂
10. Eat a pizookie. This one actually didn’t happen! The Pilot and I were planning a pizookie date, and then he had to work late that night and we just didn’t go. I did have fondue this month, though 😉
So was your August Awesome?
Here’s one more way for that to happen:
You see, I bought a boatload of macaroon supplies for HLS and didn’t have time to make them before our trip.
I love almonds, but I don’t think I need 3 lbs 😉
So I’d love to make a custom batch of macaroons for a reader- any flavor: Meyer lemon lavender, blonde, chocolate, mocha, chocolate almond butter, super roon [Of course, other things may sneak their way into the package, too]
*******************************This giveaway ended Sept. 1, 2011 at 10:30 EST. Stay tuned for the next one!
See ya later today with a Fashion post <3
Yay macaroons! Every time I see these on here, I swoon a little bit 🙂 Summer has been wonderful, but I’m looking forward to cooler fall temperatures and being able to wear cozy sweaters and my cowboy boots again.
I love the blog as is! A few more pictures of Bella wouldnt hurt anything though 🙂
August was an awesome month because I got cleared to run again! Finally! 🙂
I have been reading your blog daily for awhile now and I just want to say you inspire me everyday to be healthy and happy! Your posts motivate me to do my work outs for the day and eat more salads 🙂 keep doing what your doing! I love it 🙂
I love reading your blog Gina – if I had to say what I’d like to see more of, it would be family posts! Or just general shenanigans 😉 To be honest though, I think your blog is pretty awesome as it is!
Mmm I think I’d go for chocolate almond butter macaroons. Our August was a bit discombobulated with exercises on base and me getting a fierce cold but we’re starting off September right and hitting up California for a getaway!
I would love to hear some more about how you determine what are healthy eats. A little grocery store tour guide a la Fitnessista. What catches your eye on a nutrition label? Are you a veggie counter? Smart tips on getting all the good stuff in your grocery cart.
Happy Wednesday!
August….a month I always look forward to! I was born in August and had a feeling this month was going to be great and it has been! After starting off the month a little rocky (a death in the family) I was able to pick myself back up and move ahead. I decided that after realizing that life is too short to waste it I have chosen to pick up blogging and blog my way to a better and healthier me! I started my journey a little over two weeks ago and find so much inspiration from your blog as well as many others I follow. I am really pushing myself and am super excited about how this month has ended! I look forward to the next month and the next and the next….my new outlook on life is amazingly refreshing!
I want more fashion blog postings please, and of course, more macaroon GIVEAWAYS! Love your blog!
i think you had a wonderful august!! 🙂
I love love the family posts. They read more like a diary entry than “talking to your readers” – which is what a blog should be! So refreshing!
You seem to have just about as many cookbooks as I do. I LOVE cookbooks. August was great. I took a Photoshop class that was outstanding!
my august was awesome! week at the beach, turning 35, getting my exercise routine going again. i love summer.
Ooh, macaroons sound so good. My August was pretty quiet- most friends headed back to school and I’ve just been doing yoga, training for a marathon, and gearing up to go to Italy for the semester!
I feel like your August similar to mine! DH and I bought our first house this month (the day before my birthday) and have been busy painting and unpacking. September will be filled with furniture shopping and getting back into a workout routine (I used to be able to walk to work and now have a 25ish minute commute). I find that I can sneak in yoga first thing in the morning and its been great!
Your macaroons look amazing!
Oh and I am dying to try the famous roons! 🙂
I have to say that August was pretty damn awesome for me. Not a lot happening online and in the kitchen, but lots happening offline and in life. Not a bad trade off in my books. Glad everything’s going well with you!! After all this time, I am still hoping someday I’ll get to try your famous macaroons. 🙂
I try to live a healthy and active lifestyle so I appreciate all the workout and meal ideas on the blog. I’m going to set some goals for September and see how I do. Thanks for being a daily inspiration!
I just started reading your blog this past month and I love it! You should be really proud that you accomplished most of your goals especially since you’re expecting!
Hi Gina! I’m a first time commenter; I just recently found your blog and LOVE! I actually decided to go back to when you started and see how you got to where you are today, and have enjoyed the reading. You are so inspirational on so many levels and have helped motivate me during some challenging times. I am a Mommy of three (6,4&1) and began trying to get myself back in shape and on a more healthy path last fall. I lost 15 pounds and felt great, but then hit a plateau and started having some health issues. Those things combined with no family around to lend some support for my hubby and me, has made it difficult to keep that motivation. You helped my August to be great by putting so much into your blog, so that I can reap the rewards of your knowledge and experience. I think your contribution (via the blog) to helping people find and maintain a healthy path is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your life and passions. Congratulations to you and your Pilot on the little lady! This will be the most amazing journey you have embarked upon- I can speak from experience on that one! 😉
August was OK. A mix of highs and lows. My husband passed away in July so the last two months have been a blur. However, I had taken up running shortly before his death which has proven to be very therapeutic. I started the Coach 2 5K program in late June and finished it last week. I ran in my first 5k on August 27. I finished in 37:25 which I think is respectable for my first race.
We’ve just discovered macaroons, they are fabulous and I’m working to finding a recipe that I like. August was pretty crazy but I’m looking forward to a calm and restful September!
I love your family posts! keep-em coming!!! i also love your fashion posts, love your style!
I really enjoy reading your blog! You will love being a mom! My August has been great. I have a 14 month old boy- and he makes everyday more exciting!
Wooohoooo!!! Another macaroon giveaway! I have seriously got to try these things! I don’t know if I’d add or change anything on your blog – it keeps me motivated to keep eating healthy and working out out since alot of my close family & friends don’t really follow this type of lifestyle. Keep it up, Gina! 🙂
Hey! Just found your blog last week and LOVE the family page. My husband and I are ready for a baby and your posts have been comforting and super informative. Keep it up!
Hi! This comment is more for the Family page but I wanted to enter into your giveaway! 🙂
My August was pretty awesome because I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl on the 12th! I thankfully had a short (3cm to 10cm in an hour!) & relatively easy labor (I contribute that to being active up until the day I gave birth). I was unable to receive pain meds due to her heart rate dropping with every contraction. It was certainly painful but in all honesty, all that pain goes right out the window once your baby is put on your chest and she looks into your eyes for the first time. Every time I had a contraction I would try to breathe, stare at my focal point, and think to myself why I was in that pain (to bring my baby girl safely into this world).
I don’t know about you, but I was told many “horror” stories about labor & delivery…Don’t listen to them.
Many thoughts and prayers for a safe & healthy pregnancy for you and your baby girl!
I know you have a family section already but as a fellow preggo (2 weeks behind you) I want to see more! I love those posts! Keep ’em coming!
My August was awesome because I finally tried one of your protein pancakes… SO GOOD! I top them with Peanut Butter and am full for like 5 hours. I love it! And… I’d love to try your roons too!
I know how you feel about running. I’ve had IT Band issues keeping me from running and all it does is make me crave it. I thought I’d appreciate the excuse to “rest” – but nope.
My August was awesome because I graduated from college, moved to seattle, and got a job! I started reading your blog mid August and was inspired to live a healthy life, I’ve been working out each morning and using some of your food recipes!!
I love your closet organizing tip, I desperately need to go through mine and get rid of stuff.
I watched the documentary on the business of being born about 2 months ago! I am on the same page as you! A girl that I work with is a doula and is gojng to go to midwifrey schoool so we alwqys have these conversations. Very controversial! Good luck!!
August was awesome! This month we found out I’m pregnant!!
Would love to win some ‘roons! Just wanted to let you know after reading your focus on Spinning post, I’m taking my first spin class tonight Nervous but very excited!
So last year I had a miscarriage, and I have absolutely LOVED reading through your family posts. It’s almost like living vicariously through you…. It has definitely helped ease the pain. I found your blog a few months back, and have gotten a TON of inspiration and amazing recipe idea’s from you! The hubs favorite meal is now the white enchilada’s 🙂
Thanks for being here daily! 🙂
I just wanted to say that, though I didn’t choose 10 things to make my August awesome, I did start reading this blog, trying out your recipes, and wholly turning around my eating and activity lifestyle. I appreciate all the work you do putting this blog together, because it has helped me A TON!! 🙂
I would love to hear about how you actually began the blog…did you brainstorm topic ideas or just dive right in? I want to start my own little bloggy & would love some tips!! And I would love some macaroons… 🙂
I love the baby posts!!
I don’t have any suggestions for the blog…I love it! August was awesome because I got in a ton of good workouts!!
I am loving the monthly goals – it def. inspires me to do the same!!! After seeing what you do during the day, I always leave your blog feeling inspired to do more!
I’m completely addicted to your blog and must say that those ‘roons look delicious!
Also delicious? The Sun Warrior protein powder I got from your OpenSky promo. The vanilla is so good…
Roons!! Gimme gimme gimme! Look so good 🙂 I guess I’ll use my entry as a request. I know you said you used to teach spin classes and that your method of teaching was to pedal with the cadenceof the music adjusting the resistance accordingly. This is my favorite type of class but none of he instructors at my current gym operate this way. It’s all about time at certain resistance. Not nearly as fun 🙁 Any way you could post a set list?
Macaroons sound amazing! I would love more recipes from you! I have made lots of the things you post and they are all soooo good!
I love to see your lifting work outs. I tend to avoid lifting unless it’s Body pump class. But when I can’t make it to class I have used some of yours and really like them!
I would love to see more fashion posts on your blog!
you always have the best giveways…. my august was awesome because its my birthday month! woo hoo! lots of time spent with close family and friends xoxo
August has been good to me- A trip to the beach, a nice birthday and I went back on some thyroid meds that are much nicer to me than the ones I tried 🙂 I have some goals for September: 1) Eat more raw foods. I just bought 4 more books off of amazon.com with birthday money, and I really can’t wait until they get here. I want to make dehydrated pancakes!
2) Make a better cleaning schedule. Mine stinks
3) Get ready for Christmas. This pretty much means make a list of what we have/are giving, what we need, and how many aprons I need to sew. LOL
4) Get serious about my fall garden. I don’t want to pay the going price for greens around here!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Hi Gina! I love your blog. It is a daily ritual for me to check it out while I drink my morning coffee! You have given me new inspiration to improve my eating and workout habits. Thank you so much for being such a positive and motivating part of my day!
Ahhh a giveaway 🙂 woohoo!! So glad you and the pilot got tp get away for a couple days! I keep telling myself to do yoga too but it just isn’t happening!! Wah 🙁 can’t wait to hear about your secret goal 🙂
These look so yummy!!! I think chocolate or mocha would be my top choices 🙂
I have never eaten a macaroon, however, every time you post them they look delicious…someday 😉 . My biggest monthly goal was to get into a REGULAR workout routine. I have always worked out, but sometimes its four days a week, sometimes twice and it seems to bounce around. Since the hubby was gone half this month and will be most of September (hello, TDY’s..bleh), I made it my goal to tone just a little more before he gets home, AND my long term goal is running the Jingle Bell 5k in December. I now run 4 days a week, and also have some pilates/weights session in there too. I feel great and have now made it a habit. LOVE it! I also drag another squadron wife with me to the gym each morning after she drops her kid off at school. Double bonus.