Week of giveaways: oGorgeous- ENDED
Congratulations to the lucky Larabar 16-pack and tee winner:
*Edited since I did a screen shot fail and many of you couldn’t see it (sorry about that!)
Emma! She said:
YUMMO!!! In the UK I have only been able to get my paws on Apple Pie Larabar – I reeeeeeeeeeally wish I could try some other flavours!!!! Anyway when I’m not snacking on Apple Pie Larabar my favourite snack at the moment is carrot sticks with homemade hummus. (blitz chick peans/garbanzo beans with olive oil, garlic, S&P, lemon juice – easy peasy lemon squeezy!) |
Please send me your shipping info and shirt size to me at fitnessista at gmail dot com (subject: LARABAR WINNER!) 🙂
For today’s giveaway, something gorgeous:
an oGorgeous yoga bag!
I picked the pleated pocket in chrome dazzle– very similar to the bag that Cassey sent me over the holidays.
I get so many compliments on the bag, and am so excited that she kindly offered to send the yoga mat version (valued at $110) to a lucky fitnessista 🙂
This giveaway has ended! Did you win? Find out here.
Runner’s pose. It’s a lot like pigeon. Helps get runner’s knots outta my legs 🙂 Feels especially good after a pregnant run.
Tree Pose is definitely at the top of my list!
Bonus entry: I actually love Cassey’s tricep challenge video!
Just getting into yoga, but my favorite is Child’s pose.. I feel so relaxed!
My favorite because I can do it is crow (I worked hard) but my body’s favorite is pigeon
My very favorite yoga pose is crow pose. I also really love the running man, but I can only do that on my left side. Really cute yoga mat!!
**yoga mat bat, duh!!
It really depends on the day and how I feel.. but I love half moon… always feel so open afterwards.
Mmm I love me some pigeon pose!
Definitely the pigeon pose. It opens up those hips!
And this is from my fitness board
Hmm, I think my favorite poses are all standards, so I’ll probably go with pigeon, like everyone else here who runs!
Shavasana! I know that sounds like saying your fave subject in school is recess, but I truly feel as if I’ve just woken from eight hours of sleep after a good shavasana at the end of a yoga practice.
I really enjoy a full vinyasa or power yoga sesh, but id have to say my favorite pose is probably frog since it feels really good to stretch out my usually-tight hip and groin area.
Standing Bow, probably because it is my best one and looks fancy 🙂
The standard downward dog. My hamstrings love it!
Triangle. Feels so good on the legs.
Warrior 2 all the way.
Pigeon pose is soooooooo great! Def my favorite.
I have always loved camel. What a lovely bag!
I love pigeon! And Goddess!
Love pigeon pose!
Cute bag! I love Cassey 🙂
My favorite pose it pigeon, my hips are so darn tight
Downward dog handsdown! 😀
Warrior 2 makes me feel fierce!!
Crow pose fo sho
half moon
chair pose!
Love the pigeon pose, it makes such a difference in my posture, eliminates back pain and keeps me limber for my runs. I used it throughout pregnancy as well and never had any back pain!
downward dog!!! I just love the way it makes me feel!!!
Bonus Comment- Winter Shape up Week 4. Love me some Curtsy Lunges!
My favorite yoga pose is Child’s Pose. It feels so good to stretch it out!
oh Warrior 2 for sure. LOVE IT!
Gotta love a good yoga session 🙂 theres nothing better
who is the winner? it won’t show up on firefox, internet explorer, or my phone.
I can’t see it either on safari
Yep, mine neither!
Thats why I was reading the comment’s I cant find it
Ditto. Can’t see it =/
me either! can someone who can see it please comment with the name?
Definitely pigeon pose or child’s pose!
Pigeon pose! Love it!
downward dog for those tight hammies!
My hips don’t lie, I love me some pigeon!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Tree pose:)
Full king pigeon! I love when my foot touches my head!
I think twisting half moon is my favorite, if only because I love to hate that pose! It challenges every inch of my body to hold that pose without face planting! It took me so long to finally get it, and now that I can do it I just smile every time 🙂
Definitely pigeon, feels so good!
Link to a good starter workout!
Bonus entry: My favorite workout, without hesitation is Fire45. It has the BEST MUSIC! BOOM I got your boyfriend hahahaha
Love this one-heart rate is UPPP!!
Definitely Warrior. Is it corny to say I feel so powerful and centered while in that pose? #dontcareifcorny 🙂
Pigeon or happy baby! Love happy baby.
Definitely downward dog! Such a great hammy stretch!
my favorite yoga pose is scorpion!
My favorite yoga pose is pigeon