What Fuels Ya
Hey guys! How’s your morning going?? I’m about to start mine with a yoga podcast, but thought I’d say hello first 😀
For dinner last night, I made a giant batch of my sweet potato black bean chili. It simmered in the slow cooker all afternoon, and while I was at work, I knew it had turned out well because I got the following text message from the pilot:
(910): You are a cooking goddess.
He flatters me 😉 Anyway, I couldn’t wait to get home and have a heaping bowl full:
Topped with some of the Babycake’s vegan gluten-free corn bread and cilantro:
Utterly foodgasmic 🙂
I packed it up in a to-go container and went to keep the pilot company as he got a hair cut. I looked a little rough after a full day of working at the gym, but just wanted to go along for the ride and hang out with him.
The pilot studied while I drank tea and watched Devil Wears Prada, and then we called it a night.
This morning, I couldn’t wait to dig into this superfood bfast cookie:
Notice how it looks a little different than the usual???
That’s because that beauty was 100% raw. I’ve been wanting to make a totally raw bfast cookie for quite some time, and last night was the night 😀
-1/3 C oat groats, ground into flour in the food processor (traditional rolled oats are not raw as they’re lightly baked while they’re processed; you can find oat groats in the bulk section of most health food stores)
-1/2 scoop Sun Warrior vanilla protein
-1/2 banana
-fresh homemade almond milk (store-bought will do in a jiffy but isn’t technically raw)
-1/2 T maca
-goji berries
-1 T chia seeds
T’was amazin’.
So while I was at work yesterday, I couldn’t stop thinking about the treacherous 12-miler and wondering if I need to change my pre-race bfast. As you guys know, I don’t call myself a “real runner”. I run every now and again and treasure the mental benefits from running. I’m competitive and enjoy races, so I’ll do a few every so often. It’s just not my bread and butter and I’d much rather Zumba, spin or yoga until the sun goes down.
That being said, I can’t seem to figure out what I should do about my pre-race bfast. The bfast cookie has always been a champ for me, but it was almost too heavy before the 12-miler. Who knows how I’d feel after 13.1?!
So I’m asking all you “real runners” out there, what’s your favorite pre-long run (or challenging workout) bfast??? I might need to try something a little lighter but with enough power to get me going and last throughout the run (no dairy, please).
I’m off to “om” my little heart out then getting a hair cut! This mane needs some help 😉 Will I do something crazy??? We shall see….
try 1/2 banana with nut butter…it works for me everytime!
I agree with Holly I would say have a banana and some orange juice. I know they arent the best for you, but the bagels they have at the races always end up in my hand!
I’ve been enjoying the millet bread before my workouts. I’m not sure if it would work before a race but I think it would. It’s easily digestable. Oats take longer to digest – especially if they aren’t very processed.
I’m not a runner, but like the others said above, nut butter and fruit always works for me – it sustained me getting through my fitness routine and multiple hours or training! I love it – fills me up but keeps me energized, too!
Before my half marathon, I had a piece of Ezekial bread, almond butter, and half a banana, and it did the trick! I didn’t even need to re-fuel mid-way or anything!
Your raw b-fast cookie looks amazing!
Banana with peanut butter is great. You can always eat something smaller before you run (maybe half a breakfast cookie?), even a long one, and just pack a small granola bar or something to eat mid-run, when you need refueling. That way you keep your stomach from being crazy full, but you also keep yourself from being empty.
I love a bowl of light cereal with some fruit and almond milk. I’ve noticed nut butter can be heavy in my tummy pre-workout, but I love the carbs in a serving of cereal!
Hey Gina!!! 🙂 🙂
My favorite pre-race breakfast is 2-3 scrambled eggs (1 yolk, 2-3 egg whites), a piece of Ezekiel toast (w/ Earth balance), and depending if I’m staaaavin that morning I’ll have a half (or 1 small) banana).
Another favorite is oatmeal (1/3 oats, 1/2 nanner, 1/2 scoop protein, raisins, stevia to taste).
Can’t wait to see your ‘do! Have a FAB day!!!! xoxoxoxox 🙂
Oh, and I think running 12-milers def puts you in the ‘Runner’ category!!! 😉 😉
Hola! I’m not a real runner myself but what I ultimately found out when I was training for my half marathon was this…
I can’t handle too much fat before a run. I simply can’t digest it, even if it’s 2 hours prior. I only have a little bit and instead focus more on some good complex carbs!
Aww the pilot is so sweet. That chilli does look amazing though!! I keep seeing all of these delicious recipes floating around and telling myself I need to try them. Have fun getting your hair cut!! I’ve been thinking I’m overdue for one too so I should book an app soon!!
I’m not a runner so I can’t help with the pre-run breaky, sorry!!
Great raw breakfast cookie, I need to try that some time. I almost bought some eat groats last week but wasn’t sure about how to get them into breakfast/overnight oats form without them being to hard to chew. I will give this a try!
i just started running, so im by no means a runner yet, but i fuel up with some ezekiel toast, almond butter, and banana before my runs! im thinking about getting one of those gel packets for the longer runs coming up. i love the raw modification of the bfast cookie…will have to give it a try!
Two of my “go to” pre-race or long run breakfasts…..
-toast with PB
-small bowl of oats w/a few nuts
Also if I feel I need a bit more energy about 20 minutes before I have a Gu. For the half mary I did on Sunday (which started at 11am, awesome)I had oats around 8:30am and then a Gu at around 10:30.
I use to call myself a runner, but now I’m not so sure…darn knee problems!
When I was running alot, I found that my tummy was super sensitive and I couldn’t eat much before a long run. I would try to get down a 1/2 a clif bar or promax bar. I know some people have toast with PB and 1/2 a banana. You can always bring some clif shots or something like that if you think you may get ravenous during your run.
Your breakfast cookie looks amazing. I am not “a real runner” either and have a really hard time running after I eat. I would go for either banana and nut butter or some sort of bar. My problem seems to be with the volume of food, so I look for something that packs colories and nutrients without taking up much space in my stomach.
i simply had a banana before my last half marathon , my goal was to break 2 hours and i went 1:54 so i’m sticking with the banana-i cant have much more than that–i just be sure to eat tons after the race
and PS, i think your definitely a runner, i remember you rocked out your last half marathon!!
i run on my college’s track team and i am currently loving an apple (or a small easily digestible piece of fruit–apples are what sits well in my stomach) and a sandwich on 12-grain bread w. 1 tbsp of almond or peanut butter before a hard workout (ive currently been doing long-ish runs) mmmmm so addicting and all of my favorites! it needs to obviously digest a little before i run but it doesnt sit as oatmeal does (for me at least). good luck finding out what works for you! i hope this helps 🙂 LOVE reading your blog!
Mine is typically either a bagel w/ nut butter and a banana, or two arnold’s thins w/ nut butter and a banana. Basically any bread like carb w/ nut butter and a banana works for me great. Last time before I ran 10 I attempted my typical bowl of oats and that combined with not waiting long enough to digest just did not sit well at all!
Hey Gina! I ran the NYC marathon this past fall and my breakfast was the perfect thing that got me through the race. About two hours before the race I ate a piece of Ezekiel with AB and an entire banana with AB. Not sure if you’re eating gu to refuel during your race but twenty minutes before I started I ate a pack of gu. I have honestly never felt better during a run.
TOTALLY not a runner but I know my marathon friends tend to do banana with PB and/or bread w/PB.
I cannot say enough good things about fueling with chia in pudding form before a long run! Its not too heavy and really provides enough fuel for running for 17 miles or so. It works so much better than oats!
I have something light like a piece of toast with PB and then bring some fuel along if it’s a really long one! I find that having a little bigger meal the night before helps more than eating in the morning 🙂
on top of all the great advice here, i definitely, definitely recommend bringing fuel with you on your run! i bring luna moons or clif roks and pop a couple when i start to feel sluggish after 45 mins/1 hour. remember you’re burning around 100 cals with every mile! good luck!
My favorite pre-run snack is also toast and PB or AB. It’s light and simple so even if I don’t wait quite long enough, it isn’t too much in my tummy. I haven’t ran for more than an hour and a half, but since that is a small pre-run bfast, I’ll start bringing some snacks with me as marathon training gets cuhrazy.
My fav pre-run snack is a slice of ezekiel bread with a tablespoon of almond butter, yummo! It’s light and doesn’t weigh me down at all! 🙂 Also I agree with the other comments, if it is a very long run (like more than 10 miles) I usually pack my sports beans (aka jelly beans or luna moons) with me, it always keeps me going!
That’s so sweet of you to go to the pilot’s hair appt. with him:) You two are so cute.
Typically oats are too heavy as a prerace breakfast for me.
Usually a card, a fruit, and nut butter do the job. I.E. a piece or two of toast, with a banana and almond butter. Or even a banana mashed with PB or AB and spread in a wrap works well!
When I was training for a 1/2 last winter, I found a big dinner the night before a long run was key, and skipping alcohol (I KNOW!) definitely helped. In the mornings, I just made a fruit smoothie – quick energy and super fast digestion, not heavy at all. A few sports chews (Cliff shot blocks are my fav) were often helpful about mile 9.
I’m a super slow runner, so fuel was crucial – long runs can be really long and tiring when you’re a back of the packer!
i like oats with pb or cheerios with a small pb & banana sandwich. that said, i need to eat 2-3 hours before any run so i typically don’t eat much before runs as i run first thing.
have you considered that it might have been the timing of the meal rather than the meal itself? i also know that even if i have a small clementine right before i leave it’s too much
I had a lot of problems when I started to build up to 7 + mile runs. My body wasn’t used to it and I may have sneaked into a wooded area more than once. I have found that a piece or two (depending on length of run) of whole wheat toast with nut butter (I usually do almond or peanut butter) and 1/2 a banana provides me with enough energy but doesn’t make me feel heavy or cause digestive problems. I also don’t think anything an hour before my run.
Awwwwwwww you and the Pilot – soooo sweet.
I’m definitely no runner, but my stepfather and my uncle both race and their choices of pre-race food usually include fruit, maybe a piece of toast, and an egg or two.
Aaaaaaaaaand you made me really want to watch The Devil Wears Prada, riiight now!
Hi Gina! I did my 12 miler last week too! I’ve done 5 half-marathons and I’m now aiming for my first full marathon. My favorite PRE-RUN fuel is two slices of Ezekial toast, smeared with some raw organic almond butter, then drizzled with raw honey and sprinkled with coconut flakes (I call it my SNOWFLAKE TOAST.)
The grains and almond butter give me long lasting energy, while the honey and coconut give me some more immediate energy. I eat this exactly 90 minutes before my long runs, along with a small cup of coffee. It’s been working like a charm!
Shari B. =)
If I am going for a run that last about 1 hour I go for just a banana any thing over that I may add a slice of toast with some nut butter and bring along a energy bar as a back up.
I always try to be careful to not get too much fiber or anything hard to digest, as once you start running, the blood flows away from your stomach to your muscles and then you can have trouble digesting.
I usually stick to plain (refined-carb full) bread or bagel with peanut butter. Pre-race is really the only time I DONT pick whole wheat, but better safe than sorry, since it’s way easier to digest.
If the idea of having white flour is too much to handle 😉 you can also just stick with a banana with peanut/almond butter.
By favorite pre race fuel is either a whole-wheat bagel/toast/English muffin, topped with nut butter, and a banana. It’s pretty filling but doesn’t sit too hard. While training for a marathon last fall, I would wake up at 4:15am, fueled up with that combo, and hit the pavement by 4:50-5am. No craps and feeling great! TONS of h20 too : )
Banana & nut butter is good. I also enjoy oatmeal (with peanut butter and fruit or jam). I will occasionally have an egg and a slice of toast.
Definitely one banana and some whole wheat or millet toast with peanut (or other nut) butter.
1) I’m sure you know this but are you only increasing your miles by 10% a week? I think trying to long a run can definitely make you feel lousy. I know you are incredibly active, but it can’t hurt to be really conservative about your mileage increases if you feel like you’re tackling too much.
2) I tend to eat 1/4 cup of oatmeal with half a cup of milk, some berries and PB about 2 hours prior to a long training run- along with a big cup of coffee. And then I try to wait until I’ve gone to the bathroom (not to get too specific, haha) before I go on the run. Before a race, I often eat a piece of bread with PB instead since I have less time to digest.
3) Gu and water. For a 12 mile run, I would take at least 2 Gu, maybe 3 to be on the safe side. I also like to drink water every few miles(I run through a park with water fountains). It is also important for your teeth that if you can drink some water after you take a Gu, you do. Otherwise that sugar is just hanging around in your mouth, which can lead to cavities.
4) Sometimes running just screws up your stomach. I’ve found I can do all of the same things and still, every now and then, just have a horrible stomach ache from a run. I think maybe it happens when it’s warmer out that usual, but I’m not sure there even is a pattern.
So, first of all I love your blog. I have been reading it for about 4 months now and it is so inspirational and is a great motivator for me. I’m preparing to compete in my 13th beauty pageant and was never in my idea of “perfect shape.” After I started reading your blog, my entire perspective changed and I am no longer depriving myself of anything. Rather, I eat healthy foods in moderation(including some of your recipes) and work out at a healthy level. Thank you so much!
Anyways, before intense workouts I always eat a banana or an apple with peanut butter. It fills me up enough that I can get through my work out, but doesn’t make me feel like I have a rock in my stomach.
And. . .
I saw the sweet potato chili and decided that I HAD to have some. It is cooking away right now, I cannot wait for dinner!
Heather K
since i can’t really run anymore (knee problems) i don’t have a great answer for the pre-run bfast, but when i used to it was a bowl of cereal or a whole-grain bagel with peanut butter slathered on there. That usually helped me last, and as I got hungry I’d just drink water.
good luck lady!
Every time I go for a long run, I have a bowl of oatmeal but I give it 2+ hours to digest. It’s perfect cuz it’s not in your stomach too much anymore and the carbs give you steady energy 😀
Before a big run I like to eat about an hour beforehand: toast plus peanut butter plus banana. Works for me!
I always find that oatmeal and such are too heavy before I run. I always eat a slice of toast or english muffin with almond butter and a banana – with tea. I have run 2 marathons, 6 half marathons and numerous 5 and 10k’s and i haven’t had a problem yet! Its my pre-run fuel, although, I always allow 1 hour to digest on long run days and at least 2 hours on race day (just in case something happens on those days!).
Good luck!
A small banana with almond butter always works for me. I’m a college student and I run before class in the morning during the week, so I rarely get up more than thirty minutes before my run and eat within about twenty minutes. I have a super sensitive stomach and this has never caused me problems. Though, if I’m feeling off at all I have the banana plain.
Oh goodness…I hadn’t seen your Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili before, and it looks amazing! Definitely throwing that one in the crockpot tomorrow morning!
I have to say that quick carbs work better for me on long runs. I like eat a clif bar and some coffee or fruit. Works every time! Last time I did a 1/2 I ate oatmeal w/ nut butter and it was too heavy. I felt like lead. Also had the worst time I’ve ever had!
Bananas always seem to go well with my stomach on long runs. Usually I’ll add a bit of almond butter for moor staying power. Even though you don’t consider yourself a runner you can still run girl!
What a good looking breakfast cookie!! For a long run I usually eat a whole wheat bagel topped with peanut butter and then a banana. I have to eat it a bit before I go run, otherwise my stomach doesn’t like that!
I am currently taking a Nutrition and physical fitness course and my teacher says that the best foods to eat before running (the ones that are easiest on your stomach) are probably the ones you would never eat…white bread (millet would may work well too since it has less fiber than some of the other whole grains). Maybe you should try a piece of millet with AB and some fresh frut/veggie juice.
I some of my favorites though are dried fruit and nuts, cliff bar,luna bar, larabar, banana and almond butter, fresh juice!
I cannot believe you do not call yourself a runner, yet you cranked out 12miles this weekend, ending with a good time! you silly lady!! you are a rockstar.
that chili looks sooo good!
I don’t run more than three miles at a time but I’d go with fruit and nut butter like the others are saying. Enjoy your haircut….I think I need one soon too!
I think I forgot to tell you I tried that chili recipe a couple weeks ago and it was amazing!! Of course, my hubby was like “where’s the meat?” but he got over it 🙂
I echo a lot of the other comments- my usual pre-run b-fast is toast w/ PB and banana, but it has messed with my tummy sometimes so I have been mixing it up. I used to eat a z-bar before morning workouts because I think they are easier to digest than Clif or other more fiber-y bars. Plus they taste like cookies;)