What the Heck is ‘Healthy?’

Hi guys! Happy Monday! Hope your week is off to an amazing start.

I started mine off with a sweaty iron-pumping sesh, a trip to the post office (package is on the way, my Pilot lurve), and a glorious breakfast.

Perfect Protein Pancakes!


It’s been too long….

They were just as amazing as I remember 🙂


So as I’m sure you guys know, there’s been a lot of brouhaha in the blog world this past week. A lot of *bad* happened, but some very thoughtful and much-needed conversations occurred as well. I especially loved *this post* by my friend Heather regarding blogger responsibilities.

Throughout last week, quite a lot of talk went down classifying bloggers’ actions/training plans/eating styles as “healthy” or “unhealthy”.

It got me thinking: What the heck is healthy, anyway??


Disclaimer: If you are currently struggling with ED or in recovery and think that reading about this topic may result in a trigger effect or is a sensitive issue, please skip the rest of this post. I don’t ever want to offend or influence others, just share my experiences and what has worked for me and what hasn’t. Everyone is different and knows how certain things affect their bodies and minds—it’s up to us to use our best judgment.


“Healthy” is such a subjective term and what is considered healthy and normal for one person, may be not-so-healthy to someone else. In the beginning of my weight loss journey and even into maintenance mode, I thought *healthy* was about perfection. While I never had an official eating disorder, I definitely participated in disordered eating, which I’m sure many women unintentionally do when they’re flooded with so much information and trying to find a balance.

woman_on_tightrope Source

There was a [very short] time in college when I ate a few Quaker granola bars for each of my meals and snacks. It wasn’t for weight loss or anything like that, but they tasted good, were inexpensive and I thought they were *healthy*. Going for an entire day without a fruit or vegetable is anything but. When I was trying to lose weight, I tried a variety of crazy diets (all of which I’ve written about on the blog) and there was a time when my life was very sugar-free, fat-free, low carb and chemical-laden. I tried so hard to be what I thought was *perfect*, almost all of the time, which I now know isn’t a fun or healthy way to live.


I eventually realized that “healthy” is IMperfection. Not being afraid to skip a day at the gym, eat indulgent desserts without regard to calories or fat, and cutting yourself some slack… not just with fitness and eating, but with life. Taking time for a nap, a pedicure, a snuggle sesh, or a glass of vino and great chat with a friend.

meandbell wine dessert

On the other hand, I think it’s so important to make fitness and nutrition a priority, without taking it overboard, for long and happy lives.


So what’s the difference between healthy and unhealthy?

Is it the intention behind actions? The comfort in not always being *perfect*?

What does healthy mean to you??

I’m OFF work today, so it’s time to run amuck in Orlando. And by that, I mean do laundry and get groceries before dance tonight 😉

See ya later today!



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  1. Rachel on June 27, 2014 at 11:47 am

    Healthy is keeping your life balanced to make you feel good and happy.

  2. Monica on June 27, 2014 at 11:47 am

    Healthy is being balanced. It’s feeling good about yourself and your relationships with other people.

  3. Jen on June 27, 2014 at 11:47 am

    Healthy is being happy with myself, the strides I’ve made and making choices that were right for me. But also chocolate, wine and sometimes cake 🙂

  4. Nicole on June 27, 2014 at 11:47 am

    Healthy to me means feeling good in my body and feeling strong while working out.

  5. Melanie on June 27, 2014 at 11:47 am

    Healthy to me is taking care of both my mind and my body – it’s all about balance! In my past, when my body has looked the best, my mind wasn’t healthy. I’ve found that when I’m happier, I feel healthier inside and out!

  6. Andrea B on June 27, 2014 at 11:49 am

    Love your sneaky little giveaways girl!! Healthy to me is living a lifestyle that properly nourishes both your body and your mind. Clean eating, staying active, thinking positively and stimulating your mind are all great ways to be healthy.

  7. Morgan on June 27, 2014 at 11:49 am

    Healthy to me means happy. Happy means feeling great. And I know to feel great I need to eat clean, exercise every day (even if that means just moving; walking, hiking) and treating myself occasionally! Healthy means giving myself a day a week to not analyze every calorie, minute exerted. It means relaxing in the sun with a margarita. Healthy = happy 🙂

  8. Jennifer on June 27, 2014 at 11:50 am

    Healthy to me means feeling good in your own skin. Healthy=Happy!! 🙂

  9. Katie on June 27, 2014 at 11:50 am

    I’ve been thinking a lot recently about what “my healthy” looks like — as I have always defined it as a number on the scale or the number of workouts completed each week. In an effort to move away from those unforgiving metrics, I’m beginning to realize that healthy for me is striving to be well and feel well. In other words, making choices that ensure my body and mind feel clean and strong.

  10. Meghan F on June 27, 2014 at 11:50 am

    Healthy is balance. After struggling with an ED for four years, I can finally say that I am taking care of myself, my body and my mind. It is the best feeling in the world to be the best version of myself I’ve ever been, and for the first time in a long time, to finally feel HEALTHY

  11. Angie N on June 27, 2014 at 11:50 am

    Healthy to me means balance in every aspect of my life: faith, food, family, exercise, as well as emotional.

  12. Lauren S on June 27, 2014 at 11:51 am

    To me being healthy is feeling strong, balanced, and being able to enjoy life to the fullest. Healthy is feeling good inside and out 🙂

  13. Andrea on June 27, 2014 at 11:51 am

    To me healthy is taking care of your body and mind by fueling with good, whole foods, and being active everyday without depriving yourself of a treat every now and then!

  14. Chelsea on June 27, 2014 at 11:51 am

    To me healthy means being happy with your body and being able to do the things you want to do physically 🙂

  15. Lindsay on June 27, 2014 at 11:52 am

    Being healthy is a combination of things. It’s not only having a healthy diet and exercising regularly. It’s being happy about who you are, no matter what number is in the back of your jeans, or what number shows up on the scale. Overall health is a balance of so many things, and it’s honestly different for everyone. Have some chocolate and that glass of wine. Don’t stress out about the small stuff. Enjoy your life, whatever that means for you. That’s what being healthy is.

  16. Dyanna on June 27, 2014 at 11:52 am

    Healthy to me is feeling comfortable and confident in my own skin. I think healthy is a balance of mental and physical well being, and being okay with the fact that sometimes things go wrong or you feel down.

  17. Niki on June 27, 2014 at 11:52 am

    To me healthy is about looking after yourself and recognising that a healthy body is one of our most valuable assets and so important to our well being . But it’s also about achieving a good balance and knowing that an unhealthy treat or evening in front of the tv doesn’t spell doom!

  18. Soleina on June 27, 2014 at 11:53 am

    Health to me is making positive choices mentally, physically and spiritually that honor your body and mind!

  19. Ana on June 27, 2014 at 11:54 am

    To me, healthy means having my outside (appearance, complexion, energy, etc.) reflect how I’m feeling on the inside!

  20. Erin on June 27, 2014 at 11:54 am

    Healthy to me is feeling comfortable in your own skin. Being able to do what you want to do (run a race, go on a hike, take a walk) – it can be different for everyone!

  21. Maureen S. on June 27, 2014 at 11:54 am

    Healthy to me means understanding yourself and being intentional in everything you do, but also letting yourself off the hook when you need to!

  22. Meaghen on June 27, 2014 at 11:56 am

    To me, healthy is…balance!

  23. Alex @ Kenzie Life on June 27, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Healthy to me means finding a balance that works for you as an individual, and makes you feel good both mentally and physically. Healthy means being able to skip a workout without guilt, enjoying pizza and kale, and knowing when to push harder and when to take a break.

  24. Anna on June 27, 2014 at 11:56 am

    To be healthy to me means being comfortable in you skin, staying active, and making healthy food choices to fuel your body!

  25. Hayley on June 27, 2014 at 11:56 am

    To me, healthy is being strong enough to do anything I want to do. To never feel like bad choices are hindering my life or holding me back. It is still a work in progress…I like my wine and my chocolate a bit too much! But, I’m trying and that’s what counts.

  26. Alycia on June 27, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Sneaky sneaky! 🙂

    Love that pic of you and Bella sleeping! She is such a cutie.

  27. Stephanie on June 27, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Healthy is being able to really play with my 16 month old and show him (not tell him) how fun being active is whether it’s chasing him around the park or having a monkey in the middle catch with the whole family (four legged members too of course). Healthy is showing him that there are yummy foods that make our bodies feel good and yummy foods we enjoy to celebrate special times too.

  28. Crystal on June 27, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Healthy is listening your body and mind and eating/exercising/ practicing self care to meet your individual needs to feel your best!

  29. Allison T. on June 27, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Taking care of yourself by watching what you put in your body and staying strong mentally and physically is being healthy to me. I also strongly believe in a healthy lifestyle that involves lots of fun, treasured friendships, and close family relationship.

  30. Geri on June 27, 2014 at 11:57 am

    To me, healthy is all about listening to your body. There have been times in my life where running marathons felt right, and it resulted in a healthy life. But there have been other times where life hasn’t allowed for working out/running (for quite a while after having a baby), and that was the ‘healthy’ decision for that period of my life. As long as you’re doing your best and doing it for yourself and no one else, I don’t think you can go wrong!

  31. Maria R. on June 27, 2014 at 11:59 am

    Being healthy includes inside and out, knowing your body. Being active with and having a positive attitude.

  32. Faith on June 27, 2014 at 11:59 am

    Healthy to me means listening to my body and treating it with respect.

  33. Renae H. on June 27, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    Healthy is loving yourself enough to treat it right with clean eats and exercise!

  34. Daniela S. on June 27, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    Healthy means being active, and not just the usual cardio exercises (running, biking, etc) but also activities such as yard work, taking walks for fun, playing with my nieces and my cats, doing something creative (sewing).

  35. Racheal @ Running with Racheal on June 27, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    Very good post! I have been right there with you. My most embarrassing memory is chugging Crystal Light because it was “light” and therefore “healthy” right? Yikes.

    Healthy to me is eating food and doing activities that makes me feel good and have the energy and strength to rock out the rest of life – mommy, scientist, wife, etc.

    Have a good weekend!

  36. Maggie on June 27, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    To me, healthy means being able to do ALL the things in your life that you want to be able to do – physically, mentally, socially, whatever. And a lot of that comes from making good choices about how we work our bodies and what we put into them.

  37. Chelsea on June 27, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    Healthy is being able to walk a couple of miles and not be exhausted, eat foods to nourish your body instead of numb emotions and sleeping through the night. It’s a balance between mind, body and spirit – you may not know when it’s on, but you definitely know when it’s off.

  38. Janna on June 27, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    Being healthy is so much more than a one word answer. To me it involves eating mostly clean eats, exercising, sleeping enough, and enjoying the life you have!

  39. Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine on June 27, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    Healthy means loving your life and having confidence, eating whole REAL food that benefits your body, and getting active with things you love everyday!

  40. Kelly on June 27, 2014 at 12:02 pm

    Healthy has always meant balance to me. So when I work long days at odd jobs and don’t get a chance to fit exercise or real meals in (think protein bars, string cheese, and slices of bread), I feel unhealthy. When I sit down to a meal at a table, have some sort of vegetable on my plate, and know that some items didn’t come out of a plastic wrap, I feel healthy. I feel healthy when I know I’ve spent time on my feet, I’ve exercised, or I worked really hard at SOMETHING (whether it’s physical or mental). I agree that it’s all about balance!

  41. Kelley on June 27, 2014 at 12:02 pm

    Healthy is happy with yourself and the choices you make 🙂

  42. Kelsey on June 27, 2014 at 12:03 pm

    Healthy to me is how you feel and how you look at yourself. If I dont feel great then I know I dont look great. I then adjust accordingly and look at my activity levels and also what I have eaten lately.

  43. radhi on June 27, 2014 at 12:03 pm

    to me, healthy is the intersection of: 1- finding activities that keep you moving in a way that’s enjoyable and good for your body & mind 2- eating deliciously & nutritiously, sprinkled in with treats that are too damn good not to eat! 3- spending quality time with your cherished ones!

  44. Britt on June 27, 2014 at 12:03 pm

    I think healthy means being proud of the decisions you’re making… not ashamed, and not too critical.

  45. cara on June 27, 2014 at 12:04 pm

    Healthy is being physically, emotionally and spiritually mindful.

  46. Vera on June 27, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    Healthy is eating whole foods that nourish your body and give you energy. And moving every day. Doing something to get your heart rate up.

  47. Carly M on June 27, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    Healthy to me includes an active lifestyle, lots of fruits and vegetables, occasional indulgences, and plenty of laughter and smiles. I don’t really correlate physical appearance to health much because I’ve seen some “overweight” people much stronger, with better endurance, and ultimately happier then I’ve seen some “skinny” people. It’s about finding a balance that’s sustainable and enjoyable.

    ( * I used “” because overweight bad skinny are subjective)

  48. Antoinette S. on June 27, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    To me, being healthy means striving for balance with my food, time, relationships and practicing self-love to be able to provide love to others! I’m always trying to be more in tune with and define my version of “healthy.”

  49. Liz on June 27, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    To me, healthy means achieving a balance between healthy eating + indulging – a balance that is so ingrained that you don’t have to stress about it!

  50. Heather on June 27, 2014 at 12:07 pm

    Healthy is taking care of your body and feeling good inside and out!

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