Wilting Dolmas
Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a great morning 😀 Thank you so much for your awesome feedback on the breakfast cookie video and my OpenSky shop! Thursday AM we’ll be running a special promotion on the foam rollers… stay tuned. I can’t live without my foam roller- we have a deep and profound relationship 😉
Yesterday’s lunch was pretty legendary.
(Not my best presentation. The chard was slightly wilted but I was determined to eat it)
Raw “rice” with the usual recipe, using raisins instead of apricots
Wrapped up in the wilty chard “dolmas”, it was quite scrumptious
I have a container of rice left to top a salad with later this week 🙂
A couple of hours later, I busted into the leftover jalapeno goat cheddar cornbread from Sunday night’s Soul Food fest.
It tasted even better the next day, on a paper towel instead of a fancy plate 🙂
Pilates and Zumba were a blasty (I have a new Zumba video for ya’ll – it will be up tomorrow!) and then I met the girls at Longhorn for dinner.
I took this pic on the Crackberry, and it was a giant failure.
What happened with that one?! No one knows.
With the salmon salad beast, I also enjoyed a plain baked sweet potato, some wheaty bread, and some lovely company 🙂
I came home to my pilot who was having a date night with his girlfriend… the Air Force. He’s been a working machine lately since he’s going through an upgrade.
Well, it’s time to get these puppies outta bed and head to the base trail for a morning walk.
Have a lovely day!
Today’s tip: Let others know what your fitness goals and plans are. For example, if I tell Jeni I’m going to the gym, next time I talk to her she’ll ask me how the gym was. I don’t want to be a sucka and say the DVR sucked me in and I stayed home, ya know?? So tell me: what’s your workout schedule like for this week?? I always like to hear what other people are up to, and telling other people really is a great motivation tactic. (And no, I don’t mean running into the office and screaming: “I’m running 8 miles today!!!” I mean casually mentioning it to a friend or hubby/boyfriend/cat/etc)
Retry later
Good morning Ms Gina. 🙂
Well, I am going to make myself accountable and say that I am going to do my walk at home 5 mile DVD today. Tomorrow I will do the beginner stage of 30 day shred. With 60 pounds to lose I gotta start somewhere!!!!
Have a terrific day. 🙂
My foam roller and I have a love/hate relationship that’s fo sho. I’m always crying when rolling on it and it shows no emotion towards me!! The chard dolmas–mmmm!
My schedule:
Today a 60 min run and yoga tonight
Wed- rest day with some yoga
Thursday 60 min run AM- Spin maybe PM
Friday- yoga and weights
Sat/Sun 11 mile run (I am preparing for a 1/2 marathon April 10th!) The other day will be spin class.
I have a hard time getting in my yoga and weights with my cardio – I really need a AM and PM workout time but it takes up a lot of time and I am trying to figure it all out.
I really love your blog- thanks for taking the time to write it.
I found a running club in the area and I’m running with them tomorrow for the second time:) and some body pump, gotta lift that iron;)
I love hearing other ppl’s schedules! I do upper and lower on mon/tues/thurs/fri. Then HIIT on Weds, with some steady state cardio on the other days. A lil yoga in there, too. 🙂
Those “rice” wraps look incredibleeee mmmm! And the jalapeno goat cheese corn bread, out of this world! I so want to make that. Goat cheese is seriously amazing. Josh has also been “dating” work lately. I know its all for good in the end, I just want to steal more of his time ;)Hope the walk with the puppers goes well
I seriously will be making those wraps the second I get my hands on some cauliflower. To hold myself accountable…I will be running every day this week, since it’s gorgeous and I have a half marathon coming up in less than a month!
Ooh, I LOVE dolmas, but rarely eat them…and I’ve never made them myself! I’ll have to give these a try!
Loved the B-Fast cookie video – really need to try that!
This week – the weather is getting warmer here in Toronto & I have lugged my running shoes to do 5k at work (on my lunch) 3 times this week – and have already done my 60mins of pilates last night!
And I gave up caffine this week….oi!
I love dolmas- and yours look amazing! you make raw food look SO good.
LOL to telling your cat your workout plan:)
Really all I ever want to do is Zumba, but it is FINALLY starting to thaw out in North Dakota, so I am going for a 8.5 mile run in the park today! Woo hoo!
Umm, 30-40 min of cardio Tues, Thurs, Sat, with some weights.
my workouts for this week is forcusing on booty and abs with 2 upper body weight workouts and sprint running and one polymetric workout. so far going well bum is a little sore tho.hope you have a good week .
I love my foam roller, too. My IT bands are so so so tight, and though it kills rolling them out feels awesome after. And tonight after work I’m going to the gym come Hell or high water!!
Hello lunchtime inspiration 🙂 I have a ton of gorgeous beet greens needing to be used…wraps all the way!
Weekly workout schedule – I do Pilates four to five days a week (this week is a four day week), plus cardio 3-4 days a week and yoga on the off days. I don’t really make a plan for which day is going to be a cardio day and which day is going to be a yoga day, it depends on how I feel and the weather. For instance, today is looking sunny so I think I’m going to take my bike for a quick five mile spin around the hood. My GOAL for this week, though, is to BURN from Pilates. I have been studying extremely regularly for six months now and I no longer feel the burn that I used to feel – I still get a great workout but I feel like I’m kind of at a stasis point and want to push myself much farther. I might take a reformer class tonight before my regular mat class.
I think I may need to try that recipe now too… I loved the sushi rice, so why not that!
I’m aiming to walk outside after work today. All I can do is today, if I plan any farther ahead than that, I’m just setting myself up to fail. So today, I’ll walk.
that’s perfect. i used to do it the same way- one day at a time 🙂
bahaha tell you cat :-p Liked that one.
Hmm let’s see. This morning I did a kick butt tempo run, tomorrow is cross training and legs, Thursday is an easy 3 miles + power yoga, Friday is 3.5 miles @ 5k pace, Saturday is 9 miles (yikes!) and Sunday is a recovery 4 miles. Training for a half marathon is serious business 😉
Big week ahead! Plus..working 12 hr days :-\Have a great day, Gina!
you are a busy girl! you’re gonna rock out that half, though 🙂
I love me foam roller, it has been a life saver! My workout schedule this week is a bit different since I have an early AM appt on Friday and then leave on Saturday for FL. Monday was ST and running, today was double duty spin class, abs are on the schedule for tonight. Wed. I am going to get my HIIT on, Spin on Thursday AM followed by a Jillian dvd in the pm. I plan on bringing my core fusion pilates dvd with me on my work trip!
My running motivation has been lacking lately but the warmer weather is definitely helping.
Tues – Scuplt Class, Run 2 miles
Wed – Run 3-4 miles
Thurs – Scupt Class Run 2 miles
Friday – Run 2-3 miles
Saturday – Sculpt Class, Run 2 miles
Sunday – Run or Elliptical 2-3 miles, Bike 6 miles
Here’s to a good week!
I can just imagine the look my cat would give me if I told her I was running 8 miles. Pure condescension. 🙂 I’m planning on continuing painting/redecorating my dining/living room this evening – plenty of up and down the ladder, moving furniture, sorting through stuff, etc. Not hardcore work, but still plenty of activity.
it definitely adds up!
Those dolmas look great! And yay for a new Zumba video! I love me some Zumba! I just want to workout 3 days out of the week. If I could achieve that I would be so happy. 🙂
I love those cauliflower wraps. The recipe makes so much!!
Work out goals for this week – run, run, RUN! I’m going to be running my longest run ever on Friday. 8 miles. I’m nervous. I hope I can do it! Other than running, I’ll be doing some weight training and elliptical training. YAY for fitness 🙂
that recipe looks delish!
Tues: 20 min elliptical and 30 min strength with trainer
Wed: AM 40 min run/walk treadmill, PM 45 min elliptical
Thur: repeat Tues
Friday Repeat Wed
Sat: AM spin class, PM strength train on my own for 30 min
Sun: spin class
Tues: 30 Minute Hill Run/ 30 Min Core Fusion DVD (abs/arms/stretch)
Wed: 60 min power yoga/Legs
Thurs: 4.0-4.5 miles run (hopefully more). Core Fusion arms/abs dvd
Fri: REST!
Sat: Long Run- 7-8 Miles/yoga for stretching
Sunday: Active Rest day, walk/yoga/abs
Can’t wait for the zumba! Sounds like a blast. This week is a mix of running, yoga, pilates, and light weights. I’m starting a training regimen for a summer 2010 triathlon so maybe I’ll throw in some swimming.
I have an 8k race this Sunday (Shamrock Shuffle – woot Chicago!) so this week is a little easier than most. Yesterday was a quick 2 mile run and some light strength training (crunches and pushups). Today is a kick-butt power vinyasa yoga session, tomorrow is a 5 mile tempo run, Thursday and Friday are both yoga days, Saturday off or maybe a walk or light run, and Sunday is race dayyyyy!!!
I have a new goal for this week: After my alarm goes off (and a trip to the pottie) I will get down on the floor and do at least 15 bicycle crunches and 15 girlie pushups (hey, baby steps here) while the space heater warms the bathroom. I’m also repeating my last week of training for the disney princess half since I’m running another half this Sunday (and starting to think I’m seriously crazy).
i think you’re crazy too.. in a crazy awesome kinda way 🙂
I like today’s tip a lot. It’s a great idea. My husband doesn’t always know when I’m going to the gym, but I’m goign to start letting him know ahead of time, just so he’ll ask how it was.
Going to gym: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. Hike at home on Sunday. GO ME!
wahoo! yes, go you!!! 🙂
Thanks for asking about our workout plans. I agree it’s a great idea to share them, I always tell the hubs when I plan on running or going to the gym and he is great about asking me how it was. Tonight I have a long run planned and then tomorrow yoga and weight training. Thursday hopefully will be a short run and Friday will be more yoga/weights. I’m traveling over the weekend though, so I am planning to be flexible with my workouts.
My schedule – sit on my butt. Yep. I have to force myself so that I can rest my stress fracture that is STILL hurting after 3 months. Resting is actually much harder for me than exercising.
me too, girl, but you’ll be so glad you did it in the long run. hang in there!
LOL at telling your cat your workout plan!
Tonight I’m running 4.5 miles, tomorrow i’m doing speedwork, and Thursday I’m doing 3 miles. Saturday I’ve got 9 miles on my plate! (half-mary training) yayah!
What I would like to do and what happens are always 2 different things, with 3 kids you never know. Ideally it would be strength training MWF 30 min. and brisk waking 60 min. 5-6 times/week. So yesterday was 20 min. of strength training and 32 min. of brisk walking. Today I have a sick child so no outside stuff and depending on him it may be 15 min. dvd’s throughout the day.
i LOVE this tip! i actually feel like blogging and saying i’m going to do something means I have to do it…and it’s been a great source of accountability because of that! i’ve done yoga today, and tonight i’m going to do a killer ab workout with my sister 🙂
My workout schedule is teaching cycle on M,W, F and then teaching a weight lifting class on T/Th. On Saturday, I’m going to get in some yoga and an easy run!
Your cornbread looks delicious. 🙂
Well, I ran 6 miles on Sunday, and rested my tired legs on Monday. Today my workout buddy and I will be running 3 miles, then lifting weights. Wednesday I’ll go to Pilates. Thursday is a night off b/c I’m going to a nice restaurant with my fiance and a couple of friends. Friday I’ll run 3 or 4 miles and I’ll probably rest again on Sat. or just do some easy weights in preparation for another 6 miles on Sunday.
What’s also hilarious to me is that I look at that schedule and I’m like “only 4 workout days- that’s an easy week” whereas a couple of years ago I would have been like “4 workout days in a week! That’s sooo much!”
I keep forgetting to use my foam roller… My glutes could really use a good roll right now. This week i’m going to add swimming to my Friday am workout plan!
Pretty standard for me. I just came off a 4-day split for heavy lifting, so this week I’m doing 3 full-body heavy lifting sessions to mix it up.
I am NOTORIOUSLY BAD at mixing up my cardio. I always mix up my weights. LOL
M – full body lifting sesh, 15 minutes cardio for warmup and piriformis stretching
T – 45-60 minutes of cardio. 20 minutes HIIT, hop off and stretch, then back on for steady state until i’m bored/exhausted/bored. 🙂 abs as well.
W – full body lifting again, 10-15 minute cardio warmup, and stretch
Th – more cardio similar to tuesday. i may keep it short and quit after the HIIT, and head home and do yoga.
F – full body lifting, 10-15 minutes cardio, and stretching
And of course — the pup gets walked every evening!
Great fitness tip! I tend to be less creative with my fitness than I am with my food, so I like to roll with DVDs and just combine them over the course of a week so I’ve worked my musclies pretty evenly. So for this week, I’m rolling with my girl Jillian Michaels, and since I own all her DVDs, I can mix them up Monday through Friday so I have varying degrees of intensity and muscle group emphasis. That’s personal training, ghetto style. 😉
Since the weather here in Wisconsin is finally getting warmer (50ish degrees today!!!) I have moved many of my workouts outside this week.
Monday- I ran 6 miles around my neighborhood
Tuesday-I just got home from a 75 minute cycle class, includes 15 minutes of weights. Now off for a walk with a friend
Wednesday- I plan to run the track with my boyfriends mom and then introduce her to circuit training. Possibly get in for a quick swim too.
Thursday-I hope to get outside and get on the bike that has been hanging in my garage all winter
Friday- walk with my friend (around 6-7 miles)
Yum yum yum – I need to try those dolmas! I also loved the bf cookie and shopping posts. It’s funny that you asked about the schedules because I was just sitting down to finish the rest of my weekly workout schedule. I’m going to do: 4 mile run today, Wednesday: Upper-body/AB workout, Thursday: Spin Class, Friday: Lower-body/AB workout, Sat – 6 mile run. Thank you for helping me whip up a speedy workout schedule! Have a great day!
i love your fitness tip but i am always so hesitant to share my goals with others just because i don’t want to have others know if i don’t meet them! haha
Oddly enough I’ve been looking into getting a foam roller!
My fitness plans this week include a 9k run this evening, spin class on Thursday, a 7k run on Friday, helping a friend move on Saturday (hey! I count that as cardio AND strength training) and then hillwork with my running clinic on Sunday. Mondays and Wednesdays are my days off as I have class after work!
wait until thursday morning– it’s a crazy awesome deal (as in, i wish i could have gotten mine for this price) 🙂
M – BodyPump + 30min of intervals on the Octane
T – Spin + Inner/Outer/Glutes/Triceps/Shoulders
W – Teach Spin + Full Body Day drop sets
Th – Walk pooch + light elliptical or yoga
S – Spin + Chest/Back/Quads/Bis
Su- Spin
Whew! I’ve got quite a week planned – it’s all in my calendar though, and I won’t miss it if it’s on the cal AND I change for the gym while I’m still at work!!
I looove Dolmas! have to check out the recipe 😉
Heya Gina!
I have noticed you eat a lot of raw food, do you ever have problems with digestion?
I eat A LOT of salad, fruit and vege all raw and find that I get very badly bloated from all the fiber, do you have any tips or supplement that you take? Or does your tummy have no problems with digestions at all?
hey! drinking a lot of water helps.. i found out that when i didn’t get enough water, i had a massive bloated belly. other than that, i have no probs with digestion- your body gets used to it after a little while and my digestion is better now than it’s ever been
Thanks! I will have to up my water intake and see what happens, and yes, I’ve only changed my diet 4 months ago so this is all new for me. 😀
I started swimming again! Goal is to swim 2 times a week in addition to my current run/weights routine. While in training for a big run I find posting my progress in my office really helpful…I always have people stop by and ask how its going! Keeps me accountable…I’d hate to tell them I skipped out on the long run Saturdays for drinks by the pool instead…(cause that would nneevveerr happppeeen!)
Your tip is great and I live by it! Right when I decided to run a marathon I told 4 people and didn’t hesitate to tell others. If they thought I was going to do it, there was no way I could back out!!
Your lunch looks fantastic!
I tell my office mates each day what my workout plan is – and I would hate to let them down – let alone myself by sitting on the couch. Oh, and they’re ALWAYS sure to ask how the workout the day before was…
I’ve also found that scheduling my workout right into my online calendar helps. It’s just like an appointment. Plus I always know where I’m going to go (gym, park, etc) and what I’m going to be doing before hand – easier to plan and to get ready!
mmmmm I need some dolmas now, those look really delicious! I love sharing my workout schedule with whoever will listen!!
Today – Run 3 miles + ST class at gym (hopefully will make it in time!)
Wed – 35 mins elliptical + 1 hour yoga
Fri – Run 3 miles
Sat – 40 mins elliptical + ST
Sun – Run 5-6 miles
i’ll always listen 🙂
looks like an amazing plan!
Wow, coming from you that is a huge compliment! I was at Trader Joe’s tonight and had to stop myself from buying a container of what else…Dolmas! They didn’t look as good as yours though!
Tonight im going to my FIRST Body Tone class at my school gym
and Thursday I am defffff buying a foam roller!
seriously girl, you will love it- the foam roller changed my life 🙂