November Knockout Workout
Hey friends! I’m really excited about this month’s workout:
Unlike some of the monthly workouts we’ve done in the past, this one is done is rounds for time. Just because we’re going for time, that doesn’t mean we’re sacrificing quality. If you need to take a break to maintain proper form, do it!
So, here’s the workout:
After you warm up for 5 minutes, you’ll complete 3 rounds of the following exercises:
It’s a quick one.. and a SWEATY one.
Some form cues:
#1) Pretty self explanatory. If you’re a jump rope pro, try to change something from your usual jumping routine- try high knees, cross countries or double jumps
#2) Kettlebell swings. If you’ve never done these before, check out this video for proper form. Remember to “snap” your hips under- you use your glutes a LOT for this one- like someone is smacking you on the booty with a ruler.
#3) Keep legs wide and try to get your thighs parallel to the floor as you squat down. For the upright row, lead with your elbows and keep your core nice and toight.
#4) Jump lunge 2 times and then kick forward with the back leg, repeat until you’ve done 20 total lunges
#5) Come into a side plank and bending your bottom knee, bring it up, twist and lower down 20 times. Repear on the other side.
#6) 10 regular bicep curls, 10 jumps, hopping over the body bar. Be careful with this one, and try to get your knees up to your chest as you hop.
I hope you love it!
Please leave your time in the comments section each time you finish the workout. For more guidance on building your November workout plan, check out the monthly calendar.
Happy sweating!
Alternatives if there aren’t kettle bells at my gym? Can I swing a dumb bell around without looking like an idiot? Lol
try holding a flat weight on your chest and doing regular squats
That made me laugh out loud. 🙂
This looks like so much fun! Can’t wait to try it. Thank you!
25 minutes… battling a toddler needing turns with the jump rope, splitting those plank pulls 10 and 10, and a full minute break in between rounds 2 & 3. Awesome workout!
Can’t wait to try it!!
This looks like an awesome workout! I love doing rounds for time workouts, makes me work harder! 🙂 Thanks for putting time into this for us!
This looks like an awesome workout!!! I’m going to do it tonight! Thank you 🙂
Love that karate kick picture of you, lookin’ like a bad a$$ 🙂
ka POW! 😉
This looks awesomely sweaty! Love your workout plans!
Oh man! I cannot WAIT to do this workout. This is exactly the time I routine I enjoy -shweaty ones!
Cathy Trails
let me know what you think!
I can’t wait to try this! Thanks for posting awesome workouts. I’d love to see more like this one. This is in time for the holidays where I know I’ll overdo it and need a good workout to feel better!
This looks like a workout for a girl who’s not afraid to kick some booty!
What is the body bar? How high should it be set? Thanks!
it’s like a barbell- you can use a body bar or barbell
Oh my goshhh I can’t wait to do this! Oh to jump rope again. C’mon postpartum body, heal!
Any modifications for the side plank with leg raise? I find side planks to be reallllllly challenging! Thanks for sharing this – I’ll be trying all of the other components of the circuit tomorrow.
I’m confused about the “for time” part. I get that I should do 20 reps for 20x, right? Am I supposed to do this in a certain amount of time?
yep but you want to move as quickly as possible through the workout and repeat 3 rounds. time yourself from start to finish
Excited to try this out. How heavy of kettlebells and biceps curls do you usually go?
for bicep curls, i’ll use a 30 lb barbell and for kettlebells, 30
I wish my gym had kettlebells, but I’m going to find a way to do this workout without them. It looks awesome!
Love this workout Gina! Looks like so much fun! I love the incorporated Kettle bell moves too!
Just finished this workout in 19 min. You got the schweaty part right!! I wasn’t sure how to do the jumps over the body bar without killing myself, so I just did a tuck with the bar still in my hands.
What was your time, Gina? *just curious*
I am so happy that you included kettlebells! They are my new favorite, and I love finding new workouts that incorporate them!
No kettlebells in my gym, so I used a 15 lb dumbbell. And just 10 lbs each for the bicep curls. Finished in 16 minutes! Sweaty and triumphant as you would say…I love quick workouts
Did my version of this workout today. I was a sweaty beast! Thanks G ;0)
OH MY word! Really sweat and huffing and puffing! 19:31 total time Great workout!
whoo hoo! great job!
My back was slightly sore this morning:)
This workout looks killer, can’t wait to give it a try!
Finished in right around 18 minutes (i forgot my watch so had to go by the clock on the gym wall). Suuuper sweaty! One of my favorite workouts you’ve posted Gina! Those side planks with leg lifts……I thought I was going to collapse and die hahaha
I agree….the side planks with leg lifts were surprisingly the hardest part for me! Loved this workout tho, took me 18.5min!
Great workout! Thanks for sharing! I just did it in 19:38 (with plenty of breaks) during naptime…will have to try it again to beat my time! 🙂
I did it in about 17 min…but I don’t have real weights, though, just some filled water bottles– it was still sweaty, but I think it could be much better if I got something heavier! Thanks for designing the workout!
I like that it’s the same workout everyday. But I hope I don’t get used to it. The other workouts are awesome because each time it’s a different workout and the schedule is feasible. I love these workout calendars! Thank you Gina!
this workout sounds amazing – cannot wait to give it a go!
I tried this one today and you’re not lying about the sweat! I was drenched! A friend gave me the link to your site. Thanks for the workout. It took me 20 minutes to do but I hope to shave off 5 minutes the next time!
Wth the bicep curls and bar hops, are you supposed to complete 10 bicep curls and put the bar down, then do 10 bar hops? Or, are you supposed to do one bicep curl, put the bar down, hop over it, pick it back up and repeat that 10 times? Thanks!
Thanks for posting this workout. Since I am a new mama I love that I can do this at home. I really want to buy a kettlebell what weight(s) would you recommend?
i really like the 30 lb- it’s pretty versatile, but i’d recommend working with some to find which weight you would like to invest in
My time was 17:05! I forgot 1) How challenging a simple jump rope can be and 2) How much kettle bell swings make me want to puke — in a good way. 😉
Side not: I did my heavy lifting leg routine prior to the above workout and ended with the sweater ab burner. HOLY COW! Great workout! Thanks 🙂
Love this quick sweaty goodness workout! Finished in 19mins! Could have been faster an didn’t have a kettle bell but it was still great!
This looks awesome! I can’t wait to try it. I never feel like I’ve accomplished anything unless I’m drenched in sweat, and this definitely looks like i’ll be mighty sweaty! Thanks!
This took me about 22 minutes, just timing on my computer clock. I had to take a ton of breaks, which I didn’t expect– it’s a real killer!! Love it. To finish the workout I did an extra round a little slower, and then the new ab burner. I LOVE YOUR WORKOUTS GINA!! Thanks so much for them!
i’m so glad you liked it! 🙂
17:00minutes with a 1 min break between each round. Also paired it with the six pack in a sweater ab burner! Love it!!
I did this workout today, and you weren’t kidding about the schweaty part. Holy cow! It took me 21 minutes. Those plank things really kill!
I’m not posting my time today… took me much longer with more breaks and things in between. Does the time impact the effectiveness at all?
Such an amazing workout – quick, sweaty and perfect for Turkey Day! I wrapped mine up in 15 min, excluding warm up. Now I’m ready to gobble! Thanks, Gina!
so awesome! great job 🙂
I’ve been lurking on your site for awhile and finally got up the nerve to post my time…the first time I did this workout it took me, um, much longer than some of these other times 🙂 Did it today in 22:38 with warm-up and cool down on my spin bike (5 min each), followed by an ab burner.
whoo hoo!!! i’m so happy you got a great workout! (and hooray for stepping out of lurkdom- nice to meet you!)
I did this workout today while at the gym. I only did it twice, though, since I did it as an addition to my regular workout, and it still kicked my butt. This one is definitely a keeper for me! Thanks so much!
awesome! so happy you liked it!
Did this in my garage for a quick WOD while it’s 16 and icy out – 21 mins and sweaty as promised!