7: 6: SSU Faves + Recap
Happy Friday to ya! Doesn’t it feel like a weird day? It’s definitely more Tuesday than Monday over here, but I’ll take a weekend thankyouverymuch. Anything fun going on?
Whenever I get back from vacation, I dread the state of our fridge. I gave Meg most of our perishable stuff, and wasn’t quite sure what we’d be eating with a full day at work and no time to make it to the grocery store. Nana brought tamales for lunch, and for dinner, we scrounged up a pretty delicious meal from what we had left. Nana, the Pilot and I enjoyed dinner on the patio:
organic chicken that was in the freezer (got it last week and realized we wouldn’t use it before we left), the last couple of veggies that survived life in the fridge (carrots, a zucchini, can of chopped artichoke hearts and sundried tomatoes) and sweet potatoes with butter, cinnamon and brown sugar,
and for breakfast this morning, I had everything on hand to make some perfect protein pancakes with defrosted berries on top.
A little too excited to make it to Trader Joe’s today. Without eggs and almond butter, I shall perish from the earth.
Today, I have some of your awesome pics to share- thank you so much to those of you who have been checking in on the blog with your workouts and sending me your pics (@fitnessista on Instagram and Twitter).
But before all of that, I have these to show you that the Pilot sent me:
a baby seal on a couch and
2) the perfect upward dog.
Doesn’t that look like a nice friend for Bell? They can chase lizards and practice doga together 😉
And now, some of your incredible Summer Shape Up and healthy eat pics from the week:
@shoretorun: Pre-Beach Tabata DONE!! 4 rounds… Thanks again @fitnessista for?#tabatathursday? video 🙂
@sarajacobson: Protein fluff with chocolate chips on multigrain thin! My favorite breakfast ever.
@macluvnrn: week 3 check-in!
@jonesie1204 rocking Tabata Thursday!
@winkingannie: Celebrating the 4th by getting ?#schweaty?with @fitnessista ?#SummerShapeUp?
@sarahlawth: cookie butter 😀
@annawootton: Yum! My first go with @fitnessista ‘s breakfast cookie – sooo good!
I can’t believe that Summer Shape Up is coming to an end! It went by so quickly and I’m so happy for those of you who followed along the plan and got amazing results from your hard work and dedication. I received quite a few success story emails, and they warmed my heart more than you know. Even though I put the plans together, everything you got out of it was due to YOUR actions- I’m just here to cheer you on along the way 🙂
So here’s the part where I ask for a little feedback, if you have a couple moments to spare:
-This Shape Up was totally different than anything I’ve done in the past, and included print-outs and videos. Would you like those in the future?
-For the next Shape Up (which will be Winter Shape Up) and upcoming workout plans (Tabata Thursdays and the monthly calendars + corresponding workouts will be posted each month), what would you like to see differently? Anything I dropped the ball on, or you would like me to change/include?
-Would you rather receive everything at one time via a different method (ebook, download, newsletter) instead of in pieces?
-As far as checking in goes: yay or nay? I really loved hearing from everyone who did the workouts, but was wondering if it helped with motivation, too?
I write all of my workouts for you, so I take your likes/dislikes/suggestions to heart and make changes according to your preferences <3
Hope you’re having a great morning so far!
Off to get groceries when Liv wakes up from her nap and meeting up with friends this afternoon.
See ya later today!
Something to think:
As many of us are heading out on vacations, definitely use it as a chance to take a break, refresh and rejuvenate. As far as eats and exercise goes, sometimes you need to, or want to, take a little bit of a break from your usual routine, which is a great idea every so often. At least once a year, I’ll take at least 2 weeks off from everything (this year, it was 6 weeks) to keep myself from burning out. Remember results come from rest, not from overworking. At the same time, if you feel like you need to deviate from your usual routine to a huge extreme when you go on vacation, consider changing something about your routine. If you’re sacrificing the things you enjoy on a constant basis, or are punishing yourself at the gym, that’s not the way to do it. In the long term, it should be a lifestyle that allows the things you enjoy, and is possible -and easy!- to stick to, even on vacation.
It’s definitely difficult to take a rest day – hard for my brain but great for my body!
I totally agree with this. I’m a little high-strung, so it’s difficult for me to take rest days. It’s easier once I convince myself that resting doesn’t make me a weanie, it makes me BETTER.
Gina, as you know I really enjoyed the Summer Shape Up (I started a week late, so I’m still not quite done). I think the videos were incredibly helpful to have, since photos don’t always do the moves justice and it’s nice to know that I’m doing the moves with correct form. The only thing I think I would change would be to have all the materials available a little bit further in advance. Since I started late, it wasn’t a problem. But I’m such a planner, that I would have preferred to print everything off at the start of the program and then have it in a binder for the month ahead.
I completely agree with Madison. I started a week late as well, so I had plenty of time to plan my meals and schedule based on what had already been posted, so having it available in advance would be awesome. Also, the videos were super helpful–I learn best by watching, so though the written cues and pictures are nice, the videos are the best!
Thanks again for putting these workouts together for us! Summer Shape Up has been awesome! 🙂
I must say I agree as well… Especially that the videos REALLY were helpful. I know they are more time consuming for you to put together and it is MUCH appreciated.
thank you, i’m glad to know it was worth it 🙂
I absolutely agree about rest days. Rather than take a big chunk off, I prefer to take weeks off throughout the year. It always helps to regain motivation and boost my energy. 🙂
I want to share my thoughts on SSU with you, so I’m going to answer the questions you posed and then add my own words at the bottom…
This Shape Up was totally different than anything I’ve done in the past, and included print-outs and videos. Would you like those in the future? YES! The calendar and videos were especially helpful. I used the calendar to track — and to more easily shuffle workouts if necessary — my workouts and motivate myself. And I used the videos to execute proper form, and in the case of the Tabata training, complete timed intervals without an interval times. I did Workout 4 last night and really missed the video; I could have used a couple pointers on a couple of those moves. I almost felt like I was in a group exercise class with you!
For the next Shape Up (which will be Winter Shape Up) and upcoming workout plans (Tabata Thursdays and the monthly calendars + corresponding workouts will be posted each month), what would you like to see differently? Anything I dropped the ball on, or you would like me to change/include? I like the variety — I was never bored — and I was able to tailor my workouts to include more running (my love!) and at-home equipment where gym equipment was prescribed as well as try new things, such as Tabata training and tons of new strength combo moves. My suggestion would be to keep the variety — leave things open-ended, e.g. “45 min. cardio of choice (run, elliptical, bike)”, or provide alternatives, say, if someone doesn’t have access to an elliptical the day you call for the Biscuits are Burning workout.
Would you rather receive everything at one time via a different method (ebook, download, newsletter) instead of in pieces? I didn’t mind getting things in pieces, week to week, but I can see how having it all in one place would be helpful. My suggestion would be to create all the pieces (videos, calendar) and put them all on one page for easy access; I didn’t like having to go to the intro post, then wait for a July post, then wait for a Workout 4 post. You might want to have a sticky button on the side or top of the bloggy that says “Summer Shape Up 2012 here!” or something like that.
As far as checking in goes: yay or nay? I really loved hearing from everyone who did the workouts, but was wondering if it helped with motivation, too? I could take it or leave it. Some days, I checked in — mostly after I did that week’s workout — because I was proud of myself for doing it and wanted to tell you. Other days, I didn’t, mostly because I forgot.
I have to tell you, Gina, I look and feel amazing after doing both the 2011 Summer Shape Up and then this year’s Shape Up. My arms have never looked better. My legs look better, too. I feel comfortable in shorts and a tank…even my bikini. I lost a couple pounds (bounced around thanks to summer treats like cold beers and ice cream and grilled goodies) in the end, which really is a bonus. I just started training for a half marathon in September, and I feel so confident and prepared. I have 5 miles on the plan Sunday, and I feel like (despite the heat) it will be a walk in the park. My stamina and speed have definitely improved, in part, I believe, to the SSU. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your time, talent and expertise FOR FREE with all of us, to make us look and feel better and more fit and for showing us what it means to live a balanced life. You seriously ROCK!
I really liked the videos and photos this time around for the shape up! It also allows you to incorporate some fun/funky/difficult moves that might be too hard to explain in text.
I also like any additional small workouts like an ab burner, arm toning, etc that can be sprinkled in between the harder, longer workouts. Ooh, I just did Zuzana’s WOW workout #22 (from her youtube channel) this morning and WHOA it was a sweat fest!! Highly recommend it.
It’s always fun to try new to me workouts that are actually doable, but challenging. Thanks again, Gina!! I still need to try one of those breakfast cookies. Also love Ashley’s (edible perspective) buckwheat bakes w/ bananas and blueberries baked in.
Hi Gina!
I absolutely loved this Shape Up series. I found it so much easier to follow – and the workout videos were so helpful in giving me a mental image of what I was supposed to be doing. Sometimes the pictures alone don’t really connect. So I would LOVE to see videos again in the future!
I am neutral on the week-by-week or all-at-once format – it is nice to learn each workout one week at a time (then you don’t know what you’re getting into!). But I think it would be helpful to have the schedule for all four weeks at the beginning. As far as method, the blog worked for me – but I agree with Kayla about having a sidebar button that would let us easily access all the info.
And I didn’t check in, but it was motivating to see you post pictures of other people doing the workouts…great job to all of you!!! And THANK you, Gina, for giving us this amazing workout!
I would like to adopt a baby seal, please.
I thought this shape up was so amazing. I especially liked the videos (I’ve already commented on this…twice) because they really motivate me. I would even love for you to film yourself doing the weight lifting, etc. though I know that’s asking a lot. The print outs were helpful too! Even if you don’t change anything, though, I will still continue to do your workouts because they are the best!
I loved everything about it: the motivation, descriptions, variety, camaraderie, checking in, your responses, etc. Like I mentioned before, I will do this series again this summer! I don’t know/track exact measurements or numbers (as far as results), but I do know I had fun and pushed myself. I was already in shape, but this was something different and energizing! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
This was my first time following any of your workouts/shape ups and I absolutely LOVED it! Even though it was all online, I felt accountable for my workouts and felt dissapointed whenever I could not complete what I had planned. It was great motivation, and I worked out harder and for more days that I normally would have. It was great! I loved the printouts, form cues, and videos. They were SO helpful because sometimes I wasn’t sure how to complete and exercise, and watching the video or looking at the pictures helped me figure it out. I also loved reading other peoples comments and found them very motivating as well. I was so happy when I saw the complete July calendar posted with ideas of workout schedules. Even though I probably won’t follow it 100%, its great to have a guide. Thanks so much!! I will miss SSU but look forward to the Winter version 🙂
I really loved this SSU, especially the printable meal plans, grocery lists and workout calendars. It made meal prep so easy and was fun to switch things up from the norm. I would love to see monthly calendars like you did for July. Thank you so much. Your blog is the best and you are inspirational!
I loved everything about SSU 2012! My favorite part of SSU is that I can get an awesome workout in the 30 minute lunch time I have, plus I never have to search for random pieces of equipment. I have limited access to things at my gym (there was a flooding issue so certain rooms are closed, and I don’t like working out in the main room with all the guys), so SSU was perfect. I only needed some free weights and occasionally a ball or chair.
I’ve looked at some of the previous SSU routines and I like the 2012 layout much better. I love having the pictures and videos to explain what exactly I need to do. It keeps me from possibly injuring myself because of bad form or doing an exercise completely wrong! I also like that there was more of a focus on cardio one day and strength (with a small amount of cardio) on other days. Like I mentioned above, I only have 30 minutes to work out so it’s hard for me to do programs that call for 15 minute so cardio, then strength, then back to cardio. Yet, I still feel like I get great workouts throughout the week. Plus, on the few days I have extra time, it was certainly easy enough to fit in some extra cardio on the treadmill.
You’ve probably guessed that I’m a huge fan of the check in idea. I have trouble working out alone or when I don’t have someone to help hold me accountable. I know some people don’t need it, but for those of us who do, it’s a great motivator. It helped push me because I wanted to have a good check in with a hardcore workout update to give you each day. Plus, it always boosted my confidence and energy when you would reply or I would get a shout out in one of your blogs. : )
I loved the videos! Usually if I don’t know a move I have to look it up online, which can take for-ev-er….it’s so helpful to have all the moves in one place! Thanks for a great program!
Hi Gina! I loved everything about the shape up this year. It is the first one that I have done and the videos, calendars, and from cues made it all so easy and comprehensive to follow. I love the printout calendars and menus, I put them on my fridge each week. I agree with Kayla: it would be nice to have a tab or something to click on that just has all of the ssu stuff in one place. I enjoyed checking in, it motivated me to do my workouts each day and it felt like you were giving me personal encouragement along the way!
I have seen such great results over the past 4 weeks. The workouts were awesome because they really forced me to mix up my usual routine and provided me with a ton of new ideas of what to do when I work out. I have lost weight (back to pre baby weight!) and because of the meal calendars you made I was really able to refine my eats. I have so much energy and look forward to working out and getting a little schweaty every day. Thanks so much!!
I hate that post-vacation nothing to eat, no time to shop, been traveling so extra hungry but have almost nothing to work with – but your meal looks fabulous! Mine are usually no where that pretty post-trip!
The videos were such a huge help. This is my third online ‘bootcamp’ type thing and the videos absolutely set it apart from the rest. When at home, I always question myself about form. The videos kept me from doubting myself and therefore getting a better workout. That and i am injury free! Please keep Tabata Thursdays in the next one. quick and easy is sometimes all you can do, so i appreciate the different options to rotate in my workouts when i am not following an on-line program.
I did some of the SSU as a compliment to my usual routine at the gym (ACAC, we have great strength classes, athletic conditioning classes, and a “fit camp” similar to SSU) and loved it (my two boys (3,6) thought i was crazy working out in the living room). it was great when i was traveling to print one up too.
I love the print ups although I would have appreciated have the deets (how many reps and key form cues) somehow included on the printout. several times, I had to stop to review the webpage and make little notes on my printout. otherwise, thanks so much! you did a superb job and are such an inspiration. rock on.
I commented below as well, but forgot to mention that I completely agree about next time including the reps, suggested weight, or form cues as I kept having to refer to my iphone for the webpage details during the workout. It was such a great SSU and I loved every move feeling like I was working so many things with less than 10 moves. 🙂
I love the way you set it up this year Gina! I’ll admit that I followed your workouts loosely and mixed them in with my own, but I’m starting to learn that I love getting prescribed workout ‘challenges’ from others and proving to myself that I can do them. I think you should definitely keep up with the check-ins, and I should most definitely remind myself to send you pics after completing the hot and schweaty workouts because I’ve forgotten every single time! (I don’t normally take my phone into the gym with me, but I like having sweaty proof too!)
This was such a fantastic Shape-up Gina.
What I found the best: I always printed off the workout pictures and watched the videos for form as well as followed the Tabata Training on Thursdays. I’m a visual learner so I actually didn’t even read the write-ups on each move. I LOVED the option for variety on time or # of circuits, and didn’t make me feel like I was cheating (ex for the workouts choosing to do it 2 OR 3 times, or for cardio 20, 30 or 45min). I also liked checking in and reading other peoples’ comments on how they found the day/workout went.
I would love for the 4 week plan to all be in one accessible place and as a few other people commented, I’m a bit of a planner and would have liked to see everything all at once. I found combining tabata circuits with a workout to be a bit intense. Wasn’t sure if that just meant 1 round of tabata and then do the strength workout, or 3 rounds of tabata plus 3 more circuits of a strength workout. Perhaps that’s the point though? To push myself! I’ll have to rise to the challenge!
This is the best workout I’ve followed, have seen results, and feel like I was actually working out less than I normally do. I had gained about 15 pounds and lost 6 before starting the program. This program helped me lose an additional 5. So I’m in the final phase and have 5 more to go. I guess it’s about working out ‘smarter’. I feel I learned a lot through you.
You know your stuff girl and I loved every minute of this. Sad it’s over- but plan to use these workouts and overall plan in July. 🙂
I totally ‘GET’ the no groceries after vacay anxiety!! I hate it. Haha.
Hope you get to your beloved TJs today 🙂
This Shape Up was totally different than anything I’ve done in the past, and included print-outs and videos. Would you like those in the future?
I absolutely LOVED having the videos. I don’t have a printer, so I would just jot down the moves on a notecard and watch the video and ad some notes to my notecard based on the video.
-For the next Shape Up (which will be Winter Shape Up) and upcoming workout plans (Tabata Thursdays and the monthly calendars + corresponding workouts will be posted each month), what would you like to see differently? Anything I dropped the ball on, or you would like me to change/include?
Nothing different, really. I loved the variety of the workouts and how quick and efficient they are. I LOVED that it was one circuit workout per week (repeated 2-3 times) because it made it much quicker to do the 2nd and/or 3rd time b/c we knew what to expect and didn’t have to stop to read our notes between each move. Then changing the workout up the next week was great for our bodies.
-Would you rather receive everything at one time via a different method (ebook, download, newsletter) instead of in pieces?
I liked getting the workouts week by week. I think if it was all given at once it would seem overwhelming and more daunting. By the time a new week is posted we feel strong and powerful from the previous week, which helped me to look forward to the next week. I agree with some others, a tab or something on your sidebar would be nice – maybe a page for the calendar and links to each week, and then separate pages for each week??? I would love to get EVERYTHING at the beginning of the week (i.e. tabata thursday, ab burners, etc) so that I can rearrange as needed based on my schedule, yet still get everything in.
-As far as checking in goes: yay or nay? I really loved hearing from everyone who did the workouts, but was wondering if it helped with motivation, too?
I really only liked posting at the end of the week. I am pretty motivated so I don’t feel like I need a daily check in, but I liked being able to let you know how I was feeling and that I kept up with the plan. Not sure if this is something feasible or not, but if you could get some sponsors and offer small prizes each week I think people would be more inclined to check-in. I don’t necessarily need prizes, but I know a lot of people need some external motivation 🙂
Overall, I LOVED this workout series (I still have one week left, since I’m a week behind). I loved how much thought went into the workouts to really make them full body. For personal reasons I had to take off about 7-8 months from hard exercise, and this was a great way to get me back in the game. I feel stronger, and my husband even noticed that I have thinned a little around my mid-section. Thank you so so so much for your dedication. I look forward to your blog EVERY day – whether it be a family post (I seriously think that Olivia is the cutest baby in the blog world), a workout, or just a summary of your day. Keep up the good work 😉
Hi! So I have been following the SSU (one week behind!) and have been loving it! As a runner, I am great with steady-state cardio, but need to push myself to do intervals, plyo, and TABATA more often, so your plan has really challenged me in a great way! Last night at the gym, my husband came over to me after I did Workout 3 + tabata and said he could never do the workout I just did–and three weeks ago I didn’t think I could either (last week just tabata about put me into cardiac arrest!). I wanted to comment to encourage you that this was so great and I would love more workouts like this in the future–aaaand I really hope this isn’t weird, but I can tell SSU has been on my mind because you were in my dream last night?! SO weird. Anyway, thank you!!
This was my first time doing one of your workouts, and I really loved it. I was so impressed with how challenging they and well-organized they were! The videos were super helpful for moves I had never done before and tabata. I loved how flexible & varied the workouts were (mixing up strength & cardio, being able to tailor the length of the circuit training based on my time). I’m normally a runner and don’t include much, if any, variation. Not only did I really enjoy the workouts, my arms are more toned and I have more stamina and speed. I’m so pumped there are July workouts, too! I REALLY appreciate all the time & effort you put into ssu, thank you!!! Ps. Having everything up front would be nice but not necessary. I loved the calendar.
Hi Gina,
First off, thanks for taking the time to create all of this to share. It’s awesome!
I have to say that I absolutely loved the videos. The tabata videos were my favorite. I literally brought my iPhone to the gym, and did them “with you”. It was great! I hope you keep that part of it going, for sure.
Thanks again!
Thanks for including my pic! The breakfast cookie really was soooo good.
By the way, I totally just tried your cookie dough cereal for the first time this morning too. Both amazing additions to my breakfast rotation! Thank you!
SSU was so amazing this year that I feel horrible even saying anything that I think could change. You really put your sole into it this time and IT. WAS. AWESOME.
There’s just a couple of things that others have mentioned also.
I would like to see everything at once- exercises, meal ideas. It doesn’t have to be everything for all four weeks but at least each week. With a baby and my hubby’s schedule, I really have to plan my workouts.
And maybe try to put up all the info for the upcoming week on Fri or Sat instead of Sunday. Alot of people grocery shop on Sat for the next week.
Overall, it was incredible. I LOVE the videos. I am visual so they really helped.
P.S. Your blog definitely earns all of the recognition it has gotten! It’s THE BEST. That is all.
I’ve really loved SSU! It’s the first “Shape-Up” I’ve done and really the first workout plan I’ve done besides some marathon training plans. I had picked random workouts from your website in the past (loved them) so I figured I would enjoy this too! I really loved already having my workout planned out for me, it definitely made the getting to the gym part easier when I knew exactly what I needed to do.
LOVED the videos, especially for Tabata. They were awesome in helping with correct form for the lifts! And the workouts seemed to be a really doable length yet still made me feel like I really worked hard–which is difficult to do when I’m just winging a workout on my own.
The Bedtime Ab Burner was a nice little addition too. Easy and short, but could definitely feel it!
I do feel like I cleaned up what I was eating because I was following this plan (couldn’t follow the recipes or meal plans because I was living somewhere I couldn’t cook)–but it made me more conscious of making healthier choices. And I did drop a few lbs and noticed that my arms seem much more toned than before! Must be all those push-ups and plank-walks (it was a love-hate relationship :p)
Thank you so much for making the SSU and for being so supportive during it! It’s been a lot of fun 🙂 I might repeat it and combine it with some of the July workouts you post!
I think others covered what I was going to say–liked the variety, having everything in one place/with a button on the top of your page would be great, and the flexibility was great.
Thanks again!!
Yay for all the ladies for getting in their SSU workouts! I’m definitely on the same page with rest days and just recently really started putting that into practice. I feel much more motivated and remember why I love to workout when I just step back and take a week off at a time.
Totally agree with your Something to Think! I finally came to terms with the fact that I’m just not motivated to do any real fitness right now after trying and giving up on a couple of workout plans. For now I’m pretty content with walking the dog daily and some occasional push-ups and sit-ups as long as I eat normally. Despite taking a break, I just went down a pants size! There’s a lot to be said for recovery and rest.
For feedback, although I’m not officially participaing in the SSU, I really appreciate the print-outs and videos. I sometimes do them on the days I feel like a little sumpin’ sumpin’ different 😉
LOVED SSU! I loved the videos so I didn’t have to google every move I was unfamiliar with and loved that i could do it all at home while baby napped. I actually liked getting the workouts one at a time so I could just concentrate on that week and not on what was coming. I’m one of those people thatreads the last page of a book before I start it, so it worked for me to ot have the option to look ahead. I didn’t do the eating plan, but I agree with the comment above about maybe putting it up on fri or sat am because a lot of people grocery shop or meal plan saturday. i’m planning to start the whole month over on Monday and then may try one of the past SSU or WSU after that. Thanks for all your had work!
gina, where do i get the recipe for THAT cookie butter that someone posted above??? it looks delish!! i looked through the meal plans and didn’t see it.
here ya go! http://fitnessista.com/2011/12/nut-butter-envy/
the monster in my belly says thanks!
Hey Gina,
Just wanted to send a big thank you your way for the Summer Shape Up! I really enjoyed the workouts and loved that I didn’t have to go to the gym to do most of them. I’ve sort of been in a gym rut–when I take classes it’s great, but something about it being summer makes the gym kind of depressing.
My favorite part was having the monthly calendar view of workouts. I printed it out and pinned it on my bulletin board so every night when I was prepping my meals and getting stuff together for the next morning I knew exactly what was next. I know it’s a big time commitment on your end, but do you think it would be possible to have those every month for those who want to follow along? Even as general as “30 minutes steady state” and “upper body + HIIT” is a great help; I find that it gives me a framework for the pattern of effective workouts, meaning if I do steady state one day and weights the next, it might be good to take a rest day on that third day instead of pushing through with an insane workout. I keep a fitness journal that goes by week which I LOVE, but it’s nice to see how it plays into a larger framework.
Thanks so much for all of your hard work! The workouts were outside of the box and I appreciated that they weren’t a big time commitment.
Also, I’m OBSESSED with Tabata Thursday–historically Thursdays are when I hit my workout slump of the week and am very willing to skip out completely, so to have a workout I can do in under 15 minutes in my apartment is incredible. I know we can put them together ourselves, but is that something that you would consider making a weekly feature? The videos were SO SO SO helpful–it was great to learn correct form and then participate WITH you. I felt like you were sweating it out right next to me, and it was so motivating!
i’m so happy you’ve enjoyed them! and yes, i plan to do it weekly from now on 🙂
yep, i’ll definitely have the calendar for every month! let me know if you missed the july one and i’ll send it to ya 🙂
I found your website a couple of weeks ago and I adore it!
I just wanted to give you a quick comment on when you posted the menus for the next week; I live in Europe so by the time you posted the menus it was already late afternoon here and I had to run to the shop to get the food and then run home to cook before I went to bed. It would be great if the menus were posted even earlier, maybe Saturday night or so? That would give us (well me at least) some more time to prepare and cook =)
Loved the breakfast cookie!¨
Btw, we are going on a holiday soon and if anyone has any ideas of a good, protein rich snack I could take with me when sightseeing etc (aka something that doesn’t go off if it is in room temperature) I would really appreciate it.
i think the amazeballs should be ok at room temp!
thank you so much for checking out my blog! have an amazing time on your trip
I honestly think this is your best SSU yet, Gina! You did amazing AND put a lot A LOT of work into it and it shows 🙂 I am all about “congratulating” and giving recognition to people, so I love how you did that with this years’ SSU 🙂 <3
thank you, lovely!
I agree with lots of people here — I really appreciate the time you’ve put into this! I know it can’t be easy getting the video together, designing a printable guide, making calendars, etc…
My one recommendation (which some others have also suggested) is to have weight suggestions, reps, and form cues (if you can fit them) on the printable guide. It’s not a big deal though. I usually just printed the picture, and wrote the reps on the edges…
I have to say, I didn’t use the meal plan as much, but I really love having access to the recipes you provided. Those were fun too.
But seriously, the videos. They are just so helpful, and so awesome. I was emailing the videos to my workout buddies, saying “you ladies ready for this sh** tonight!?!?” It was a great way to get us pumped. Thank you so much!
I loved the SSU program. The videos helped a bunch. It is apparent that you put a lot of time and effort into this program. Your passion for health and fitness is contagious. Thank you for giving so freely your time and your talents. You are a blessing and an answer to a prayer for me.
thank you- i appreciate your kind words so much! keep up the amazing work
I LOVED the SSU! It was so helpful to organize me with my workouts. Since I’m not training for any race right now it helped keep my exercise interesting and fun and I never got bored. I really like how you gave us the calendar so that I could plan according to my schedule and switch things out when I needed to. The meal ideas were SO helpful, especially in the summer with all the extra treats, they’re a great way to plan ahead. I really appreciated the videos too because I could follow along for tabatas or double check when I wasn’t sure exactly how to do a move. the pictures were also great because it showed proper form and I could refer back to them as I went through the workouts. Thanks again!!
First of all, thank you for the little blurb on the importance on rest. I am going to Italy for 2 weeks, and while I was planning to run while I was there my travel partner just injured his knee and I don’t feel safe running around Italy alone. So I have started to stress about not exercising on my trip, but now I understand your point. Still, I’m going to miss it… I just love the way running makes my body and mind feel.
Secondly, loved..LOVED this SSU!!! I reeeeeaaaalllly loved the pictures, images, print-outs, and videos. I’m sure it was a lot more work for you to put together, but I GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!!! I didn’t really check-in much because sometimes I strayed from the calendar/schedule.
One suggestion: I like to plan like 5 years in advance (I know, I have issues…control or anxiety, probably both!) so if it is possible, even though the workouts are scheduled to start on a Monday, could you post them a few days in advance, like on Thursdays? That may be more difficult for your schedule, so I understand if no, but sometimes I can’t get to your blog until Mondays and I like to plan ahead.
Thanks for a tough, but awesome SSU!
I loved the SSU! I’m two weeks behind, since I moved in the middle to a new city and had to stay with friends the week before my new place was available, so I started over. I loved that you gave us the videos. I usually would access the workout on my phone while at the gym, so I loved the visuals and how I could watch the video at the gym if I needed a refresher on a specific move. Like others have said, I would have liked to have everything at once, but I also recognize how much work went into this, so that might not be possible with your schedule. If anything, I would just love to go to one page and see all the info. I have a question about the active rest days though: I’m thinking about trying the Dailey Method workouts since there is a location in my new hometown. I wanted to put them in on my active rest and rest days. Thoughts? Since you’ve done bar method type classes, I thought you might be able to give me some advice on how strenuous the classes are and whether or not they would be ok on the day after a weight day?
i think it may be too much for active rest- maybe instead of a strength day, do that instead
Gina you are awesome for making the printouts and videos! I have not been following everything, mainly because working full time and working on my masters makes my schedule crazy, so if I just want to run or whatever I allow it as long as I’m getting some good exercise in! I am keeping the printouts to use to change things up and use from now on, so I don’t get stuck on just a few movements!
This was my first shape up so I have nothing to compare it with but wow, I LOVED everything about it!!!!
I love love loved the videos! I am a very visual learner and a lot of the moves were new to me, so they were incredibly helpful. I really missed it during week 4! (and am sure I was doing those leg raises wrong. We’re we supposed to keep the leg straight and moving down to the ground then straight up and back?? I couldn’t figure out how high I was supposed to raise it and how low to lower it?)
Something I’d like to see different is more modifications. My knees started to really ache by the end, from all the plyometrics in the SSU, tabata, HIIT (I used TurboFire), and running. Mods for stuff like the squat jump shuffle would’ve been nice. Also modifications for stuff that requires equipment, like the exercise ball.
I liked getting everything in parts rather than all at once! I liked not knowing until that day what my workout would consist of, and it made me super excited to check the blog when a new workout was due to be posted. I also think it kept everyone on the same track, as having it all in advance may have resulted in more people switching things around, choosing to mix things up, etc. and I really enjoyed that we were all doing it (and reacting to it) together.
thank you for the feedback- i’ll definitely include more modifications next time
Hi Gina,
I didn’t do this summer shape-up because I started reading your blog only very recently and it had already started, but I would love it if you would post some kind of monthly type of thing with all the workouts for the month. I got confused trying to go back and find the beginning/understand what was going on (having jumped in in the middle) so I think that would be really helpful to your newer readers!! Keep up the great work!
awesome- thank you!
Loved everything about this years SSU. The videos were great, the links made finding recipes easy. I loved the menus as well. Instead of just suggestions for various meals, it was nice to see how they all fit together in a day and week.
And I am a super planner, but having everything on Sunday was fine by me. Maybe Friday evening even, since you don’t tend to post as much much over the weekends. All at once would work, too.
Thank you for everything, Gina!
I think this was the best SSU yet!!! It was very easy to follow and i love how you layed out eat weeks meal plan with a link to the recipe and a grocery list! My ultimate fav part were the videos (especially the Tabata Thursdays!) It was so motivating to work out “with” you! 🙂 I liked seeing everything in pieces, it made each week exciting! thank you sooo much!!! u totally don’t have to do all this for free for us and i just want you to know how much I appreciate it!!! <3 U rock!
thank you so much, kristin! xoxo
I really enjoy the summer shape up. I feel like a have my own professional plan without paying a dime :/
I really liked the videos, it was fun (and helpful) to hear from you. You have such a fun personality and it’s even better on videos 🙂 The prints were also helpful when I did not have to time to watch the videos.
I don’t mind having everything bit by bit. I think it would be hard on your shoulders to deliver everything at once. Plus, it kept us waiting for more 🙂
Like it has been said previously, I think a little button on top of your page with «Shape Up plan» would make things easier to find. If I was a new reader, I even think it would be something that would give your blog a oomph.
Thank you very much, I can’t even imagine the hard work it was to put everything together.
love these ideas, thank you!
I LOVE your blog! Rest is very important, to tell you the truth I am addicted to exercise and it is SO HARD to
take rest breaks. I do try and get at least 1 rest day a week and then I space out HIIT, hypertrophy training, and pole dancing. If I know my body really needs a break but I’m feeling antsy then I can pole dance + exotic exercise trying to do only a few tricks and then focusing on my floorwork. So that way it’s more like a active rest day, you know?
P.S. Your meal made out of “odds and ends” is making my mouth water, LOL! 🙂
Love the feedback and videos. I would love to see those again. I dooms the idea of having everything posted at once because then I could print it all out and plan a little more in advance, especially the food prep. Thanks for the SSU! It was awesome!
Hello, Gina! I just started reading your blogs 2 months ago and I like so many things about: organization, color, context, etc. More importantly, I’m always learning something new here. As a college student, fitness sometimes takes a backseat to studying and work ( which makes me feel a little guilty at times), also finding time to come up with new workout routines during the semester can be a little challenging. However, your blog has been an excellent resource and I’m definetly using the summer shape ups and the tabata workouts when school gets in full swing. In my opinion, summer shape ups were presented very well, easy to follow, detailed, and I don’t think anything should really change. Hats off to you for taking good care of your family, updating the blog on daily, and for making fitness fun and not a chore! =)
awesome, thank you so much, liz!
Hi Gina! Since I loved participating in your summer shape up (my first time!), I wanted to weigh in. 😉
I loved having the printout and videos. Those helped A LOT. Having the videos made me sure that I was doing the exercise correctly, and the printout was used when I actually did the workout. I also liked having the workouts come piece by piece. It gave me something to look forward to instead of just Monday! Haha! Checking in was the best part because it made me accountable. It was also nice to hear how other people were doing. My only request would be to have a HIIT workout. I love your workouts, so a HIIT one would be fun! Last of all — THANK YOU! I really enjoyed this!!
I loved SSU – this was by far the best and the one I’ve enjoyed the most! It just gets better every year. 🙂 My favorite parts were the pictures and videos, especially the videos because I could see exactly how to do the moves. And it was so motivating to see you doing them. I loathe burpees, but I always powered through bc I was doing them “with” you, and you inspired me to keep going. I loved feeling like I was working out with you cheering me on. And the check-in was such a fun new addition that also motivated me and made me feel proud to let you know that I’d done it. All in all, fabulous job, Gina – and thank you so much! I know this was a huge time and energy commitment and all for free!! You are my favorite fitness blogger and instructor! <3