Juicy Girl

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for your awesome feedback on the โ€œGetting Startedโ€ post ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope your Indian Food Wednesday has been going well.

As yaโ€™ll know, Iโ€™m a Juicy Girl.

Not just this kind of juicy:

  juicy-couture-logo1 (Source)


(There is a scary amount of Juicy hoodies in my closet)

THIS kind of juicy:


Iโ€™ve been juicing everything under the sun today, which I full attribute to the GLORIOUS weather.

It started out this morning, when I made a raw vegan Red Bull (aka green juice) before walking the puppers:


Into the mix went:

-1 cucumber

-lots of spinach

-4 kale ribs

-a green apple

-1/2 lemon


-1/2 t spirulina

All organic. All delicious.

green juice

The puppies hide when I turn the juicer onโ€ฆ I think theyโ€™re afraid I might juice them.


I would never ๐Ÿ˜€

The pilot had an orange-apple juice, we walked the puppies for 30 minutes, munched breakfast and then Ashley and I hit up a local farmerโ€™s market.

In other words, Publizzle lost a lot of business todayโ€”the produce was so FRESH and inexpensive.

I took a blurry Crackberry pic.. didnโ€™t want to get in trouble my first time in there for snapping pictures


The prices were seriously out of control.

-bunches of collard greens for .79

-3 lbs sweet potatoes for $1

-pint of strawberries, $1

-local honey, $5.99 for a giant jar

-and other ridiculous deals

I bought a bunch of produce for the juicer and for my face (plums, strawberries, avocado, apples, pears, sweet potatoes) and honey for the pilot..and spent $11!! CRAZY. Iโ€™ll be back fo sho.

Ashley and I came back to my casa, lounged by the pool for an hour and then I made smoothies and juice for us.

She had a Spice-C smoothie (recipe from 105degrees)


And I had a small taster of the Spice-C with a juice made of carrots, beet, ginger, cayenne and death. It tasted so bad.. definitely needs an apple in there next time, or some Stevia.


We met Jeni at the gym and dominated our backs for an hour. Iโ€™m going to be pleasantly sore tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

I get asked pretty often what my favorite juice recipes are. The thing is, Iโ€™m not that creative when it comes to juices.. I usually roll with the green juice mentioned above โ€“if Iโ€™m feeling crazy, Iโ€™ll add some parsley- or carrot, apple, beet. Iโ€™d love to get more creative! What are you favorite juice recipes??

Well Iโ€™m off to work, then INDIAN!!! Wahoo! ๐Ÿ™‚



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  1. kara on March 25, 2010 at 8:57 am

    I’ve never juiced anything before but want to try it! I love juice in the summertime especially. Thanks for all the yummy recipes I want to try!

  2. Midgetkeeper on March 25, 2010 at 9:02 am

    I’ve been wanting to get a juicer for a while. I’m sure my Daughter would love it.

  3. Pure2Raw Twins on March 25, 2010 at 10:08 am

    Love all the juices! All of them so are pretty ๐Ÿ˜‰ Favorite juice is carrot, beets, cucumber.

  4. Lauren @ Eat, Drink, and Be Hopeful on March 25, 2010 at 10:26 am

    All the juices sound really great. I have always wanted a juicer, but I feel like I will never use it. Does it take a lot of work and clean up? I’ll stick to smoothies for now, but those colors look fantastic. And I can’t wait till the Farmers Market opens near me. YAY for spring!

    • Fitnessista on March 25, 2010 at 12:57 pm

      nope i cheat and rinse everything off and throw it in the dishwasher ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. AmyJoGo on March 25, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    You’ve inspired me to try so many new things in the past year! We recently bought a juicer…received it yesterday, actually. So I’ll be hitting up the store tonight for juice ingredients. Do you think juicing w/out adding sugar and sugar substitutes will help with weightloss? There’s so much buzz about fiber in fruits, I wonder if juicing will completely cut out the fiber.

    • Fitnessista on March 25, 2010 at 12:51 pm

      yes juicing does eliminate most of the fiber, making it easier to digest. i think it can definitely help with weightloss because your body can focus on doing other things instead of breaking down the juice

  6. kalli@fitandfortysomething on March 25, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    oh i love juicy couture! i own a ton of sweatshirts too ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Kristal (from Moody Zumba) on March 25, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    hey i just got a juicer book and I have a fave one for the am. I dont drink it all the time seeing how fruit as so much sugar… but its still good for you and grapefruit is good for your metabolism… but its delish… try this… 1 grapefruit 2 navel oranges 1 lemon and like an inch inch in a half ginger root. delish… it makes like a tall glass… i just cut the peels off and leave some of the white. Very good ESPECIALLY on these hotter days. Its like a Summer Refresher. But Ill show you the book at the gym when you get back. I did Pilates yesterday and wow do i feel it today. but i love that i feel it!!! you should come on monday. I think you would be able to do it with your knee right?? well ill catch up with you. P.S. tried the Chia Goodness chocolate breakfast with cold milk and YUM!!! loved it! ALSO love my GORAW chocolate super cookies. Im pretty excited about it all… I wont know how to find the reply to this if you do so just email me if ya want…

  8. Kristal (from Moody Zumba) on March 25, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    and p.s. i wanna go to the farmers market!!! let me know when you go next…

  9. Erin on March 27, 2010 at 2:08 am

    well I have a question for you!

    I am new to green monsters… I am confused on how I add the Kale and how many leaves? Last time I added like 6 leaves and it was terrible. should I add just the leafy part; just the stem part in the middle? how many?

    • Fitnessista on March 27, 2010 at 10:31 am

      do you mean green monster like a smoothie?? i juice the kale leaves, i never blend them into smoothies because they taste horrible to me, haha. juiced, they taste ok ๐Ÿ™‚

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