A Day

Hi friends 😀 Hope you’ve had a lovely afternoon. So glad you liked the circuit workout and it was fun to see comments from the from-Ireland Kerrygold lovers <3

It has been “a day” over here.


Latte partially saved it.

[A decaf rice milk 1-pump vanilla latte to be exact]

latte (2)

I had a lovely time at my nana’s birthday lunch, but had to spend some of it on the phone with our bank because someone in North Carolina had made a counterfeit card linked to my card number and had gone on a $1000 shopping spree by the time they froze my card. :/

It was declined at the restaurant for a $6 gift shop purchase, and when I called the bank to see what was up –I knew we had at least $6 in our account- they let me know of the fraudulent activity and that they’d be sending me a new card. Thank goodness we’re not liable for any of the bogus charges, but I definitely feel violated and have no debit card to use in the meantime. Thank goodness the Pilot’s still works.

For lunch, I ordered the Greek salad with goat cheese instead of feta + tofu.


I usually roll with the blackened salmon, but Blue Willow has AMAZING grilled tofu and I was in the mood.

+ a bite of this glorious funfetti Bundt cake


The next 24 hours are going to be insane because we’re supposed to sign papers for our house, and the only time I could do it was during my lunch break tomorrow and I was booked for an HR appointment –and just found out about it today- that I called to reschedule and can’t. Still haven’t figured that one out yet…

What I’m thankful for:

-the fact that I woke up an hour early to practice yoga and meditate before starting the day

-none of this will matter a week from now and in the grand scheme of things, it really isn’t a big deal.

Off to do house-related craziness but promise to be back later tonight with a fun family post.



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  1. Sarah on July 20, 2011 at 10:15 am

    Hi Gina,

    “-none of this will matter a week from now and in the grand scheme of things, it really isn’t a big deal.”

    Thanks so much for putting things in perspective. The debit card thing happened to me last month and I wish I had taken your approach instead of stressing so much. I will def. think of your line next time I’m in a similar situation. Thanks for keeping it positive and reminding us all that family can get you through just about anything! I hope you have a much better day today!

    • Liz on July 20, 2011 at 10:53 am

      I agree with Sarah. Thanks so much for putting things in perspective. Sometimes we all need a reality check like that 🙂

  2. Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola on July 20, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    What a great perspective to have! You are so right but sometimes it is hard to remember that in the moment! Thanks for sharing with all of us! I’m so sorry that happened with the debit card- that’s so frustrating but I’m glad your bank caught it in time and that you won’t be responsible for any extra charges.

    PS. That funfetti bundt cake looks amazing!!

  3. Amber on July 20, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Feeling violated/paranoid after identity theft sucks. Been there. Last fall, some creep hacked into my online bank account, advanced $3400 from my credit card as cash into my checking, then withdrew $3300 of it. But left $100- maybe to be nice? I had to go through the whole rigamarole for ID theft because I have no clue how they got into the account. Change your passwords often is the best advice I can offer.

  4. Nikki on July 20, 2011 at 5:39 pm

    I work at a phone bank for Wells Fargo. Is that your bank? You’d be surprised how much fraud goes on!

  5. Marie R. on July 21, 2011 at 5:55 pm

    The debit card thing happened to my husband last month. Chase Bank was great- they called him after 1 suspicious transaction so luckily the thieves only charged about $200. Chase handled the fraud report over the phone and we had our money back that night- I was super impressed with the way they handled it and tell everyone I know how great they were. Hope yours is a quick fix too.

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