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day dates + what to scope?

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning going? Hope youโ€™re having a great day! I am getting ATTACKED by allergies. If you see me around town, donโ€™t mind the constant violent sneezing. (Ps if you have any preg-friendly allergy remedies, please send my way.) The Pilot was off work yesterday morning, so we did something that we…

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“does this spark joy in you?”

Hi friends! Hope youโ€™ve been having an awesome day. Sorry about the blog downtime this morning! Apparently the blog couldnโ€™t handle the excitement of banana flour, and she fainted. (<โ€” the server crashed.) Thankfully all has been resolved (WP Site Care maintains my blog and always helps when things like this happen) and weโ€™re back…

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Banana Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hellooooo. How was the long weekend? Anyone else moving in slow motion this morning? ๐Ÿ˜‰ How about a banana flour chocolate chip cookie to perk you up? Behold, the latest and greatest on the gluten-free, dairy-free, Paleo-friendly front: Banana Flour. (<โ€” got it for $13 on Amazon) When I first heard about it, I was…

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Healthy Labor Day BBQ recipe ideas

Hi friends! Happy Sunday!! I hope that those of you who are off work tomorrow are enjoying a relaxing weekend. Itโ€™s been a pretty good one over here, and the Pilot and I have cranked through a legendary to-do list we crafted together. Babyโ€™s room is almost done -I will definitely post pics when it…

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Friday Faves

Hellooooooo. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Friday! What are you up to for the long weekend? The Pilot has some time off work, so Iโ€™m excited for some family adventures, like beach time, swimming and grilling with friends. The weather cooled down a little bit, so I can be outside without dying. (Things that donโ€™t make sense: I…

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Timeless beauty tips

I am an Invisalignยฎ brand spokesperson and all opinions expressed are my own. Hi friends!! Hope your day is going well. Today, I thought it would be fun to do more of a beauty type post since itโ€™s been a while.  In my teen years and early twenties, I was transfixed on trying whatever was new…

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New one-song workouts for fall

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning going??  Yesterday I had to get some blood work done, so I grabbed the usual celebratory green juice afterwards.  Itโ€™s no longer a belly; itโ€™s a legit shelf. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Lunch was a TBLAT: tempeh bacon, lettuce, avocado and tomato (+ mayo) on a brown rice tortilla.

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Focus On: SH’BAM

I tried SHโ€™BAM… and I liked it. Is it weird that the reason Iโ€™d been holding off is because the name kind of turned me away? I thought it sounded like wizard aerobics, and in my head, I say it way more enthusiastically than probably intended (SHโ€™BAAAAAAAM!!!!!!). I pictured myself dancing around to mystical music…

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Creating habits you can, and want, to keep

Hi friends! Happy humpday! Are we halfway through the week already?! So happy youโ€™re excited about our Squatember challenge. ๐Ÿ™‚ I did the barre burner last night after teaching, and the legs are a liiiitle sore today. New post up on the Family page here! So lately, Iโ€™ve been sucked into the โ€œCheck out this…

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Family: Hospital bag for baby #2 + big sister bag for Livi

Hi friends! Itโ€™s hard to believe that preparation time is finally here, and that we could be meeting our little lady anywhere between the next 4-6 weeks (give or take). Since the fall season tends to get super crazy -especially now that Livi has a schedule of her own with activities and preschool- I knew…

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Happy Squatember (Challenge #1) + back in the game

Hiiii! Howโ€™s the morning going? Itโ€™s a great one over here because breakfast was waiting for me. Itโ€™s almost enough motivation to wake up early and crawl out of bed when you know you have something delicious waiting in the fridge. Iโ€™ve been going crazy for this new Trader Joeโ€™s Super Seed mix. It has…

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Weekend, Brew and Food

(What I was lacking in the brew, I made up for in food) Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day going? Iโ€™m so happy you enjoyed the recipe this morning! Let me know if you give it a try. Iโ€™m excited we have more in the freezer for a little afternoon pick-me-up today. We are recovering from…

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