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Almond Butter Ice Cream Cakes

This recipe for almond butter ice cream cakes is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk, our very fave and a staple in the house. Weโ€™re going through a bit of a heat wave right now. Itโ€™s deceiving because the temp says 83, but with 100% humidity, you have one uncomfortable huffing and puffing person…

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Pilot’s back and Fri-yay Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Hope youโ€™re enjoying the morning. It’s been fun to read your baby name guesses on the Family page. ๐Ÿ™‚ What are you up to this weekend? The Pilot was gone for work this week, so weโ€™re happy to have him home! (My IG pic was taken last week during one of…

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A comfy guest room with a small space

This post is sponsored by Leesa.  There’s quite a bit happening in our house right now! Weโ€™re moving a ton of baby items in from storage, shuffling things around, starting to baby-proof, and redecorating. And…because Iโ€™m crazy, I thought Iโ€™d make some changes to Liviโ€™s room, too (I think it’s safe to say that nesting…

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Family: Weeks 31-33

Hi friends! Donโ€™t forget to enter the Bitsyโ€™s Brainfood giveaway here. ๐Ÿ™‚ All baby #2 updates are organized by trimester on the Family page tab above. <3 Big things poppin’ (33 Weeks) Random thoughts/things that I noticed:

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Preschool lunch ideas

This post is sponsored through my partnership with Bitsyโ€™s Brainfood.  The smell of sharpened pencils, textbooks, and notebook paper is in the air. Back to school season has officially arrived! While I admit that there are days where Iโ€™m SO thankful for the hot lunch option, for the most part, I enjoy putting together Livโ€™s…

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TRX Superset Workout

Hi friends! Happy humpday! Hope youโ€™re enjoying the week. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am DRAGGING today, which is totally my fault because I stayed up way too late reading this book. Source Itโ€™s perfectly scandalous and intriguing; everything an end-of-summer read should be. Itโ€™s also been some welcomed respite from the dry birth books Iโ€™ve been re-reading/skimming.…

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the end of an era

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the day going? Hope youโ€™ve been enjoying the morning! Itโ€™s raining here, which has been cozy and absolutely beautiful (and much needed here in CA, where we currently have a crazy drought). Liv and I were total sleepyheads and took our time getting ready this morning. Thank you so much for your…

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Fetal Echo Update

(When things are getting a little crowded in there!) Giant sigh of relief from yesterdayโ€™s appointment. Thank you again for all of your heartfelt comments, thoughts and prayers leading up the echo. We appreciate it so much, and I wanted to share an update with ya: Babyโ€™s VSD is โ€œvery small.โ€  Our fetal echocardiogram was…

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PiYo Review: Month 1

Sharing a full Month 1 PiYo review from a pregnant fitness instructor and if it’s worth it. Some Facebook friends and I just finished up the first month of PiYo yesterday, and I thought Iโ€™d write a review for you. Iโ€™d been wanting to try a new Beachbody workoutย (<โ€” this is my old coach link,…

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apple pie of my eye

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How was the weekend?  Liv and I went to a midwife appointment Friday morning, and then headed to our favorite post-appointment spot: Whole Foods. Green juice seems to taste better if you donโ€™t have to clean the juicer afterwards. ๐Ÿ˜‰  Our friend Lindy was in town for the weekend, so we…

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Anni celebration and faves from the week

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Any fun plans for the weekend?? We are attending a friendโ€™s wedding, going to a kiddoโ€™s bday party, soccer lessons, and the farmerโ€™s market. I also think a barre class and some beach time are in order. ๐Ÿ˜‰  In standard Friday Fashion, here are some faves from the week and around…

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  โ€œMom, where are we driving?” โ€œWeโ€™re going home.” โ€œWRONG! Weโ€™re going to get an acai bowl!”   (After a feral cat ran away when she tried to pet it.) โ€œCats hate people. Itโ€™s their job to hate people.”   โ€œLast night I had a dream I was being chased by a tiger. I was…

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