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September HIIT IT Workout

Can you believe itโ€™s September already?! (turning leaves or bad watering job? Iโ€™m gonna go ahead and guess the latter) While itโ€™s definitely bittersweet to see summer ending as fall begins -even though Fall doesnโ€™t reallllly start in Tucson until at least Halloween- September always makes me think of football games, apple recipes, jeans andโ€ฆโ€ฆ

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9/2: Meals and Fitness for the week

A week that the Pilot will be home for dinner! He was gone for two weeks, then flew nights for three including last week- itโ€™s always more fun to make dinner for two. Or, two and a half in our case ๐Ÿ˜‰ Last night was Livโ€™s first time trying salmon and she went CRAZY forโ€ฆ

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Lunch break cake

โ€“ I took tamales to work today. They were a huge hit, and while everyone was gushing about how amazing they were, I couldnโ€™t take credit for the work. All I did to contribute was the tamale deal in the Taco Bell parking lot. Nana picked them up from our tamale man, and I pickedโ€ฆ

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Cheezy Red Pepper Pasta

In my dream world, there would be no hate, no wars, and the environment could repair the damage that has been done over time. Every day would include beautiful and random adventures oh, and noodles and cookies would be calorie-free. Actually, I have no prob with the calories in cookies. Every time I have aโ€ฆ

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Ninja kicks + your pics

โ€“ Weekly Mexican feast with my favorite people. We dined at Blanco, I had the usual shrimp tacos, and the server also brought out two new salsas + guacamole. Be still, my chip and salsa loving heart. -Took the new pantalones for a test drive, and a big flowery headband for my little love. Iโ€™veโ€ฆ

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Baby smoothies

Iโ€™ve heard it said that babies will usually want to eat what the parents are eating. It made a lot of sense, but I got a glimpse the first time Liv made a grab for my salmon salad. Like the swiftest salad ninja, one second I was taking a bite, and the next, my plateโ€ฆ

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Chili Mango Slushy

I have a delicious summery treat for you today, inspired by my heritage: chili mango slushy. My love of spicy food could be explained by many different factors, but I really think my addiction is hereditary. My nana eats jalapeรฑos like theyโ€™re baby bell peppers. I live for green corn tamales -our tamale guy makesโ€ฆ

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Meg: Sock Bun

As much as I love rocking a top-knot, itโ€™s not always polished enough for dressy occasions. Hereโ€™s a simple and lovely upgrade that looks much more put together. The biggest tip I can give when trying the sock bun is to practice. You probably wonโ€™t get it perfect it the first time you try, butโ€ฆ

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Humpday Booty Burner

Sometimes, late at night, the Pilot and I will look each other in the eyes and we know. Froyo. โ€œDo you want to go, or you want me to?โ€ Thank goodness BTO is open late, aaaaand they have an awesome variety of dairy-free flavors and tons of toppings. I think weโ€™ve mastered the art ofโ€ฆ

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Focus On: Dance Trance

With all of the Focus On posts in the sea, I CANโ€™T BELIEVE I havenโ€™t written one about Dance Trance. I have no idea how I skipped it- Dance Trance is one of my favorite cardio workouts!  I used to own the license to teach here in Tucson (the info on why I stopped is here).โ€ฆ

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Healthy Baked Zucchini Sticks

Today I have a delicious recipe for healthy baked zucchini sticks. Theyโ€™re perfect for when you have a hankering, but donโ€™t want the greasy, fried variety found at most restaurants. First, hereโ€™s a bit about what Iโ€™ve been up to lately: shopping for bridesmaid dresses! Steps for Trying on Bridesmaid Dresses 1. Shop with theโ€ฆ

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Meg: Long hair. DO care.

When Iโ€™m in the chair gearing up for a haircut, the first thing I say is, โ€œLeave the length, and trim the endsโ€. My hairstylist is as amazing as they come and she does a great job taking off the dried out ends and leaving as much length as she can. Back in 2009, Iโ€ฆ

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