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7/29: Pics from the day
Adventures in babyproofing
Houston, we have a climber. That’s Liv, practicing her latest tricks before settling in for a nap. It’s like the transition from sitting up, scooting/crawling, to pulling up and standing happened so quickly, and makes me very glad we decided to get babyproofing finished early. Babyproofing is something I thought about a lot while pregnant…
Read More →That’s a spicy ‘rita
Another amazing date night with that one good-looking guy I snagged over at Starbucks. We dined at Acacia, which is quickly becoming one of our favorite spots. They have a great mix of the things we love, fantastic drinks, and locally-sourced organic produce and meat, which is a bonus. Since our last Acacia dinner, I’ve…
Read More →Becoming a yoga mommy
I like to think (hope?) that becoming a mom has made me more patient. Before, I had ants in my pants about 24/7. I HAAAAATED waiting in line (and would determine which line/cashier combo was the fastest within .2 seconds), had a mild case of road rage, and was always in a hurry. When Liv…
Read More →Indian Spaghetti
Rainy night, Indian food on the couch = not too shabby. We made a little stop at Saffron to get takeout for dinner, and per usual, it was everything I could wish for. I’m so excited that we found an Indian restaurant in Tucson that we LOVE. Chicken tikka masala, dal mahkani and chicken vindaloo…
Read More →7/27: Friday Faves
1) This was written in the locker room yesterday, and we laughed so hard. I had rushed to work and forgot to grab morning snacks (rookie mistake), so was planning on going home at 12 to get some food. After being threatened with death, I stayed for dance rehearsal and then came home to stuff…
Read More →Got on my race face
Not many pics in the land of food for ya today. ย Thank goodness I made a breakfast cookie so it would be ready- the whole house woke up at 7:45! I haven’t set an alarm in about 6 1/2 months for anything, knowing my little sidekick would get me up with pleeeeennnnty of time…
Read More →July 26: Tabata Thursday
Hi friends! I’m in between classes right now, but wanted to get up this week’s Tabata Thursday video! We ALL have 4 minutes to spare- shake (or jump, muaha) those legs out and you’ll feel much better. For more info on Tabata training, check out this post. Some things to remember: -Always warm up and…
Read More →Job secrets
Nothing like a glass of the vinolicious after a long day of teaching.ย Zumba was outta control, I had a huge stretch class (over 40 ladies stretching!) and pool was surprisingly fun. They liked my playlist, which always helps things along, even when the particular class isn’t my forte. Afternoon snacks: ย (Broccoli slaw with…
Read More →Whitney: Dip-dyed Locks!
Holy Pinterest and Instagram inspiration Batman. Ever since I first saw a few dip dye pins roll through my feed a few months ago, I’ve been lusting after the dreamsicle dipped locks for my own. Luckily for me one of my bestest friends, Rikki from Hair Ya Go, happens to be one of the most…
Read More →What’s a boba?
Apparently I’ve been living under a rock, because I had no clue what the funny balls were at BTO last night. “What is that?!” “Boba! Try one!” and Kyle hands me one. About 2 minutes later: “Are you supposed to pop it or something?” He laughed pretty hard.ย They were a fun little addition to…
Read More →Getting schooled
Watching Liv learn new things is one of my favorite things in my life. There is nothing like watching those beautiful huge eyes open wide and take it all in. Today, we went to the Children’s Museum and the second we walked into the baby room, her eyes immediately went up to the rainforest ceiling.…
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