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Quick hummus and veggie pizza
i think they’re definitely related ๐ Our aunt, uncle, and cousins got in from Key West last night, and since then, our house has been bustling with familia. I love it so much. It’s amazing to look at the girls and see their ranging ages- almost like having a glimpse into the future. Since they…
Read More →Whitney: When the Going gets Messy, Mess it Up Some ‘Mo
Hi <3 I’m really excited to welcome another good friend to the fashion page, who will be blogging over here with Meg (I’ll be crashing the party every now and again with fab finds and hair tutorials): Whitney. I first met Whitney when the Pilot and I were in San Diego for our babymoon, and…
Read More →Focus On: BOSU Balance Trainer
ย The BOSU freaked me out for a long time. I knew it was kind of like a stability ball, but I didn’t want to use it and look like a giant goober. Instead, whenever I saw someone else use the BOSU, I watched intently to see if I could learn any new moves. The standards:…
Read More →Confessions of a Group Fitness Instructor
1. You know that merengue we did? I choreographed it in the car, forgot what I was going to do and made it up on the spot. ย On the same note, do not be afraid if I come up and want to booty pop and shake with you. 2. If you’re talking during class, that’s…
Read More →A kinda book/wine party
The Pilot and I have been in an excited frenzy- our family is coming in today from Key West and staying with us for a couple of weeks. We haven’t seen them in so long (my uncle since our wedding, and my aunt and cousin since we took a red eye to orlando 4 years…
Read More →Sweet Potato chocolate chunk cookies
I’ve created a monster. Who knew that sweet potatoes and chocolate could get along so well? I think we all know about my disdain for vegetables and sweets together. I enjoy my frijoles just as much as the next girl, but keep them far, far away from my desserts. And then, I tried making sweet…
Read More →Saving it for the next one
As we continue to pack more and more baby things away, it’s really hitting home that the first 6 months flew by.ย I’ve been storing away clothesย and recently got a couple of plastic zip storage bags, which will go inside large plastic bins. It’s crazy to believe that some of the outfits I bought while…
Read More →Good to see ya again
Breakfast was the return of an old fave: Quinoa bowl! Since I usually make a giant batch of quinoa and lentils for the week, I figured I’d leave the quinoa plain since it would be more versatile that way, and didn’t season it so we could do sweet or savory versions. I picked up a…
Read More →7/16: Pics from the day
Blurry burpees
I’m usually pretty good about looking for the bright side of things, but as far as my glasses go, I’ve been a bit of a complainer. I’m going on 48 hours of a headache, my eyes hurt from squinting and I miss my peripheral vision. The only good things to come out of it: I’m…
Read More →Raindrops on cacti
It finally rained! We enjoyed the amazing sounds of heavy raindrops and thunder, with the TV off, being crazy productive and hanging out around the house. We got a lot of the baby-proofing done (will be in an upcoming family post) and as much as we enjoyed the rain, It was Livi’s first thunderstorm- as…
Read More →Sad trombone
Guess who’s glasses-bound for 7 days? They’re about 10 years old, the wrong prescription, and were stretched out to the point where I had to make a little elastic head wrap to hold them onto my nugget. Since my eye was still crying and burning at around noon, I decided to call the eye doc.…
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