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Sad trombone
Guess who’s glasses-bound for 7 days? They’re about 10 years old, the wrong prescription, and were stretched out to the point where I had to make a little elastic head wrap to hold them onto my nugget. Since my eye was still crying and burning at around noon, I decided to call the eye doc.…
Read More →Baby Recipes 6 months – 1 year
I thought that solid foods would be amazing, but I had no idea. Liv isn’t even eating a ton yet (babies’ main source of nutrition is breast milk or formula until they’re one- everything else is just for funsies), but I get so excited about making her food and teaching her new flavors. This week…
Read More →7/13: Friday Faves
This candle: I almost always have a candle burning, and picked that one up at the BX last weekend for $4. It smells clean and lovely.ย Baby’s first hummus. I made Liv a plain hummus for dinner last night (just chickpeas, water, a little oregano and garlic) and she went crazy for it. We’ve got…
Read More →Making mom friends
(Bell: friends with everyone, and everything) One of the bonus things about military life is that there is a circle of women, with something in common (husbands who deploy and work long hours), wherever you go. For me, it was especially helpful because Tom and I got married when I was pretty young. I was…
Read More →July 12: Tabata Thursday
Last night was one of those nights where I felt like we had nothing in the fridge to make for dinner. In reality, we had plenty of things to make, but I was hoping to open the fridge and a plate of food would appear. Instead, it was a quick Italian stir fry that took…
Read More →Monsooner or later
This year’s summer monsoons have been a dud so far. Every afternoon, the clouds creep in, looming and promise an epic rainstorm, and so far it’s only been a few sprinkles here and there. Last year’s were so amazing, I really can’t complain, but I’m excited for some real monsoon actionโฆ. especially since that means…
Read More →Wait dance
Hey everyone! I’m sorry for all of the blog down time yesterday. The blog crashed the server, so the hosting company shut it down. My awesome web wizard was hard at work fixing the problem and making changes, and since I’m not techie at all (if I touch the blog, something catches fire and then…
Read More →Meg: DIY Friendship Bracelets
My best friendโs birthday was last week, and I decided to make part of her gift this year. I wanted to make her something she could enjoy every day, so I took a trip to the craft store and bought some supplies. What youโll need: Embroidery Floss (any color) Clasp Hardware Circular Beads (optional, you…
Read More →Summer Workout Gear
Since I never grew up with official seasons, they kind of confuse me.ย When it’s summer, I don’t want to spend a ton on summer clothes, since fall will be here soon. And then I remember it’s technically summer here in AZ 3/4 of the year.ย I have a hard time committing to trends (unless…
Read More →Not a bad view
I’ve been on a protein pancake kick lately. I realized they’re just as quick and easy to make as my beloved egg burrito, and keep me satisfied for a long time. This morning’s batch accidentally had about a tablespoon of baking powder, since I kind of stopped measuring things. I tapped the can a little…
Read More →6 months
Happy half-birthday to you, Happy half-birthday to youuuuuuu, Happy half-birthday, little love of my lifeโฆ.. I can’t even believe it’s been 6 months already. Watching her change and grow, learn, start to move, eat solid foods, ย it’s been absolutely amazing. Here’s what’s new this month: -Moving and shaking! Little Miss will probably start crawling…
Read More →Schweaty July Workout + Motivational reads
Hi friends! Happy Monday <3 Before I get into my near-death experience story (not really, but still super creepy), here’s a Schweaty July Workout for ya. This is part of the July Workout Calendar, so feel free to hop in and join in as much as you’d like over the next month. I’ll be providing…
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