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Slow cooker rotisserie chicken

It’s always hard to leave for work on Saturdays, when the Pilot and Oliv are home. ย  At the same time, it’s pretty amazing that they get a daddy-daughter day each week.ย  (Look at her face! “Yeah, just chillin’ in the pool with my daddy. You know”) Yesterday, while I was Zumba-ing, they spent the…

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My skin is turning orange

Ok, salmon can’t really do that, but I’ve had a lot of it this week:ย  It’s funny because way back in the dieting days, I avoided fats (even healthy fats) like the plague. I like to think I’m making up for lost time. Not only do they taste amazing, but I notice a huge difference…

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Roadtrip with a beeb

This past week’s trip to La Jolla was our first longer roadtrip with Liv. I was excited to see how it went, as Tom and I love to travel, and we also figured it would be a good test run for a trip later this month (which will be a flight instead of drive, but…

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7: 6: SSU Faves + Recap

Happy Friday to ya! Doesn’t it feel like a weird day? It’s definitely more Tuesday than Monday over here, but I’ll take a weekend thankyouverymuch. Anything fun going on? Whenever I get back from vacation, I dread the state of our fridge. I gave Meg most of our perishable stuff, and wasn’t quite sure what…

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Vacay workouts

When I go out of town, my workout strategy varies, depending on what kind of trip it is and how I’m feeling. If the trip is for blog or work-related stuff, it’s pretty much like my normal schedule (whatever normal at the time may be), if it’s a family trip, I fit it in where…

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Meg: Fashion Fears

The other night I bought my very first maxi dress. Maxi dresses have always been a fear of mine, a fashion fear that is. Other women (ahemโ€ฆGina) can rock a maxi incredibly well, but I always felt like they fit me funny and wouldnโ€™t flatter my โ€œpearโ€ shape. Despite my fears, I couldnโ€™t resist the…

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Back from La Jolla

An amazing trip with two of my absolute favorite people <3 When we went to San Diego for our babymoon, we knew we wanted to come back as a family of three and stay in La Jolla. There are so many cute shops and restaurants along the beach (plus the seals!!)- everything is walking distance.…

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Guest post: Eating Bender

Hi friends and Happy 4th of July to those who are celebrating today! We’re enjoying one last day in Cali before heading back to the desert heat. It’s been an amazing trip so far, and I’m so thankful to have had time to enjoy a relaxing vacay with the family. Thank you again to all…

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Guest post: Purely Twins

Hi friends! The Pilot, Liv and I are enjoying a vacation in California this week, so in the meantime, I’ve invited some of my blog friends to guest post over here. I hope you enjoy reading them and adding new blogs to your rotation ๐Ÿ™‚ Here’s an awesome post from two very close friends of…

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Guest post: Brittany from EBF

Hi! We’re in San Diego enjoying a family vacay, so I invited some of my favorite girls to guest post while we’re away. Here’s a post from Brittany, whom I’ve met (and shopped with, and shared dessert with) quite a few times ๐Ÿ˜‰ She’s an amazing girl with awesome recipes and is getting married next…

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Guest Post: Julie from PBF

Hey guys! We’re in San Diego this week enjoying some family time, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to invite some friends over here for guest posting while I’m away- I’ll be back with my usual workouts and shenanigans later this week ๐Ÿ™‚ Today’s guest post is from Julie, whom I’ve had…

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Guest post: Hungry Runner Girl

Hey guys! We’re enjoying the California beach, seals, shopping and sunshine for a few days, so I invited some blogger friends to guest post while we’re away. I’m taking lots of pics for a fun re-cap when we’re back! Summer Shape Up friends, don’t forget to check in at the end of this post when…

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