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Focus On: The New Nordic Diet

When I first heard of the Nordic Diet, I couldn’t help but think of the Maelstrom ride in Norway at Epcot. It has trolls and scares the life out of me. But that doesn’t say much because we all know I’m a huge chicken.ย  Never been on it? Here ya go: Random side note: does…

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Taters and applesauce

ย The Pilot came home early from work today! He had to fly balls early so he was finished with the day earlier. I was grateful because I forgot to switch the carseat base from his SUV back to my car, so Liv and I just chilled at home with Bell today. Lots of songs were…

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Review: “Bringing Up Bebe”

It’s no secret that I love to read. It’s my favorite way to unwind at the end of the day -I try to go upstairs to read for 20 minutes or so before bed- and am usually reading an informational book and a fluff book at the same time. I like to think they balance…

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Music Monday playlist

Good morning! Happy new week to ya ๐Ÿ™‚ I think we all woke up with a case of the “smushy face” over here. Sometimes when Bella wakes up, half of her face is smushed up and we’ll call her smushy face. I slept horribly last night. I have no idea if it was the wine…

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6/17: Pics from the day

To all of my early bird workout friends, the week 2 Summer Shape Up print-out and video can be found here. Happy sweating! Please check in and let me know how it goes! Here are the meals for this week, too ๐Ÿ™‚ xoxo

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Happy Father’s Day

To all the dads out there, including the fur dads and the men who help care for others. Especially to this guy: Just when I thought he couldn’t be any more amazing, he became a dad. Watching him love and help me take care of our little girlโ€ฆ well, everyday I wonder how I got…

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Monsoon swoon

I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do for my last class today. I was supposed to assist pool, and my pool uniform is nowhere to be found. It was in the locker room (along with a ton of other pool uniforms) and got misplaced in the hustle and bustle. I figured I’d…

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6/15: Thoughts from the week

Someone is obsessed with my purple glass water bottle. I take it with me everywhere, and now, whenever I open it to take a sip, little Liv opens her mouth too. I put the bottle to her mouth and let her drink water, and even though I’m mostly holding it, she puts both hands around…

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SSU Faves: 6/15

Hi friends! It’s the WEEKEND! Also Father’s Day weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ Any fun plans? We’re having dinner at the dadoo’s tomorrow night and I’m scheming up ideas for Sunday with the Pilot. (Please send any legendary ideas my way!) I’m booking him a massage for when he gets off work today. He probably won’t read this…

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Au not natural

As you guys know, I’m pretty big on products that don’t have a lot of extra stuff added to them and try to buy organic whenever possible. When it comes to food, usually if they have organic, I buy organic. As much as I would like to live in a world where everything is pure…

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Meg: 5 Things

I know this post may not be 100% fashion focused, but lately my mind has been on overdrive since starting a new job. Today, sitting at my desk I was thinking about some of my favorite fashion bloggers, and one of my favorite features they do is called, โ€œ5 Thingsโ€. So sitting there, amongst paperwork…

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Look! Ice cubes in my coffee: Thank you for all of the amazing iced coffee suggestions! I can’t wait to try Pioneer Woman’s recipe and make some coffee or almond milk ice cubes, too. For this morning, I just made the coffee and put it in the freezer to let it chillย  while I fed…

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