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Tempeh Taco Lettuce Wraps

Doing the same thing all the time can get a little boring, even if it’s something you like. Take tempeh, for instance. Tempeh-as-bacon is my usual favorite way to enjoy it, but I was looking for a new way to prepare it.  The result? Tempeh tacos! Not just any tacos–lettuce wrap tacos! Does that make…

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20 things to do with a stability ball

This stability ball and I have been through a lot. ย  We were together during my senior year in college, when I lived in an apartment with only Bella (my mom said it’s good to live alone before getting married because “you should know how to date yourself.” I’d always had roomies before, but ended…

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Balsamic Chicken Caprese Salad

It was a nice, lazy day, filled a few adventures. Breakfast: (Bob’s Red Mill hot cereal with frozen organic berries, Sun Warrior, coconut milk and almond butter + coffee) a gym trip to test out Summer Shape Up (starts 2 weeks from today!) (flowers at work- definitely not my flowers) Family trip to Jamba Juice…

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Day of Sun

Perfect way to spend a Sunday morning <3 I woke up a little groggy and super sore from teaching yesterday, so the Pilot suggested Sabino Canyon, for the first time in my life, I felt kind of “meh” about it. I quickly changed my mind. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we ending up walking…

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5/26: Thoughts from the week

-Parents-to-be: blackout curtains are a fantastic investment. We got some for Livโ€™s nursery in the loft, which I had been wanting to do because from the street at night, you can see into the loft because the windows in the living room are so high. It was a little creepy. Plus, every morning, Liv was…

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Focus On: Nia Technique

Happy weekend to you! Mine started off in the best way possible: a night hanging out with the girls ๐Ÿ™‚ I brought a bottle of red from TJs, and stopped to pick up a tostada from Reneeโ€™s Organic Oven to eat on the way since I was so hungry from teaching. I also had a…

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Party mode

Purple shoes for Zumba (see the blanket of pollen on the ground? Not so fun) this button on the Pilotโ€™s new wheels (I got scary excited when I saw it. The button transfers the balance to the back part of the SUV, perfection for tailgaiting) and a tamale. Party in my mouth. Our family tamale…

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Sock lopsided

Today was a great day, but I think the fact that I forgot a sock gave it a strange feel. While youโ€™re teaching multiple fitness classes, itโ€™s hard to forget that youโ€™re only wearing one sock with your shoes. Didnโ€™t feel very good. This did, though ๐Ÿ˜‰ (coming home to snuggle my favorite girl) And…

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Hawaiian faves

Aloha! My fiancรฉ and I have been talking major wedding plans this week. One thing weโ€™re super excited forโ€ฆhoneymoon! Though itโ€™s a year away, I canโ€™t help but start thinking about lying on the beach with my husband (!) and swimming in the crystal clear ocean. My online shopping carts are overflowing with tropical inspired…

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Hurts so good {giveaway}

You know the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding and his Windex? Thatโ€™s me and the foam roller. It helps with everything, from sore hamstrings to a broken heart. I tell everyone that it โ€œhurts so goodโ€ โ€“ that is, if you like a little pain. So I wouldnโ€™t recommend it in every possible…

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