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What’s cookin’?

2 hour kitchen blitz: Greek-style quinoa salad (lentils instead of chickpeas) stuffed chicken (the same I made for the last baby meal) and my favorite chocolate chip cookies, which ended up looking like pancakes. Still taste good, though ๐Ÿ˜‰ Iโ€™ve had a few kitchen fails lately, including the brownies … I guess itโ€™s bound to…

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Indian food dreams

Sometimes you have to count on someone else to help out with the meals. Like Joe the Trader. Something about swimming โ€“or bopping around holding a heavy baby- makes me so hungry. The Pilot was also starving when we got back home, so he did the bedtime routine with Liv while I whipped up a…

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The sweet things

Sweet: -Being greeted by a bird booty every time we walk outside. Mama bird is protecting her eggs, and Iโ€™m so excited to hear baby birds chirping eventually ๐Ÿ™‚ -Going grocery shopping for the baby meal at Bashaโ€™s โ€“I usually go to Trader Joeโ€™s or Sunflower Market because the prices are better- and being greeted…

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‘Cado love

Brought back something I havenโ€™t had consistently in quite a while: the morning cup oโ€™ Joe. Since Iโ€™ve been breastfeeding, I was worried that caffeine would give Liv an extra dose of energy -a scary thought when youโ€™re already partying all night and sleep-deprived- but when I found out that itโ€™s processed the same as…

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5/20: Thoughts from the week

-Iโ€™m further convinced that being a mom makes you say things you think make sense and/or are funny, when in fact it isnโ€™t the case at all. Number of times Iโ€™ve said unfunny jokes out loud in the past 24 hours: 3. Iโ€™d give you examples, but Iโ€™m embarrassed. When I try to make a…

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Work, then play

Iโ€™m finally back home for good- lots of fun and running around today! Work, car shopping and a party at a friendsโ€™ house. In between classes, I came back home to grab a sweet potato with almond butter, and take a smoothie back with me. (my #smoothieaday was mango, spinach, Sun Warrior, hemp seeds, almond…

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Just one more thing

Girls night! The Pilot had a roll call (aka an official meeting among pilots that involves lots of Jeremiah Weed whisky), so Marisa and Michele (and Levi!) came over last night to hang out. I didnโ€™t take a ton of pics, but it was so much fun to share some vino, get takeout from Reneeโ€™s…

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Mix and Match

Hi lovelies. Nice to see you over here! This is mostly Megโ€™s page now, but that doesnโ€™t mean Iโ€™m not going to stop and crash the party every now and again ๐Ÿ˜‰ I canโ€™t believe I still havenโ€™t written about my โ€œrudegirlโ€ phase in 8th grade. I wore 60s clothing (from vintage shops), Fred Perry…

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Like many of you, Iโ€™m a little bit of a busybody. I always like to be doing something, and when I get some down time, Iโ€™ll likely spend it multi-tasking. At our work meeting yesterday, our boss said that itโ€™s why weโ€™re fitness instructors- we have a crazy thing with our brain that wonโ€™t let…

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Suit up

Ahhhh, so good to be back home with my favorite people and fur child. Such a lady. Work was good today- no Zumba, but I assisted DJ Dance Cardio, taught a cardio/strength class, got a new suit for pool classes (Baywatch outfit no more!)   and it was my first time teaching drums of death.…

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Book of memories {giveaway}

Lots of fun little projects have been going on lately, including: the Pinterest-inspired photo wall for upstairs   (collecting frames in various textures, all in the same color family and picking up photo orders from Walgreens) and Livโ€™s baby book.   It took me a LONG time to order a baby book, because I couldnโ€™t…

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