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Personal Style
The concept of personal style is somewhat new to me. I have always been a trend-follower (which is OKAY!) and dressed myself based on which stores were popular at the time. In high school I definitely still shopped based on popular styles (hello Abercrombie ripped jeans) but as I transitioned into my college years, I…
Read More →“Baby Got Back” workout
Will shake for chicken. Would probably sing an aria whilst riding a unicycle for chicken, but you know. Another lovely Pilot-grilled feast: I prepped the food and when he got home, he grilled it up while I did the baby bedtime rituals. We had dinner before 8pm, and it was awesome. Wilted some kale on…
Read More →{Video post} Tummy time
We weren’t always the best at doing tummy time. You’re supposed to do it as often as possible during the day, so the baby can build up neck strength and doesn’t get a flat head from laying down all the time. Sometimes it would end up being 5pm and I’d think “Ahh! Tummy time!” and…
Read More →Bring it back
Just when I thought it would be an uneventful morning, we had a massive power outage in Tucson. Livi and I were just about to head somewhere air conditioned when it magically turned back on. Thank goodness we both had breakfast before everything went out. Since I’ve been enjoying oats for a snack lately, it’s…
Read More →Here comes the sun
Smoothie weather! Nice to see ya. It’s easy to complain about the heat when you live in the desert, but I say bring it on. I may change my tune when it’s 115* and my eegee is melting faster than I can drink it, but for now, I will relish in the toastiness, Drink lots…
Read More →Recycling clothes
I could easily be a clothes hoarder. It’s not like I would ever wear my “Ryan, Marry Me!” shirt again, but sometimes I get a little attached to the memories behind the clothes. They remind me of different times in my life, and it hurt a little when I got rid of the first dress…
Read More →Missing words
Fresh laundry = Bella’s favorite pillow This is why it’s so much harder to put it away.. she just looks so comfy. Hope you’re all having a happy Monday so far! My last post could have used some text to go along with the pictures, but kept it wordless in the spirit of my Sunday…
Read More →4/22: Pics from the day
Mover and a shaker
Livi has been able to roll over from her back to her stomach for a few weeks. At first, it was just an awesome sign of development, and now it’s starting to give us anxiety because she’s doing it in her sleep. When we put her into her bed on her back, she’ll roll over…
Read More →King of all beasts
After teaching today, I was ready for a giant Oregano’s salad. Not just a “someone got heavy-handed with the lettuce” salad.. a “feed a family of 4” salad. Except the family of 4 was my face. Chicken, romaine, pine nuts, sundried tomatoes, kalamata olives, roasted red peppers, soaked raisins (my favorite part) and balsamic…
Read More →No AB, I cry
There’s a serious almond butter drought in our house. Hemp seeds filled the void for today, but thank goodness the Pilot is making a grocery run for some necessities while I’m back at work. When you go through at least a jar a week, it’s smart to have backup. I made a rookie mistake at…
Read More →Wild Ones
That song has been stuck in my head ALL DAY. I just love it 🙂 The only wild animal picture I have today: So there ya go. Later this afternoon, the Pilot, Liv and I headed to the mall to get my bro’s birthday presents- he turns 17 tomorrow! He’s always been so “little” to…
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