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Rainy Zumba

Woke up to a lovely surprise this morning…. That liquid stuff that falls from the sky. We don’t see too much of that over here 😉 As hard as it was to crawl out of bed, I LOVE going to work in the rain. I think it’s so cute seeing everyone walking around with their…

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3 months

I didn’t think it was possible, but this little face continues to get cuter every day… and continues to amaze me with how quickly she’s growing and developing, her funny expressions, tiny laughs, smiles and movements. 3 crazy amazing months 🙂 What’s going on right now: -She’s starting to really understand her hands and feet.…

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We’re all out

Whenever Bella’s food dish is empty, she’ll clank the bowl and then walk over to us, as if to say, “You hear that, fools? I’m outta food. Feed me.” So you can imagine the fury that was unleashed when I walked over to the pantry, grabbed her bag of food and a few measly kernels…

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Being present

It’s been a crazy week over here. -Tom flying nights (again- oh how I loathe night flights. When he gets home in the middle of the night, he calls me to wake me up so I can take Bella downstairs and hold her when he comes in. If she hears the door open from upstairs,…

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The sound of silence

We enjoyed last night’s taco dinner sans the usual background music of the TV. Our satellite provider was having some issues, so we turned the TV off for the night. I can’t believe how peaceful it was without it.. but I will be excited to catch up on Giuliana and Bill later today 🙂 Work…

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From pin to life

Like I’m sure many of you do, I have Pinterest boards for everything: recipes to try, fun stuff to do with Liv, ideas for the Pilot, workouts, quotes and motivation, etc. I also have a style board that I pin to occasionally- I especially love outfit and hair ideas. The hair ideas have been fun…

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The sweet stuff

Oh spin bike, we meet again. Thanks for the booty-kicking. I appreciate that. We got new spin bikes at work, and WHOA, they are amazing. I love the fact that the screen shows wattage (power), cadence, heart rate, distance and time. (The bottom left button enables you to create a “stage” that will track your…

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Not so fast

Remember my April Fool’s joke? It was more of a “I hope I’m joking” kinda thing. I know now that I’m not preg, but I was totally wondering-thinking in the back of my mind that I might be. Not gonna lie- it scared the bejeezus out of me. For our first pediatrician appointment, two days…

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Totally called it.   The Pilot woke up, saw that the birds were still failing miserably at their nest attempts, so he built them a nest platform. Cribs, bird-style: He did a good deed, and I think it’s for our benefit, too… I would be traumatized if the baby birds fell out and crashed onto…

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How my workouts have changed with an infant

Sound like an oxymoron, huh? Well it kind of is 😉 Working out with an infant is tough stuff, but it can happen, whether it’s in short little blurbs during the day, accidental exercise (you’re bending down a ton and carrying around a heavy little thing all day), late at night or early in the…

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Nest Mess

Happy Monday! Hope your morning is off to a good start. I’m so glad you liked our Easter pics from the day- it was an amazing holiday <3 Unpictured: -the entire steak kabob that Bella stole and was attacking when my stepdad caught her in the act -me, playing football in the backyard and the…

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