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Tips for Zumba Instructors

Hi friends! ITโ€™S FRIDAY <3 So happy to see the weekend again. What are you up to tonight? Sorry no blog last night, but very important things were happening. [Thatโ€™s a butternut squash my nana left for me at my momโ€™s house. She knows me so well] Ok, not at all, but it ended up…

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28 weeks

and feeling sleeeeeeeepy. 20 weeks:                                                                           26 weeks: 28 weeks: I donโ€™t know where it came from, but Iโ€™m definitely starting to feel dragged down a little bit. Itโ€™s funny because Iโ€™ll have CRAZY bursts of energy, and then suddenly feel like I got hit by a truck. Iโ€™m definitely taking advantage of extra resting and…

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Dinner for one

Heyyyyy <3 Happy Thursday! What do you have going on this weekend? Weโ€™re having a couple of friends over for taco night tomorrow, and Iโ€™m working on Saturday. So glad you liked the quinoa burger recipe– let me know if any of you give it a try! You can probably imagine what happens when the…

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Black Bean Quinoa Burgers

Hey friends <3 Howโ€™s your day going? So glad you enjoyed the step video and Iโ€™m happy to hear I wasnโ€™t alone in the leotard over shorts craze. If your mom/aunt/friend still has any hanging around, theyโ€™d be perfect components for a fitness-inspired Halloween costume. Itโ€™s been a pretty great humpday over here- work and…

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Two new hair and nail faves

Thank you so much for those of you who left feedback on the Fashion page. Iโ€™m using all of your suggestions and weโ€™ll see where it rolls from here ๐Ÿ˜‰ Since my clothing situation is still awkward [hoping to remedy the situation this weekend], I thought I could focus on two things that are easy…

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Focus On: Step Aerobics

Letโ€™s take it back now.  Source For todayโ€™s Focus On post, Iโ€™m choosing another one near and dear to my heart, and an old staple in the fitness scene. My fascination with step started when I was 7 years old. My mom would take me with her to her step class โ€“in shorts with a…

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In N Out

Hi friends <3 How was your day? Hope youโ€™re enjoying your evening. I had a bit of a temperature conundrum at the base gym this morning. I ventured in to do the indoor track and it was FREEZING. So after one lap, I went to the outdoor track and walked for a half hour there,…

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I halfway understood

The other night, we were channel-surfing, trying to find something to watch that wasnโ€™t Adult Swim or the Kardashians [our preferences vary a little]. Tom left it on HBO for a second, to see what was on, and on the screen was an image of a pregnant woman, undressed, looking at herself in the mirror.…

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Perfectly grilled salad beast

Good morning! How are you? Hope your day is going well so far <3 Thank you so much for all of the baby bump Halloween ideasโ€ฆ Iโ€™m excited. So, last night I asked the grillmaster if he would mind grilling up some goods for our dinner salad beasts. Iโ€™m so glad he loves grilling, because…

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Shake your chips

Hi friends! How was your day? Hope it was fabulous <3 We had a relaxing, but productive day together. This morning, we got some stuff put together in the nursery: The Pilot finished assembling the crib we finished a little art project [a snippet of the name weโ€™ve chosen] and then we hit up the…

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Let’s be real here

Things on ye olโ€™ fashion page have gotten a little stale. Source [That has nothing to do with this post, but I thought it was hilarious] So why are things so lame over here? I havenโ€™t been feeling the least bit fashionable lately. Most of my outfits consist of pants with a hair tie through…

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Neglecting the snooze button

Good morning! Hope your day is off to a great start <3 Do quite a few of ya have the day off work today? The Pilot does, and I love having him around for an extra day. Iโ€™ve been having a rough time getting in morning workouts lately โ€“which is when I have the most…

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