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Get me to the Greek

Festival ๐Ÿ™‚ Hiiii. How was your day? Ours was busy, but a perfectly wonderful Sunday. In between doing house stuff โ€“I cleaned and the Pilot installed a new showerhead- we took a break to hit up the Tucson Greek Festival, since it was the last day. I havenโ€™t been to the Greek Fest in quite…

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Around the house

Heyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ Howโ€™s your Sunday going? Hope youโ€™re having a lovely, relaxing day <3 Yesterday was kind of a standard Saturday over here. Itโ€™s the Pilotโ€™s down day, since heโ€™s so crazy busy during the week, so he goes out for brotherโ€™s breakfast with my two brothers and then they play video games and watch…

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Bring on the boots

Living in Valdosta sheltered my fashion life. Thatโ€™s not to say that I didnโ€™t see fashionable people while I lived there, but the shopping was kind of scary. Even with frequent escapes to Jacksonville and Orlando, I kind of fell out of my usual stylish ways. When I first started to see boots and skinny…

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Shrimp Catch Fail

Hi friends <3 Howโ€™s your weekend going? Things are bueno over here ๐Ÿ™‚ A group of us went out for hibachi last night. I wasnโ€™t planning on blogging about it, since Iโ€™ve gone out for hibachi 14,592ish times since starting the blog and I get the same thing every time (shrimp and veggies, no rice),…

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Hey friends! How has your Friday been? Up to anything fun this weekend? I just saw Lion King in 3D with a couple of friends. Itโ€™s funny because when I saw the commercial that it was re-released, I was like โ€œOhhh! I want to go see it!โ€ And then today after making plans, I was…

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First Miss

Hey! Happy Friday! Also, happy first day of fall ๐Ÿ™‚ Howโ€™s your new leaf going? Exciting things going on in the blogworld today: –Sabrina had her baby! –Heatherโ€™s wedding day Good stuff all around ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you so much for you kind words of encouragement last night <3 Iโ€™m excited to take a step back,…

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The Doc Deets

Since I started seeing my homeopathic doc (around this time last year), Iโ€™ve received so many questions from readers about my experience. Why did I choose this doctor? What was my treatment like? Who is he? Well now that the goal has been accomplished โ€“nuggette in the oven!- I feel like I can finally answer…

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Ask and ye shall [not] receive

Hi friends <3 How are ya? Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful day. It was kind of a blah morning over here. A potential book deal thatโ€™s been in the works fell through (if anyone knows how I can gain *expert* status as a military wife, please share the secret with me), so I think Iโ€™m…

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Flower killer no more

Hey hey hey ๐Ÿ˜€ How are ya? Howโ€™s your morning going? Itโ€™s a beautiful day over here ๐Ÿ™‚ Can you believe Iโ€™ve kept these flowers alive since the housewarming party? Neither can I. They were a gift from my aunt, along with this strawberry plant. That guy was looking a little brown and crispy for…

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Chips and Dip

Hiiii ๐Ÿ˜€ How are you? Late night blogging tonight! It was the kind of night where I just needed to take a minute to let my brain defrost, and cozy up on the couch with some chips and dip (aka hummus and raw sweet potato chips) ๐Ÿ˜‰ [+ a creeper smile and a begging maltipoo]…

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First Birth Class

So last night, we had our first Bradley Method class. Per usual, we were frantically running around trying to leave the house on time (weโ€™re late for everythingโ€ฆ and if our daughter is anything like her parents, sheโ€™ll be late too) but I remembered to grab our two pillows and notebook + pen we were…

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Focus On: Medicine Balls

[Better than Focus On: Balls] ๐Ÿ™‚ Hi friends! Howโ€™s your day going? Itโ€™s humpday aka Indian Food Wednesday! Hope yours is wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚ I started off the morning with an Amyโ€™s GF dairy-free burrito + a 2 egg white puff: [Hole in the tortilla is where the paper towel got stuck. Burrito was just *ok*-…

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