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Protein fluff

Hey hey hey ๐Ÿ˜€ Happy Friday! [Bell says โ€œWhat up?โ€] Anything fun planned this weekend? I work tomorrow, and then have a bridal shower to go to before the football game. Should be a blasty. After our trip to the madreโ€™s last night, where the Pilot feasted on chicken and waffles, we hung out with…

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Relaxing Noodle Playlist 2

Hiiiii ๐Ÿ˜€ How are you? Things are bueno over here ๐Ÿ™‚ Longy of a day, but I got to teach Zumba, and am now home with the seksi Pilot and Bell so Iโ€™m a happy kid. Some work eats: -organic apple + a jar of almond butter to smother said apple with (I donโ€™t mess…

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Reader’s Request: Fave Quinoa Uses

Morning! Itโ€™s almost the weekend! Kind of stoked ๐Ÿ™‚ The chipotle black bean soup was actually a success, even though I went a little cray cray with the chiles. [Recipe is in the Canyon Ranch Nourish cookbook. I added 2 chipotle chiles instead of 1/2 t, and also a whole head of garlic.. because if…

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Hi friends! How are ya? Hope youโ€™ve had a lovely day <3 Soups on over here: Itโ€™s chipotle black bean soup from the Canyon Ranch Nourish cookbook, except I didnโ€™t follow the recipe.. and probably should have. Letโ€™s just say that someone got a little overzealous with the chipotle chiles (<โ€”I LOVE this ingredient). It…

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Take it or leave it: the cape

I always get really excited for fall fashion. Itโ€™s kind of funny because we donโ€™t even have a real โ€œfallโ€ here in Tucson. Heck, itโ€™s 93* degrees today. Itโ€™s fun to wish though :/ However, it doesnโ€™t get that cold here until later in the winter, so I end up spending most of winter in…

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Focus On: Bodyrock

Bodyrock is another one of my major workout loves. Itโ€™s an extremely effective low-cost workout solution โ€“the videos are posted for free and you need minimal equipment- and I think itโ€™s what helped me bust through my own workout plateau. Before I got pregnant, I felt STRONG and my bodyfat was the lowest itโ€™s been…

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That’s how it happens

Heyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ How are ya? Hope youโ€™ve had a fantastic Tuesday <3 [Bella in the sun. I told her she looks like a beach angel <— hilarious commercial] Today was a standard Tuesday over hereโ€ฆ frantically getting everything done before I go to work on Wednesday. Satisfying bfast: (Brown rice toast with AB + 1/2…

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24 week update

Grow baby, grow! 22 weeks:                                                                      24 weeks: My belly continues to grow โ€“itโ€™s funny to look back at earlier pictures when I thought my belly was soooooo big- and the baby continues to move and shake around.. itโ€™s amazing. I could lay on the couch and feel her kick for hours, and sometimes thereโ€™s a…

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Like a baby

Hey! How are you? Hope your morning is going well <3 I slept last night. Like, all night, through the night. If youโ€™ve been following along on the family page, then you know this is a pretty huge deal. Maybe it has to do with the fact that our new mattress came yesterday? Bella called…

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Just another marinara Monday

Hiiiii ๐Ÿ˜€ How are ya? Hope you had a lovely day <3 Enjoyed reading your comments this morning about budgeting! Some of you are totally on the budget bandwagon, while others, like the college days Gina, just go with the flow ๐Ÿ™‚ Donโ€™t let budgets stress ya out though- it can be intimidating at first,…

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A can of worms

Iโ€™ve definitely created a monster with the whole baby book thing. Iโ€™ve read so many, and continue to read as many as I can. Like I said before, I definitely wonโ€™t know what to *really* do or what works for our family until the little Nuggette makes her appearance, but in the meantime, I like…

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Breaking in the new budget

Hiiiiii ๐Ÿ˜€ Happy Monday to ya. Hope your morning is going well! After I last *saw* you last night, we went over to the madreโ€™s for my stepdadโ€™s bday dinner. My contribution to the feast: Mashed sweet potatoes ๐Ÿ™‚ I just baked about 12 organic sweet potatoes at 375* for an hour and 15 minutes,…

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