Sparkling Lemonade Iced Tea

Sparkling lemonade iced tea is a refreshing drink to cool off with as we head into these warmer months. It’s sweetened with Stevia, so you can enjoy a sweet drink without the sugar rush.  I had an amazing weekend with amazing people, and Iโ€™m also wicked sore from teaching on Saturday. My biceps are killing me!…

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Stuffed chicken

Thank you so much for your sweet comments about the Fitness Magazine win and to those of you who entered the cookbook giveaway! I was cracking up reading your kitchen disaster stories. It made me feel better because I have them fairly often ๐Ÿ˜‰ Congratulations to the lucky winner: Please send me your info (fitnessista…

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Banana Almond Muffins

When was the last time you had a muffin? For me, it was when we had breakfast at Ventana. They have gluten-free breads and pastries – when I saw they had apple-cinnamon muffins, I was scary excited. I love muffins and always seem to forget about them when Iโ€™m at the store. When Iโ€™m baking,…

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Dijon chicken with sundried tomatoes and quinoa

Ahhhh, Sunday <3 It feels so nice to take it easy after a long day of teaching, and my favorite night owl decided to sleep in with me. We woke up to see our favorite woodpecker, snacking out of the hummingbird feeder.   Breakfast: (oats with Sun Warrior, defrosted cherries and almond butter + tea)…

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Homemade Strawberry Sports Drink

Enjoy this homemade strawberry sports drink to hydrate before or after a workout. At a bar in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, they have the best infusionsโ€ฆfresh fruit soaking in vodka, which tastes dangerously like candy. Thatโ€™s all I can remember to tell you about those drinks. This strawberry infusion is a little bit healthier, and will help…

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Protein fruit yogurt

Hey guys! Happy Friday ๐Ÿ™‚ Anything fun planned for the weekend? We have a party to go to on Saturday, along with a return to tapping. <— So random, but exciting. My boss is an incredible instructor and is teaching some fitness and dance classes at a local studio. When I saw her the other…

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Slow cooker chicken coconut curry

Last time I made Thai food, I almost burned our faces off with the spiciness factor. This is coming from a girl who eats jalapenos straight-up. It was borderline too much for me too handle, and way too spicy for the Pilot, who likes spicy foods, but not the same way I do. This time,…

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New Ballz and Snack Links

Itโ€™s about time I expanded my amazeball horizons. Iโ€™ve been brainstorming snack ideas that I can have in the fridge, grab and eat, and couldnโ€™t believe how long it had been since I had an amazeball. Theyโ€™re a great dose of healthy fat and protein- 2 usually does the trick for me. Instead of making…

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Banana Split Protein Shake

This is the reason why I never make oats in the microwave: OATSPLOSION! No matter what I do, how long I cook it for, how much water I addโ€ฆ it always ends up being time to clean the microwave. I was willing to make the sacrifice and try out these new-to-me oats: the half that…

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Rice cooker Italian quinoa

Good morning! Hope your day is off to a great start <3 Waffles with almond butter and jelly over here tea snuggles and teeny grunts and snores (coming from the lounger next to me). Itโ€™s a good day. The Pilot had to fly late last night, and since heโ€™s been the dinner chef in our…

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Red and green quinoa lentil salad

Along with having the fam here, one of the best things about being back in Tucson is being able to see our amazing friends, many of whom weโ€™ve known forever. (the scenery is a bonus, too) My friend Marisa and I have been dancing together since way back in the day. I asked her if…

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Slow cooker applesauce

Every morning when I wake up, and every night before bed, I burn a few candles. Itโ€™s a calming thing, and I think it makes the house smell so lovely. (Fresh Balsam from Bath and Body Works is my holiday candle obsessionโ€ฆ I have 4 of the large ones dispersed around the house, as well…

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