Quality control
One of the perks about making goodies for other people?
Making sure they taste ok 😉
[Side note: roon with almond butter may be the most insane combo ever]
Sending roons for the giveaway winner + a batch to an unsuspecting reader tomorrow!
Today at work was my lucky day. I got to assist 3 dance classes – it’s like the schedule jackpot for me when that happens. The girl who usually assists Bellydance is on her honeymoon, so that was one of them. I LOVE bellydance.. and now take the belly aspect of the dance to an entirely different level.
Stopped at home for lunch and made a copycat salad beast.
I couldn’t get Sunday night’s salad out of my brain, so I made my own with
-pomegranate arils (here’s a post on how to separate the arils)
-goat cheese
-walnut oil, red wine vinegar, sea salt, pepper
[chocolate almond milk + the new Sun Warrior blend]
I’m back at the house and about to make some dinner before we take Bell for her nightly excursion.
Enjoy your evening and I’ll see ya in the morning with a Focus On post!
Something to talk about: Your favorite Halloween movie! To be real, I hate creepy movies. I used to love them back in the day, but as I got older, I just didn’t enjoy them anymore at all. The last scary movie I saw –I can’t even remember what it was- my bro had to come to my apartment and sleep on my futon to protect me. [He’s such a nice brother] I do, however, LOVE the movie Hocus Pocus 🙂
Thinking I need to watch it at least once before Halloween season is over.
Today’s tip: This is your friendly reminder to take 5 minutes to foam roll or stretch before bed! Dooooooo it <3
***Thank you for all of the San Diego tips this morning! I knew I could count on you for amazing suggestions. We’re so excited to plan out our trip.
Retry later
I am not a fan of scary movies at all! I think the scariest movie I have seen is Abduction (which I only saw because Taylor Launter was in it;)) My favorite Halloween movie however would definitely be all of the ‘Halloweentown’ Disney movies. I look forward to watching them every year:)
So when I was a tween I can’t even believe the horror movies I would watch. My cousins and I would have marathons with the scariest movies (no idea where our parents were). I hate them now. Michael won’t watch them so if I watch them alone they scare me too much…or they are dumb.
I love Hocus Pocus?? Is that the name. So cute. Charlie Brown is always a must. And technically this may be a Christmas movie but I love Nightmare Before Christmas too!
Roons and AB do sounds insane right about now. Nursing cravings are even more brutal than pregnancy cravings, my friend! At least for me!
omg i love hocus pocus! and I have a confession…when I was little I totally LOVED double double toil and trouble with the olsen twins. and by little, I mean I saw it on tv a few years ago and still thought it was cute. Don’t judge 🙂
no judging- i’ve totally seen that movie, haha 🙂
I love that movie! 🙂
I LOVED that movie too… I totally forgot about it!
Haha I used to love that movie too! 😀 I haven’t seen it in ages though.
I absolutely LOVE scary movies…but I am a wimp when I watch them alone…so I never do that! My favorite has to be the original Halloween. I just love the old feel of it and, to me, it’s just the perfect movie for the season!
Thank you for reminding me to watch Hocus Pocus! Emily – I forgot all about the olsen twin movies. They remind me so much of my childhood 🙂
I don’t think that The Sixth Sense is an actual Halloween movie, but I think that it came out around that time. That’s one of my *kinda* scary movies that I like. Have a nice, relaxing evening!
I’m with you on the scary movie thing. They give me nightmares, but I DO love Hocus Pocus or Nightmare Before Christmas. I guess those are more funny creepy though. And your brother sounds like mine. Our neighbors were recently robbed in the middle of the day, and after we told my brother, he visited me at home the next day to check up on me and make sure everything was locked. He said he couldn’t sleep the night before thinking about it. =)
looooove nightmare before christmas!
what a nice brother 🙂
Hocus Pocus is my FAVORITE!
unsuspecting reader?? the reader must know – you have the address! i could email you mine… =)
i’m putting pomegranate arils in my breakfast cookie/mush tomorrow morning! you just reminded me that i need to go get them out of the skin!!
she sent me her address for something else, so i’m sending her some macaroons too 🙂
i figured. of course it was nice to wish that you were reading my mind!
I am the same way about scary movies. Why would I want to make myself feel such a strong negative emotion? It’s been forever since I have seen Hocus Pocus though. Now I know what we will be watching…
I bought chocolate almond milk at your recommendation. It is calling my name in the fridge. Ah!
have you tried it yet??
I just did. Brilliant stuff! Everything I could have hoped for. Plus, I feel like the almond almost adds a minty taste that I l ike. Maybe I am crazy 😉
Sarah, you put it so well when you said “Why would I want to make myself feel such a strong negative emotion?” Never thought of it that way!
it’s a great point, and very true!
I completely agree!!!
I would die if anyone else has seen this, but for the last 20+ years we’ve watched a movie called Mummy Daddy. It was actually an episode from an old Steven Spielberg TV series called Amazing Stories. It was scary and hilarious at the same time. It’s my favorite Halloween tradition! 🙂
Mmmm… that roon looks delicious!
Hocus Pocus and It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown are definitely my two must-watch movies around Halloween time! I LOVE psychologically scary movies (eg. Hide and Seek, Paranormal Activity, The Shining, etc.) but I can’t stand really gory scary movies with lots of graphic killing and blood (ie. I’ve NEVER seen the “SAW” movies and never will) Weirdly enough, my boyfriend really got me into AMC’s “The Walking Dead” even though it’s super gory. I spent 3/4 of the show with my eyes covered, but I still like it for some reason!
I LOVE HOCUS POCUS!! I have never met anyone else who likes it or even has heard of it!! Best Halloween movie ever! I watch it every year!
I definitely agree that you should watch Hocus Pocus this season 🙂 I want to have some friends over for a movie night and watch it 🙂
I can’t watch scary movies at all. Hocus Pocus is about as scary as I go. The first scary movie I ever saw was the Shining in sixth grade; I’m scarred for life.
Ha! I know what you mean. For some reason my mom never minded that my brother and I watched scary movies growing up. I saw Nightmare on Elm street for the first time during a sleepover at my house when I was 8! I grew up watching Poltergeist, Pet Semetary…ugh. Seriously…scarred for life.
Now everytime a Paranormal Activity trailer comes on TV…I have to switch it immediately. I cannot handle that movie…not even a trailer.
AHh! For spirit week during Homecoming week, our school played Hocus Pocus on a giant movie screen on our football field! Sooo fun! (: I’m not a big fan of scary movies though…I stick to comedies!! Haha(:
I hate scary movies, but love Hocus Pocus. And the really old movie Witches based on the Roald Dahl book. My husband and really good friend love scary movies so when I have to go see them I read the plot on wikipedia so nothing surprises me 🙂 I’d much prefer to watch a romcom or reruns of SATC.
I love the classic Halloween movies – the original Dracula, Frankenstein, Invisible Man, etc.
Another secret pleasure of mine are the Halloween movies. They’re so cheesy, but I love them.
I don’t watch scary movies anymore, but the scariest for me was Scream. And probably Poltergeist.
I just watched Hocus Pocus like 30 mins ago while eating subway with the bf. That movie used to scare me for some reason… and I definitely didn’t realize the hidden jokes when I was younger… like when the witches tell the bus driver they “want kids” and he says “it may take me a couple tries, but I don’t think that’ll be an issue” wink, wink. lol. this is a children’s movie people 😉
San Diego is just a place you go to relax,just don’t make any plans and show up and have an adventure! Babymoon!
omg, Hocus Pocus is my FAVORITE!!! I totally almost rented it from the Red Box this weekend 🙂
Oh my gosh, I do not like scary movies at all! The last one I saw was The Grudge – let me add that this was my sophomore year in college and the house we lived in was right next to a daycare – so imagine my sheer horror when I was getting in my car and standing right next to the passenger window staring in my car was a little boy who looked exactly like the boy in that movie – after that I was officially done forever. I decided that there is no point in being scared for days err or should I say weeks after I see a scary movie. If I get curious about what happens in one, I’ll read the synopsis on wikipedia instead. I love Hocus Pocus – I’m taping it when it’s on ABC family next week 🙂 I really love the show The Secret Circle too – it’s about teen witches, so it totally counts as Halloween!
Just watched Hocus Pocus on Saturday with my sisters… absolutely perfect Halloween movie. 🙂 Roons look amazing!
Yes yes yes Hocus Pocus!!! Love that movie, and when I went over to my mom’s house the other day she surprised me with the DVD! I also like The Witches, which is not necessarily a Halloween movie but it feels like it should be. I also have to add Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride (I don’t think they’re Halloween movies either, so perhaps I’m not very good at this game? Ha!)
I’m a huge huge fan of Nightmare Before Christmas. It kinda made me fall in love with Halloween which is funny cause I’m a totally chicken. I explained to my husband that there are different kinds of Halloween and my kind tends to be PG rated 🙂
I loved Hocus Pocus! When I was younger my sister and our best friend and I would walk down the street doing the crazy walk (all three of us in unison) just like they do in the movie.
I too, hate scary movies! BUT I LOVE HALLOWEEN! Just watched Hocus Pocus snuggled up with the pup this weekend! I have to admit…one of the creepiest/scariest movies to me is Ernest Scared Stupid. There is a troll in that movie that haunts my dreams for weeks after I watch it! AHHH!
I love “Hocus Pocus,” and they’re totally bringing it back on the redboxes.
I always watch Practical Magic at Halloween time. Love this movie! As a family we always watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and The Worst Witch. Wouldn’t be Halloween without them.
I LOVE Hocus Pocus!!! I’m going home this weekend to see my family (+long distance boyfriend!! Yay!!) and my sister has it all queued up 🙂 That and “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” are my favorite halloween movies.
LOVE that movie! And the Roons look AMAZING! <3
I should also say that I LOVE scary movies. When I was very little (maybe 4-5) my uncle who wasn’t too much older (14 yrs) would come babysit me and watch horror flicks – I wasn’t supposed to watch but I always did and I was hooked. The only one that ever really scared me was Child’s Play… I used to SWEAR my dolls were moving! haha!
Love that movie!
The Corpse Bride and Sleepy Hollow are the ones I have to watch EVERY Halloween!
Have fun planning your trip! That’s exciting.
I HATE scary movies, scary tv shows, I can’t read scary books… I have a very vivid imagination and am creeped out for ages after the fact & can’t sleep!
Hocus Pocus! I used to watch it every Halloween on Disney Channel! Ahh now I’m so nostalgic for all those movies from my youth- I also really liked The Witches based on the Roald Dahl book, but that doesn’t really count as a halloween movie
I love Hocus Pocus because it’s a great movie and I heart bette midler, but also because I remember when I was in 3rd grade and felt SO cool that I got invited to a 5th grade sleepover and that was the movie of choice. it was october of course! I’ll always love themovie for that.
This is hard to believe, but I never even knew what a macaroon was until I started reading your blog! I always thought they were a sort of tree nut…
I used to love Hocus Pocus, too! Now, Halloween movies seem to be made with the sole intent of grossing people out and making me paranoid for days.
Hi Gina, i want to make a sweet gluten free treat for my friends party on saturday, can you recommend me something? Must be something not to difficult, cause i don’t have a lot of time. Love your site! Read it everyday 🙂 xx
I just did your Spring Leg Workout. Whew! It was awesome. And hard. I have killer strong legs from biking and running and I am so happy to have such a challenge. I foam rolled so hopefully I won’t be super sore tomorrow…
I love scary movies! My husband won’t watch them with me :-/ He did when we first started dating…then the further we got into our relationship, I realized he was just watching them because I liked to! haha! But yes Hocus Pocus will always be a favorite!
I LOVE Hocus Pocus! That and The Nightmare Before Christmas are my two favorite Halloween movies!
Bellydance sounds like such a fun class! I would have so much fun attempting to do that/laughing at myself!
Hocus Pocus is my favorite halloween movie!!!
Ahh thank you for reminding me about Hocus Pocus! That is by far one of my faves but I haven’t watched it in WAY too long! 🙂
Around Halloween, I am a fan of an old classic – Young Frankenstein! It’s hilarious and also slightly scary. And now that there’s a broadway musical based on it, I can get in the Halloween spirit by listening to the soundtrack!
Your salad re-creation looks lovely, I love to try and mimic restaurant dishes at home. Good reminder on the streching!!
LOVE HOCUS POCUS! I watch it every year, several times, around Hween. Is that a snaplock glass shaker bottle with a spout????
Curious.. have you tried that type of protein powder in oats yet? I have been debating about purchasing that type or the type you normally use and seeing as I will be adding it to oats, I was curious if one seemed to work better than the other. In the mean time, it looks like I will be buying that almond milk to drink while I watch my Hocus Pocus DVD. That’s right… I purchased it…at the age of 20. A classic never dies, ha!
nope i haven’t tried the new stuff in oats yet- i’m out of oats!
I am not a fan of scary movies either, never watch them! I watch Hocus Pocus every year (it usually comes on TV) but this year I decided to finally order my own copy on DVD 🙂 It just came in the mail a few days ago and I can’t wait to watch it this weekend. It’s a tradition!
Is that SJP ?!
Hocus Pocus?! Oh, snap. I had totally forgotten about that one. Love it.
How much sun warrior do you put in your smoothies??
And Hocus Pocus was GREAT
1 scoop