Running with the fam

Something about summer makes me want to run. Itโ€™s kind of funny because itโ€™s the warmest season, and if you want to get in a distance run it usually has to be early in the morning or late and night. I LOVE the warm sun, smell of sunscreen, and knowing where every water fountain is located on the route. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now that I can finally truly move again, it feels so freeing to run. Running gives me a measurable goal -itโ€™s much easier to track mileage and speed instead of how hard I shimmied in Zumba- and I love that itโ€™s something we can enjoy as a family.

Bugaboo 4

Bugaboo 10

I usually stick to longer runs by myself -itโ€™s almost like a meditation since Iโ€™ll go without music and just enjoy the quiet and scenery- but I love getting in walks or short runs with the fam. P is absolutely LOVING our new Bugaboo Runner stroller. 

We weren’t sure how sheโ€™d react to the running, especially since weโ€™ve had to hold her still for so long to manage the reflux, but the first time I started to jog with her in the stroller, she started giggling. Then she clapped and signed for โ€œmore.โ€ Looks like I officially have another running buddy.

Bugaboo 3

Our friends at Bugaboo kindly sent us one of their new strollers to try out, and weโ€™ve all been enjoying the new wheels.

Bugaboo 6

(wearing: ? Fabletics top, Lorna Jane sports bra, Lorna Jane tights and New Balance sneakers)

Here are some of our favorite things about it:

-Itโ€™s extremely light. Some of the other jogging strollers Iโ€™ve tried are bulky and heavy to lug around. The lightweight seat simply detaches and the base collapses into a compact piece. Itโ€™s very easy and quick to set up.

-The fabric is also breathable and lightweight. It doesnโ€™t seem super heavy/sweaty and P doesnโ€™t seem to get too hot in there. Thereโ€™s lots of room for the breeze to hit her and a very generous sun shade

The Runner is compatible with any Bugaboo seats (here is the seat weโ€™ve been using)

-It glides easily -itโ€™s a dream to push- and the fixed front wheel means weโ€™re in constant control of the strollerโ€™s direction.

Bugaboo 7

While I love the Bugaboo Runner for errands, runs, and walks with the fam, itโ€™s also convenient to put down the brake for some of my favorite stroller strength exercises:

-Supported lunges

Supported lunge

-Barre squats

Barre squats 2

-Leg lifts Leg liftand heel presses.

Heel presses

Some of my goals for running for the upcoming year:

-Make it a consistent part of my routine. Since I teach some cardio-heavy classes, my body responds well to one interval day (OrangeTheory) and one longer run day. This way I can build up my speed and endurance without overdoing the cardio with my teaching classes.

-Find a smaller fall race (like a 5k or 10k) and work up to a winter or even spring half marathon. I would love to do the Tucson Half since itโ€™s an awesome course and weโ€™ll be there this winter. Itโ€™s a flat, fast course with exquisite desert scenery.

-Continue to get in daily movement and small running blitzes with the fam. It makes it easy because weโ€™re out exploring so often, and Liv is a huge fan of โ€œred light, green light.”

Bugaboo 5

(Liv had a butterfly painted on her face from camp)

Bugaboo 2

Any of my friends out there getting back in the swing of running? Fellow mama friends: any stroller strength exercises you love?



Special thanks to Bugaboo for sending us the Bugaboo Complete system. We love it so much. <3

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  1. Maggie on August 4, 2016 at 6:36 am

    Man, running is hard enough without pushing extra weight and worrying about tripping/tipping the little nugget out of the stroller! When I ran the Carlsbad Half last January, I was in awe of all the women I saw doing it while pushing strollers. I was like “Go on with yo’ bad self, mama!”….and then jumped out of their way

  2. Shannon Crenshaw Rhoads on August 4, 2016 at 7:07 am

    Your outfit is super cute. I need those leggings!

  3. Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious on August 4, 2016 at 7:25 am

    Well I wouldn’t say summer is my favorite time to run in AZ. More like winter for me! I’m loving those pants of yours!

  4. Laura @FitMamaLove on August 4, 2016 at 8:33 am

    Fall is my favorite season for running outdoors–I love the crispness in the air and the crunch of leaves underfoot. I have gotten so many miles out of our jogging stroller because sometimes it was easier to put the baby in the stroller and the preschooler on the bike than wrangle them both into car seats. Small grocery trips, farmers market and coffee (just to get out of the house) were all great ways to get activity in. Nowadays we still travel that way to get to school in the morning and it’s the perfect warmup!

  5. Meagan @ My Life as Mrs on August 4, 2016 at 9:36 am

    There must be no humidity out in CA because if I went running in your outfit right now, I’d probably melt to floor. It’s so humid here. Love the stroller and your new goals!

  6. Julia @ Drops of Jules on August 4, 2016 at 10:03 am

    Hi Gina!

    I wish I enjoyed running throughout the summer but every time I go out, I really struggle through it! I did two miles today and I spent just as much time under the fan when I got back home. The sweating feels good- but it takes a lot of mental power to get through it.

    If it is all right, I have a question for you. I read your blog through Bloglovinโ€™, and yours is the only blog that goes directly through to your site versus reading through a feeder. I really like that because I hate the top banner on my screen! I was wondering if you might share how you did that with me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Jessica @ Semi-Sweet Tooth on August 4, 2016 at 10:38 am

    Gosh, they are just too cute. Those smiles just light up the world!

    I’m a slow/steady paced runner, but my main goal is to get it done!

    But I love seeing families that enjoy being active together. I don’t have any children myself, but I was raised by a mama that had her own workout television show and took me to several of the classes she taught. Seeing her being active definitely inspired the movement that I continue to do today!

    XO, Jessica

  8. Erin @ Her Heartland Soul on August 4, 2016 at 10:45 am

    P looks so happy!

  9. Melissa c on August 4, 2016 at 11:46 am

    Think ing of running the Jazz Half here in New Orleans in October. It’s just sooo humid here , like oppresively humid! BUT I’ve trained for it once before in summer- and by the time October came , I was prepared! Love the photos! Luv is gorgeous and P makes me smile ( she’s so full of Joy!) .and do u ever take a bad pic? You always look Amazing!

    • Melissa c on August 4, 2016 at 11:47 am

      Supposed to say Liv (sorry)

  10. queenoffitness on August 4, 2016 at 2:08 pm

    Okay, P’s legs in your stationary exercise photos are HILARIOUS! One leg is up, one arm is up, one hand is holding onto a leg. It’s like she was giving some poses too. You and Tom have magic levitational powers.
    On an unrelated note, my SIL had a baby a month ago. I made her a batch of your lactation cookies and we incredibly found Mother’s Milk tea in our area. I asked her the other day and she said “Those cookies were amazing!” Her milk came in faster and more abundantly with the two combined. THANK YOU for writing about so many interesting topics because otherwise I wouldn’t have known how to “help” her since I don’t have any babes myself.

    • Fitnessista on August 5, 2016 at 10:23 pm

      i didn’t notice that! what a nut hahah
      so so happy to hear she liked the cookies and tea! so amazing that it was helpful for her, and so thoughtful of you <3
      have a great weekend!

  11. Amy S on August 4, 2016 at 4:08 pm

    Look at how happy P is in the jogging stroller! Absolutely adorable.

    I know what you mean about the magic of summer running. I ran the San Francisco half marathon over the weekend – what an amazing race! The scenery was GORGEOUS and running over the Golden Gate bridge was epic. I’d been training for the past several weeks at home (Chicago), where it’s been very hot, even in the mornings. It was 55 degrees for the SF half – what a relief to run in the cooler weather! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Bethany on August 4, 2016 at 6:28 pm

    We have the Graco Jogging stroller and love it. It is kind of huge, but it super smooth and has many handy features. I do short jogs and long walks with my 3 month old. Running is still hard on me though. I feel like my pelvic floor is not all their yet =(

  13. Natalie on August 5, 2016 at 5:01 am

    I have been loving doing more running now that I’m almost 4 months post baby girl. I do notice that I take less time for stretching before and after due to the demands of two littles now. Sadly, I think this has resulted in a few injuries that have kept me sidelined for days at a time as I prepare for the local Rock ‘n’ Roll Half. Really trying to remember I have to take time for myself AND for stretching! No stroller runs yet…but I am enjoying the freedom of being on my own during that time.

  14. Bethann Stenseth on August 9, 2016 at 3:29 pm

    You’re a total boss — I want to get outside with my (dare I say) Bob Revolution stroller right now and try your workout! That stroller is gorgeous, btw.

  15. Nina on August 13, 2016 at 7:08 am

    How do you manage to run without the arm movement? I found it so hard i finally gave up running with a stroller.

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