Sweetness and Shopping

Hi guys 😀

Hope you’re having a beautiful day so far. I am LOVING this weekend in Orlando <3


After we took the dogs to the dog park, we went to check out Orlando vegan bakeries to see if there was anywhere I’d like to apply.

Our first stop was Raphsodic Cooperative Company, a vegan bakery with gluten-free and raw selections as well.

rapsodic (7)

As we walked in, my cousin Steph said, “It smells beautiful in here” (it did!!) and I immediately fell in love with the clean and urban interior.

They had jewelry and trinkets to purchase,

rapsodic (4)

you could see the cooks working their magic in the back,

rapsodic (5)

and there were so many beautiful baked goods to choose from.


rapsodic (2)

rapsodic (3)

After debating for quite a while (we wanted EVERYTHING!!! haha), we decided on these:

rapsodic (6)

Baklava, raw cacao macaroon, red velvet cupcake and a kitchen sink cookie

+ a Tiramisu cupcake and lemon cloud cookie that I didn’t snap a pic of

The four of us took bites to taste everything 🙂

The verdict?

Everything was scrumptious- I love when vegan desserts don’t taste like they’re missing anything. The cake was moist, nothing was overly sweet, and it was unanimous that the Tiramisu cupcake reigned supreme. My macaroons are better though 😉

 roons (2)

While I LOVED Raphsodic, I’m not quite sure I would work ask to work there. Everything about it seems amazing (and the girls were so friendly and wonderful), however, the neighborhood it’s in is less than stellar :/

bella (2)

We were walking around looking for a place for lunch and saw the following sign:


He did???

Don’t mind if I do 😉


We’re off to explore a little and then watch the Alabama game- the Pilot is an alumnus 🙂 Roll Tide, baby!



Something to talk about: Have you watched any football games this weekend? Who are you cheering for? U of A played yesterday and KILLED IT 🙂 Go cats!

Retry later

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  1. Kristina @ spabettie on September 4, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    I LOVE that sign!!

    I would LOVE to work in (or own… ) a vegan + gf bakery… dream of DREAMS.

    we watched the Missouri game today – Go Mizzou Tigers!! 🙂

  2. Sana on September 4, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    Sadly my school does not have a football team. Hopefully you will find a vegan store in a non sketchy area to work in! Baklava is my FAV dessert ever. Second to you macaroons of course 🙂

  3. Kim on September 4, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    Hook’em Horns won over Rice Owls.

    Those cupcakes look amazing!

    Good luck job hunting!

  4. Tiffany on September 4, 2010 at 7:21 pm

    Arkansas Razorbacks all the way! I’m an Arkansas girl (and live on LRAFB) so we cheer on the Hogs from birth 😀 Now if only I had one of those amazing tiramisu cupcakes to snack on while watching the first game tonight.

  5. Erika @ Food, Fitness, & Fun on September 4, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    I am such a sucker for baked goods! I have self-control when it comes to shoes, clothes, and jewelery, but when I go to the bakery I buy the whole store up! 😉

  6. Lauren @ BIOCHEMISTA on September 4, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    I have seen that sign before…Too funny! 🙂 🙂 Believe it or not, I’ve never been to a vegan bakery!

  7. ari on September 4, 2010 at 7:58 pm

    CU dominated against CSU. 24-3!

  8. Wendy @ Seriously Sassy on September 4, 2010 at 7:59 pm

    Golly, that bakery looks awesome! Did they mind your picture-taking or did they not even notice? I bring my camera almost everywhere I go and get some funny looks sometimes when I snap pictures in places like stores and restaurants. But I LOOOOVE doing it!

  9. Sally on September 4, 2010 at 8:16 pm

    Go Navy Midshipmen! We have a billy goat as our mascot…wonder if they make any USNA cheese? 😉

  10. hemp jogger on September 4, 2010 at 8:22 pm

    ooooh yea! LOVE football season, and so happy its back! my (WV) mountaineers won today 🙂

  11. Becca@Start Over From Scratch on September 4, 2010 at 8:24 pm

    Those goodies look delicious! I just moved to Charlotte from Chattanooga so I feel your joy in being in a “real city!” I even got to meet up with 100 or more alumni from FSU and watch the Noles kick butt…59-6!!!Yay!!!

  12. sassy molassy on September 4, 2010 at 8:29 pm

    Ooh fun! Those desserts look awesome. I love tiramisu ANYTHING. My Oregon Ducks played today and did quite a whooping on New Mexico. 72-0. Quite the win!

  13. Joslyn (missfitbliss) on September 4, 2010 at 8:32 pm

    Yum on the vegan bakery! But it’s true, safety is important. I’m sure you’ll find an amazing place in a better neighborhood. Good luck to you;)

  14. Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat on September 4, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    Gina, you look gorgeous in that first photo!! Looks like a lovely day, and some delicious desserts too! I haven’t been watching any football because in Canada it’s not really as big of a deal as it is in the US. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend! 🙂

  15. Julie @pickley pear on September 4, 2010 at 8:54 pm

    I’ve often wondered what Roll Tide means? I don’t get it.

  16. Cara Craves... on September 4, 2010 at 8:55 pm

    I am sure when you find the perfect place you will just know.
    You will have one of those Ahh-ha moments and know that it is
    the perfect fit for you.

  17. April @ Crazy Fabulous Life on September 4, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Seems like you’re having a nice time so far! Good luck on your bakery search. I’m sure you will find something amazing, and I bet you’ll have a blast searching!

  18. Erin K on September 4, 2010 at 9:28 pm

    Watched the Cats game (as an alum it is my duty!). Bear Down!! We’re watching the other PAC games today to check out our competition.

  19. Caitlin (EatFeats) on September 4, 2010 at 9:34 pm

    Love college football! Watched the Cal game today–and we of course played a really easy team so we dominated. Go Bears!

  20. Suzanne on September 4, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    Hey G-$$,

    Your hair, always impeccably fly, looks particularly lush in this post’s photo. Just FYI 🙂 Also, I can’t claim credit for finding the following gem of a clip (found it via theclothesmakethegirl blog–great blog–she’s a crossfitter), but it is AWESOME, and if you trust my judgment, pleeeeeease promise me you’ll watch the entire thing. It starts slow, but soon you’re like WTF?! My favorite variation begins around 3:10


    Try ’em out at your next bootcamp perhaps! Finally, I feel compelled to reiterate one tidbit from my last comment, I love Yeungling with the same zeal that Snape hates Harry/I hate Snape. Which segways into my next link love:



  21. Barb on September 4, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    The baked goodies looked amazing!!!! <3 I cheered for the University of KY who beat Louisville today!!! Go Cats!!!

  22. alexa on September 4, 2010 at 10:27 pm

    Gina, I’m a longtime reader and love your blog. I’m a Bama alumni too. When did the pilot graduate?

    • Fitnessista on September 5, 2010 at 12:43 pm

      just kidding- 2003 🙂

  23. Laura on September 4, 2010 at 10:40 pm

    Good luck with your job hunt! I’m totally ready for college football! Go Gators! And Go SEC!!!

  24. Jessica@tastyandtrim on September 4, 2010 at 10:41 pm

    Looks like you are having a great time 🙂 All of those desserts look SO good!

  25. Krystina on September 4, 2010 at 11:11 pm

    Last night I got a tiramisu and a sticky bun cupcake and they were SO delicious. I miss Raphsodic so much. 🙁

  26. Mara @ What's For Dinner? on September 4, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    Ok, so I believe that you and I were eating cupcakes at the same time today… you in O-town and me at Bender’s shower 🙂

  27. Jessica @ How Sweet It Is on September 4, 2010 at 11:22 pm

    I love that sign in the window. I saw it on vacation and wanted to buy one for myself!

  28. Erin on September 5, 2010 at 12:16 am

    We just finished up the Auburn game, War Eagle babe!

  29. Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter on September 5, 2010 at 12:56 am

    What a fun day! I love that sign!

    I’m an Oregon Duck fan. We beat New Mexico 72-0. Woooo Pac 10. Though I should be sad that Oregon State and UW lost because it will help us in the standings, I’m still happy they lost. I’m such a diehard Oregon fan.

  30. nicole on September 5, 2010 at 3:06 am

    Looks like you’re having a lot of fun! UCLA alum but we lost…
    On a different note, I just watched The Cove and was really saddened by it as well. I want to thank you for spreading the word and opening others eyes. I had never heard of it until your post but bought it for my mom who watches Whale Wars. There were definitely tears but I think that’s the only way to reach some people. Just wanted to commend you on your excellent/informative blog 🙂 !! Love it.

  31. Tina on September 5, 2010 at 6:00 am

    I certainly watched college football. I love it. I had some fun cheering on my alma mater – UGA! 🙂

    That little bakery shop does look great. I hope you find something you love just as much but can feel more comfortable with.

  32. Desi on September 5, 2010 at 7:22 am

    Wow. Even though you don’t want to work at that bakery after all, how cool was it to visit?! Being gluten, dairy, egg, cane sugar free myself, I always get absurdly excited when I see that other people have the same dietary needs.. or when other people meet those dietary needs for others – by owning such a bakery, for example! 🙂 I love it!!!! I think you just need to open up your own bakery, girl!

  33. Kristin (Cook, Bake and Nibble) on September 5, 2010 at 8:19 am

    That looks like an amazing bakery!

    Though if you DO want to open your own bakery, my chef’s advice [I have talked to him about it many times!] is to make sure you work in one first to see what works for you and what doesn’t! Even if it’s not in a great neighborhood, it won’t be for long! 😀


  34. melissa on September 5, 2010 at 8:36 am

    yum, have i mentioned raw treats are my fave haha. yep yesterday watched the penn state game. JoPa is so old!!

  35. christina cadden on September 5, 2010 at 8:50 am

    Haha, love that sign!

  36. CaSaundra on September 5, 2010 at 8:52 am

    I agree–vegan baked goods can be amazing, although I’ve tried some that aren’t so good too. But that applies to everything–vegan or not–there’s always going to be good and bad!! Glad you enjoyed all those goodies–I think the tiramisu would’ve been my fav too!

  37. Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin on September 5, 2010 at 9:05 am

    I would be turned off by a sketchy area too. It’s always good to consider safety!! 🙂 Good luck with finding a bakery in a better location!

  38. Heather (Heather's Dish) on September 5, 2010 at 9:11 am

    my team is playing today…wreck ’em tech!…but i have no clue who they’re up against. oops 🙂

  39. A Teenage Gourmet on September 5, 2010 at 9:21 am

    Goooo C-A-T-S!! Kentucky Wildcats beat Louisville. 😀

  40. Ashley on September 5, 2010 at 9:50 am

    Waaaaaaaaaar Eagle, HEY! I’m a student at Auburn University, so we’ll be seeing you Alabama fans at the Iron Bowl the day after Thanksgiving! BUT don’t think I don’t give credit where it’s deserved – tell the pilot that this Auburn fan thinks its great that Bama is doing well (I cheered for Alabama over Texas in the national championship). 🙂

  41. Jessica (Fit and Clean) on September 5, 2010 at 10:19 am

    All of those desserts looked sooo good. Good luck with your job search! I loved the sign, too. Hahahaha!

  42. Rosa on September 5, 2010 at 10:25 am

    Roll Tide! Hubby played for Alabama in the late 80s. We are die hard fans. And they did an amazing job last night. What else do we expect?

  43. Morgan @ Healthy Happy Place on September 5, 2010 at 10:39 am

    What about working as a trainer while you are there? Isn’t that what you do best?

    • Fitnessista on September 5, 2010 at 12:41 pm

      i’d love to but to work as a trainer you need to build clientele and i wouldn’t have enough time to do that :/

  44. Felicia (A taste of Health with Balance) on September 5, 2010 at 11:21 am

    very nice choices.. I’d love to try your macs one day!

  45. jamie on September 5, 2010 at 11:21 am

    rollllllllll tide! #1! seeing roll tide in print ANYWHERE makes me so happy. high fives!

  46. Faith @ lovelyascharged on September 5, 2010 at 11:36 am

    I’ve been in football addict heaven! First the high school game my boyfriend coached, then the Bucs game (our first win!!! WOOP WOOP for my sad sack of a pro team!!!), and the Gators game, U of M, and USC! Good stuff!

  47. holly @ couchpotatoathlete on September 5, 2010 at 12:02 pm

    How did the macaroon compare to your raw macaroons?

    I would love to try the Kitchen Sink Cookie — I love cookies with tons of stuff in there.

    That husband sign is hilarious! If I ever own a store I am making a sign like that 🙂

    Good luck with your job search! If I lived in Orlando I’d want to be a Disney Princess at one of the parks 🙂

    • Fitnessista on September 5, 2010 at 12:40 pm

      i have to say mine were better 🙂 mine are crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside and theirs were… gooey 🙂

  48. LisaG on September 5, 2010 at 12:06 pm

    Yay UGA & GA Tech. So glad you’re having a great time

  49. Laughter-Loving Stacy on September 5, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    Ha, ha- that sign is great. There is one in my college town that says, “Your wife called, she said you could buy a gun.” For a gun store, obviously. Makes me laugh every time.

  50. Kate on September 5, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    Texas A&M! Gig em Aggies!

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