The Face of Temptation

If this isn’t tempting, I don’t know what is….


Macaroon dough.

I always, always save myself a little at the bottom of the bowl, but today I didn’t have any due to my Lenten thang.

100% willpower, beebs. It wasn’t easy though….

I may have had two mugs full of brown rice cereal to distract me from the dough 😉

Today’s meals have been a little scatterbrained.. kind of like me 😀 I can’t find my base ID ANYWHERE!

I had some millet with AB and banana before hitting the gym with Ash:


We did legs today and it was fierce, then I came back from some protein:


(Egg + egg white puff with nutritional yeast and chili powder)

And an hour nap with the puppers. "’Twas glorious 😀

When I woke up, I made a green juice:

green juice



Kelp noodles with Goddess dressing:


And then went to work.

Work was lovely, and one of my clients (nicknamed Tinkerbell) surprised me with some goodies from her New York trip:



A supercute shirt and a cookbook –she also got me a thing of mints from Dylan’s candy with my name on it. Such a wonderful surprise 😉

Something to talk about:

The original plan was to do a Q & A sesh per usual (lately) but I received my first backwards mean question. I mean, obviously it was bound to happen sooner or later, and after 400+ questions of pure loveliness and fun, I was kind of surprised to see this in the mix.

Here’s how it went:

Hi Gina! I’m just curious..but what happened to your nose?

i’ve broken it 3 times, and am super self- conscious about the bump on it

I get quite a few questions on the Ask Me Anything page regarding self-consciousness and if I ever have “down days” or struggle with appearance, as well as many questions regarding plastic surgery. As far as the off days, of course I do! Usually I feel pretty good, but I am 100% pure girl and I certainly have days where I don’t feel cute or suddenly despise all of the clothes in my closet. A lot of it has to do with hormones and I’m sure that many girls deal with off-days like this. For the most part, I try to focus on the things I’m grateful for and find quirks in the little things I can’t change.

Except for my nose…

I have debated for YEARS on getting rhinoplasty, as I’ve broken my nose 3 times and was left with a crooked bumpy thing in its place. But after all of that (and the pilot’s begging to just keep it the way it is), I decided against it. Something about someone prying the skin off my face and taking a hammer to my schnoz doesn’t sound appealing to me.

As far as plastic surgery in general goes, I really don’t see a prob with it. Of course we should be happy and love the bodies we were blessed with, but if someone is so self-conscious to the extreme that surgery would help them gain back some confidence, then I say go for it. You’ve gotta do what’s best for you, always. Heidi Montag on the other hand, is a totally different story. She is a beautiful girl and had no reason to let a plastic surgeon go buck wild with her under the knife.

Just my two cents 😀

Please keep those lovely and fun questions coming and I’ll see ya in the morning with the name of the cafe!!!



Retry later

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  1. Andrea @ Celery In The City on February 18, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    Whhaat? I thought for sure they asked a question about your nose being ‘not real’ because it looks good, that’s rude!

    Odd kelp noodles have the fishy sort of scent that tofu noodles (those shirataki noodles?) have? I had such an odd consistency issue with those!

  2. Heather (Heather's Dish) on February 18, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    wow, that’s kind of a weird comment…i was just thinking the other day about how beautiful i think you are and that you actually have a great nose! keep those amazing answers coming, you’re an inspiration miss Gina 🙂

  3. Melissa on February 18, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    The nose inquisitor was very rude!

    You are totally beautiful! Do not change a thing!

  4. Katie@ Two Lives, One Lifestyle on February 18, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    I tweeted to ya that I’ve broken mine twice… my friends/family (who I think are being honest ;)) tell me they would never notice it if I didn’t mention it. Same goes for you! You cannot see any bump at all in your pics!!
    PS- My sister and I called Barbies “beebs.” It was our code word because we were playing barbies much past the usual age range 😛

  5. Christie on February 18, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    Wow, I never noticed anything unique about your nose. It seems pretty normal to me. I think you have a very attractive face 🙂 I’m not trying to say anything mean about anyone but that question seems a bit mean spirited…

  6. Alyssa on February 18, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    Hi Gina,

    Def a lurker on this site but I had to comment after I saw this post. You are so beautiful! I can’t believe anyone would say something nasty to you. Besides, what about your nose? I see absolutely nothing wrong with it!!! You are so pretty! Don’t let anyone mean get you down. Just keep doing your thing. You’re great.

  7. MelissaNibbles on February 18, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    What a nice gift from NYC! You’ll look cute in the t-shirt.
    I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that you’re beautiful, but what the heck…you’re beautiful and not the only person who’s ever broken their nose. There are a lot of us with a battle bump.

  8. Adriana on February 18, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    Hi Gina,

    Do you have a special technique for baking your sweet potatoes? They always look so fluffy compared to mine.

    Oh, and I totally feel you in regards to your tweet about running making your booty flat. That happened to me too. I can’t wait to end my marathon training so I can focus on strength more than once a week. And if you make up a workout for gluted and post it I would very much appreciate it.

    By the way, you look great!

  9. ann on February 18, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    Oh Gina,

    You are beautiful, inside and out, and are such an inspiration to all of us.

    Thanks for being wonderful you!


  10. Erin Alexandria on February 18, 2010 at 5:15 pm

    Honestly, you’re gorgeous & I’ve never noticed anything about your nose. Mostly, I’ve been jealous over your awesome hair!

  11. katie on February 18, 2010 at 5:15 pm

    im not even gona lie-i got plastic surgery on my was broken and my doctor also did rhinoplasty so he offered to and i was like HECK YES! haha.
    but seriously, ive never even NOTICED your nose! you are wayyy too pretty!

  12. Nicole @ Making Good Choices on February 18, 2010 at 5:15 pm

    can’t wait to hear about the name of your place! And I am proud of your will power to not eat any of that macaroon dough! I don’t know if I could have done it! 😉

  13. Lauren on February 18, 2010 at 5:17 pm

    I don’t notice a thing about your nose, you look great! No need to be self conscience about it at all! As someone else said you have a beauty inside and out. Best wishes!

  14. Molly @thevegandorm on February 18, 2010 at 5:17 pm

    I wonder if you ever mentioned a nose issue on the blog, and for that reason someone asked, because I don’t see how anyone could tell! I have the same issue – I’ve only broken by nose once, but I didn’t realize it was broken and didn’t get it fixed. Whenever my family feels like teasing me, they press their nose to one side to make fun of me. Gah drives me insane!

  15. Leah on February 18, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    Have to say, I never noticed anything off about your nose… I think you’re gorgeous! I understand that you probably notice it – we are always more prone to notice and focus on our flaws, but I’m surprised someone else noticed… They must have been looking really hard for something to bring you down…How rude!

  16. lisa on February 18, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    Hey Gina,
    Once I lost a set of quizzes- yikes. They slid out of my bag in the car and were under the seat. I would check your car and also the pockets of everything you wore last night. It will turn up– take care, Lisa
    p.s. that nose comment really surprised me- don’t you want to write back, just the hell can you be so rude 🙂

  17. Christena on February 18, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    I think you look fantastic! I’ve never noticed anything unusual about your nose. I think you are just gorgeous!

  18. Deirdre on February 18, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    Okay seriously I’ve NEVER noticed your nose. And who the heck asks that kind of a question?

  19. Angela (The Lady Loves to Eat) on February 18, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    I have to say I have never even noticed a bump or anything about your nose because I’m too busy thinking about how gorgeous you are!!

  20. Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat)` on February 18, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    Honestly, I’ve always thought you were drop dead gorgeous! I’ve never even noticed any bump on your nose. I think people are crazy for asking questions like that. but you definitely handled it with grace and style!

  21. Dynamics on February 18, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    Wow, I never even noticed your nose. You are one beautiful girl. I commend your hubby. You are also one lucky girl. NOW… about the recipe for those macaroons

  22. Dynamics on February 18, 2010 at 5:31 pm


  23. Dee on February 18, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    I’m glad you’ve decided not to do surgery because you put alot of pics on here, and I’ve never once noticed anything about your nose. I wish for you eternal un-self-consciousness about it!

  24. Emilyeatsclean on February 18, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    Nutritional yeast….I need to try this. Does it come in packets or what? And poo on the mean question writer!!!!


  25. Hilary on February 18, 2010 at 5:35 pm

    Hi! I’m a daily reader but not a commenter, however after reading this I just wanted to say that I NEVER EVER saw anything wrong with your nose!!!! I think you’re very pretty!

  26. Babs on February 18, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    I love, LOVE your blog! As for the nose comment, you are absolutely beautiful and I’m glad you’re not thinking about changing anything (I’ve never even noticed anything wrong with your nose). I have nose issues as well. I say that commenter was just jealous of your beauty and brains 😉 Also, it would be awesome if you shared your choc chip cookie recipe, because those heart cookies you baked a bit ago looked incredible. I tried and tried to recreat it, but have failed.

  27. Megan @ Healthy Hoggin on February 18, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    I’ve never noticed anything wrong with your nose! You’re gorgeous, so don’t let that question get to you. 😉

    Oh, the willpower making those macaroons! I’ve been holding strong on the sweet-free challenge, but I’ve definitely felt the urge for a sweet! And it’s only the second day! I think the first week is the hardest… at least I hope that’s the case! (oh, and don’t look through the Babycakes book until Lent is over– I love that book, but it will make you want treats!!)

    Can’t wait to hear the name of the cafe!

  28. Madame Cur on February 18, 2010 at 5:42 pm

    Your nose is cute! I thought the same thing as some of the previous comments – I thought the rude question was asking if you had a nose job until you explained.

  29. Kelly Michelle on February 18, 2010 at 5:42 pm

    hmmm, I suppose it could have been a legit curiosity however the phrasing there seems to make it very mean and rude. However, since I may have a slight obsession w/ your formspring page I saw the question before this post and was completely confused as to what she was talking about because I have never even once noticed anything wrong, odd, or unbeautiful about your nose and I have seen every single pic of you on here since I’ve read every post!

  30. Sheri on February 18, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    Gosh Gina I have never noticed anything wrong with your nose! I was shocked at that comment actually…you are a very beautiful lady 🙂

    Way to show great willpower with those macaroons too!

  31. Gwen on February 18, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    Gina you have a lovely nose and I would have never have known you’d broken it (and I still have no idea what that person is talking about). You’re beautiful and the pilot is right to tell you not to change a thing.

    Have a great day!!

  32. Jennifer on February 18, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    Anybody who doesn’t think you are quite beautiful and in a very real way, is crazy IMHO!!

  33. Abby on February 18, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    I read daily, but don’t comment enough. Although I’m trying to make a better effort these days. I read your nose thing and seriously went back a few weeks in your blog just to see what you were even talking about. (and I didn’t find it). You are a beautiful person. I actually love it when you post pictures of yourself because I like to see what you’re wearing to get tips! And…… vote is on foodgasms! Have a great night and good luck with the lent. I’m doing the eating-in challenge for lent this year.

  34. TorontoGirloutWest on February 18, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    First of all I never ever noticed anything was up with your nose. Never would have either!

    And now in defence of the person who asked that question – maybe it wasn’t meant to be totally mean hearted (maybe I’m just being naive here). Maybe they suspected it was broken once and just wanted to confirm it. On the other hand maybe it was plain old nasty.

    Who knows . . .

  35. Aleksis on February 18, 2010 at 5:53 pm

    aww I really hope that person wasn’t trying to be rude and was just curious,(still pretty rude though lol) but I personally think you have great nose! And like everyone else has said I always think about how pretty you are in your pictures. =) Ouchie though! You broke it 3 times?! Anyway, I must make those macaroons one day and I am so excited to see what you are going to name your cafe!! p.s. did you ever do a gadget post? I’m super curious to see what is absolutely necessary to have! =)

  36. Kilee on February 18, 2010 at 5:53 pm

    Don’t worry about it! Everyone has something that they’re self conscious about. You are beautiful inside and out, regardless of broken nose. Can’t wait to see the new name ahhhh!

  37. Barbara on February 18, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    I honestly have never noticed a bump…

    I must say, you ladies are brave to take on the “Ask me Anything” questions. Think I would opt out of that one!


  38. Melissa on February 18, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    First of all Gina…you’re absolutely gorgeous. I never even noticed your nose! I actually got a nose job when I was a bit younger (I’m very very lucky and it went extremely well)…BUT part of me wishes I just stuck with it and let my face grow as it should. I’m happy with how I look now, but I think I would have been happy with how I look even with the nose I had before.

  39. amanda @ fake ginger on February 18, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    I think your nose is lovely! Boo to whoever asked that!

  40. Jenn @ Livewellfit on February 18, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    I’m sorry about that question. While I don’t know what that person intended, I wish it had been phrased a bit differently to at least protect your feelings.

    Well, bigger and better things today right! I love how freely you admit that you are actually a real, pure gal! We all are (us girls that is 🙂 ). Just because you open your world up to us doesn’t not mean that what we see in pictures and in your words is your complete life. We all struggle, we all have down moments. We all have absolute crap days!

    The key…how we respond. How do we pull ourselves out of those tough moments. And I imagine you are very classy at that!

  41. Jessie (Vegan-minded) on February 18, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    Okay, what is wrong with that person who asked the nose question? You are beautiful and I have NEVER noticed anything about your face except that it is very pretty. I hope this person didn’t make you feel self conscious because you do not deserve that!

  42. Gina on February 18, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    I have a huge bump on my nose and have finally started to appreciate it. Took me awhile though! Don’t let that person get to you, you’re beautiful!

  43. Caryn on February 18, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    just like everyone else who has been commenting, the nose thing totally threw me off! i’ve never thought it looked unusual in any way. hopefully it was just an honest, curious question that happened to be worded badly!
    thanks for writing your great blog! although every time i read it, it makes me want to go out and buy stuff! (spiralizer, garmin, dehydrator…) 🙂

  44. Paige on February 18, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    Bump? WHAT bump? Seriously – I’ve read your blog for a few months now and I’ve never noticed! Either that person is hyper-observant or they were just trying to get to you. You’re gorg!

  45. Melissa on February 18, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog since this fall and let me just tell you never once did I ever notice a “bump” in your nose you are gorgeous unfortunately there all always haters

  46. Emily on February 18, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    Being a girl sometimes can drive you crazy when you are having “one of those days”… my husband does not understand sometimes when I fly through my closet, try on 100 outfits / hair styles etc and am still unhappy.

    I’ve never noticed anything wrong with your nose just that it is on a pretty face. Hope you are feeling better.

  47. Jodie on February 18, 2010 at 6:06 pm


    There is nothing wrong with your nose.You are beautiful. I would love to try macaroons. I have never tasted macaroons before.

  48. Ashley on February 18, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    I’ve never noticed anything different about your nose – you’re beautiful! Don’t worry about it a bit.

  49. Heather @ get healthy with Heather on February 18, 2010 at 6:08 pm

    You are so pretty your nose is something I never even noticed before! What a sweet lady to bring you those gifts 🙂

  50. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine on February 18, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    I’m sorry, but what an a-hole. I’ve been reading your blog for quite awhile now, and I know you’ve mentioned in passing that your nose is your “insecure spot” (don’t worry that you’re harping on it though- absolutely not!). This person obviously picked up on that and asked the question purely to bring you down. I don’t need to start going into how immature and outright mean that is.

    As everyone else has already said, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Seriously, when my brother started making fun of me for having a health blog because he said it was a “granola” thing to do, I pulled up your page as an example of how glam food bloggers can be 🙂 You are a gorgeous, feminine and strong woman whose confidence has inspired me to feel better about my own “flaws.” Sure, we all have areas that we’d change with a magic wand, but I think we’re so used to our own appearance that it’s hard not to pick ourselves apart! But your nose is perfect for you. Our breaks and bruises and scars all tell the stories that make us who we are! Don’t let this person get you down- as cliche as it sounds, you are truly beautiful both inside and out!

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