The Face of Temptation
If this isn’t tempting, I don’t know what is….
Macaroon dough.
I always, always save myself a little at the bottom of the bowl, but today I didn’t have any due to my Lenten thang.
100% willpower, beebs. It wasn’t easy though….
I may have had two mugs full of brown rice cereal to distract me from the dough 😉
Today’s meals have been a little scatterbrained.. kind of like me 😀 I can’t find my base ID ANYWHERE!
I had some millet with AB and banana before hitting the gym with Ash:
We did legs today and it was fierce, then I came back from some protein:
(Egg + egg white puff with nutritional yeast and chili powder)
And an hour nap with the puppers. "’Twas glorious 😀
When I woke up, I made a green juice:
Kelp noodles with Goddess dressing:
And then went to work.
Work was lovely, and one of my clients (nicknamed Tinkerbell) surprised me with some goodies from her New York trip:
A supercute shirt and a cookbook –she also got me a thing of mints from Dylan’s candy with my name on it. Such a wonderful surprise 😉
Something to talk about:
The original plan was to do a Q & A sesh per usual (lately) but I received my first backwards mean question. I mean, obviously it was bound to happen sooner or later, and after 400+ questions of pure loveliness and fun, I was kind of surprised to see this in the mix.
Here’s how it went:
Hi Gina! I’m just curious..but what happened to your nose?
i’ve broken it 3 times, and am super self- conscious about the bump on it
I get quite a few questions on the Ask Me Anything page regarding self-consciousness and if I ever have “down days” or struggle with appearance, as well as many questions regarding plastic surgery. As far as the off days, of course I do! Usually I feel pretty good, but I am 100% pure girl and I certainly have days where I don’t feel cute or suddenly despise all of the clothes in my closet. A lot of it has to do with hormones and I’m sure that many girls deal with off-days like this. For the most part, I try to focus on the things I’m grateful for and find quirks in the little things I can’t change.
Except for my nose…
I have debated for YEARS on getting rhinoplasty, as I’ve broken my nose 3 times and was left with a crooked bumpy thing in its place. But after all of that (and the pilot’s begging to just keep it the way it is), I decided against it. Something about someone prying the skin off my face and taking a hammer to my schnoz doesn’t sound appealing to me.
As far as plastic surgery in general goes, I really don’t see a prob with it. Of course we should be happy and love the bodies we were blessed with, but if someone is so self-conscious to the extreme that surgery would help them gain back some confidence, then I say go for it. You’ve gotta do what’s best for you, always. Heidi Montag on the other hand, is a totally different story. She is a beautiful girl and had no reason to let a plastic surgeon go buck wild with her under the knife.
Just my two cents 😀
Please keep those lovely and fun questions coming and I’ll see ya in the morning with the name of the cafe!!!
You know what, let them make whatever comments they want. Obviously they have issues with their own self in order to try to put someone down. And the fact you handled it so gracefully…that’s like a slap in the face for who ever it was! You go girl!
On another note, if you can’t find your military really should get a replacement asap. You never know in today’s society and id theft from military members is extremely high over the last few years! Protect yourself and the pilot and get a replacement. Yes it is a hassle, but it’s worth it. BTW, he will have to be with you to get one unless you have a current POA. Just my two you tell I’m an AF spouse of nearly 12 years now! yikes!
Anyway, rock the nose and everything that goes with it. Besides being beautiful on the outside you have one HECK of a beautiful spirit and heart…let them eat their words 🙂
Macaroon dough?! Mmm. How the heck did you resist THAT? Impressive. What are your tricks for not nibbling while you’re baking? Sadly, chewing gum and brushing my teeth beforehand doesn’t always work for me. Is there anything you tell yourself to keep you from indulging?
Hi Gina! I read your blog all the time, but I’ve never commented until now. I have to tell you…some people are just nasty!! You are so beautiful, and I’m being honest when I tell you that your nose looks perfectly normal to me! People who hide behind their anonymity just so they can be rude make me sick. Don’t let them get you down girl, they are not worth it! Keep up the GREAT work!
hey katherine,
thank you so much for stepping out of lurkdom and for such an amazing comment 🙂 hope to see you around here more often!
that’s kind of mean. i didn’t notice anything weird about your nose.
on the topic of noses, i got a rhinoplasty when i was 16, for a deviated septum and some sleep apnea probs. the outright feminist in me was kind of annoyed by reconstructing myself, but it actually made me feel a bit better. although now i’m convinced my cartilage is growing in a way that makes my nose crooked, lol. so, i mean, i don’t have a problem with it, as long as it’s not used as a main way to derive self-confidence … because we all have those days where we don’t really feel too hot, haha, and chronic plastic surgery won’t fix that (as far as i know).
To be honest, I’ve been reading your blog (and seeing your pics) for months now, and I never noticed anything about your nose (I still can’t!). You are so pretty!
Apparently someone had to send some snark your way. It sounded like a question the girls from “Mean Girls” would ask! Those people are why we can’t have nice things!!
I’m not sure I could have been trusted alone with that macaroon dough if I was in your Lenten sich. I commend you, Gina!
And for the record…I have never even noticed anything was wrong with your nose. I’ve always thought you were supah gorge…eyes, face, nose and all! Hope you didn’t let the comment get to you too much :-/
It looks like someone was jealous! You are obviously beautiful, smart and fit!
Ummm I was kinda taken aback by that comment bc I’ve never noticed anything with your nose at ALL… I’ve always thought you were so beautiful and not only on the outside but also on the inside! Love the blog and you def did not deserve such an inconsiderate question like that!
Ok, so I had to chime on the nose comment (and I never comment on blogs). I too had a nose that had been broken and was horribly bumped. It was huge to begin with, so each time I broke it I got more and more self conscious, to the point where I was avoiding photographs and profile views at all costs. So, after years of threatening to get a nose job, I finally did… and you know what, I actually miss my old nose quite often. When I look back and think that I paid someone to chisel pieces of my face off, its a bit humbling and a touch embarrassing that I was so vain. To boot, most people that I knew before the surgery and hadn’t seen me in a while didn’t even notice I’d had rhinoplasty.
Long story short, try to love what you have and remind yourself that you’re probably the only one that ever notices it. You are beautiful and you landed yourself the pilot, so… enough said.
what an awesome comment. thank you so much. <3
fyi, you are gorgeous, and never in a mill years would i have even noticed anything different about your nose. now, granted, im not one to check out other girls, but still…if this helps you at all…you have nothing to worry about. your face is perfect just as it is. just had to throw that out there…
Ugh, boo for stupid people and their lame comments. Honestly I was surprised by that comment tho. I’ve never noticed anything wrong with your nose. You’re gorgeous!! 🙂 And obviously it’s not a big deal b/c your hottie pilot thinks you look pretty smokin with it!
I read your blog every day but this is my first time posting!
I couldn’t agree more with you on your statement about plastic surgery. I just wanted to let you know that I never noticed anything about your nose, in fact in any picture of you I have never noticed your nose at all! I am just really jealous of your SKIN! I am going through a hormonal change as a twenty year old (teenage to non-teenage) and have been breaking out lately, and I wish my skin were as clear and glowing as yours.
Love your blog, it inspires me every day to eat clean and work out. Thank You!
You have the right attitude girl. You are beautiful all around. To be honest I never even noticed your nose. I always thought you were just gorgeous and I agree about plastic surgery. It is a personal decision, if it makes one happy then do it. Love ya girl!!
I never even noticed anything weird with your nose. You are super-cute as-is and shouldn’t let something like that bother you. You are definitely a huge role model for me, and it’s not even a physical thing. It’s the inner person, your personality and drive, that motivate and challenge me to work on myself and become a better, more positive person!
And super-grats on the willpower. I’ve been lacking mine as of late, but seeing you resist something as amazing sounding as your macaroons makes me a bit more motivated to stick with it.
For the record, I never noticed anything “wrong” with your nose. Looks pretty normal to me.
I’ve always been ridiculed by my family for having the [insert surname here] nose. I debated rhinoplasty since I was in middle school. I’m 26, and never went through it. In the words of Popeye, “I yam who I yam.” All about confidence, and you’re rocking it hardcore.
You have a wonderful BLOG!!
I see you have a bazillion comments already and they all say what I want to say too but i just have to tell you, you are so beautiful! And your nose makes you look like you! I bet if you had surgery you wouldn’t like having a flat nose!
I hope you don’t take what that person said seriously, because obviously they’re intimidated by you and you don’t deserve to feel bad because of someone elses insecurities.
your beautiful Gina inside and out, don’t ever let anyone make you think otherwise! i agree, we have what we have for a reason, our features make us who we are! i have never noticed anything about your nose, this person must just be out to get you down for no reason at all. we are unique and beautiful in our own way =) dont ever change for anyone!
Whoa. Some people have no class. But honestly, I have always though you to be beautiful, seriously, I think you are downright glamorous. And it doesn’t hurt that you are full of inner beauty as well. Sorry for the rude question.
ummmmm. what? i never saw anything weird with your nose! WTF?? LOL
besides… who CARES? we all look different.
Uhh yeah..there’s already a gazillion comments discrediting that nose question, but I still want to add to the pot. I’m a long-time reader, and sincerely, I’ve never thought there was anything wrong with your nose. Quite the opposite, I’ve always thought something along the lines of “oh she’s so pretty” whenever you post pictures of yourself. That question confused me, and your response about breaking it 3 times surprised me. I would have never known!
Where in the grocery store do you buy the kelp noodles? Do you have to get them from a specialty store like Whole Foods? What other sea vegetables do you recommend?? I’ve always been curious to try them!!!
i ordered them from natural zing but not sure if i would recommend them again.. 2 of the 3 bags were frozen solid when i opened the package 🙁
regarding your lost military ID from a military brat… I know this sounds way silly but it has NEVER ever failed me – turn a cup upside down (mug, glass, any sort of drinking thang)… it will help you find it 🙂 I promise
I am joining you on the no-sweets-thing… yay for triumphing over urges of things we desire-but-don’t-really-need 😉
k i’m off to try your trick 🙂
I’ve been reading your blog faithfully for almost a year and I feel it’s about time to finally comment. Never have I noticed your nose and I am shocked at how inappropriate someone could be to ask that question. I think you’re absolutely beautiful and I love the way your hair/skin glow. Keep on staying positive and I enjoy all your eats/fitness tips/etc.
I’m a fairly new reader and I love your blog! I never have noticed anything with your nose – you are beautiful inside and out!
Um, what? I’ve been reading your blog for over a year and have NEVER noticed your nose looked anything but totally normal! I’m too busy wondering how you get your hair so shiny (and now I know from yesterday’s post 🙂
There is nothing wrong with Plastic surgery …well as long as its minimal and realistic…but I had to go and check to see “whats wrong” with your nose. Your nose is beautifull!! haha (creepy? ) but youre really pretty ..personally i dont think you need a nose job AT ALL! Thats a stupid question that someone would ask ..Lame
You always seem to have your head screwed on correctly, and have the right things to say. I read your blog constantly and it is such an inspiration to me and helps motivate me to keep trekking towards better health myself.
Thank you,
thank YOU for reading my little blog, evey!
What the F? You’re stunning. Like. STUNNING.
I have never noticed your nose in any of your pictures. Like, At all. Never have I thought – look, what a (big/small/straight/hooky) nose. I don’t think I ever registered you as having a nose. Looking back at your pictures now, you clearly have a nose I assume I would have noticed if you didn’t HAVE a nose, but from where I sit, it just looks like a nose to me – there’s nothing noteworthy (haha, I typo-d ‘nosetworthy’). It’s a pretty nose, as noses go…
Wow, I’ve ALWAYS thought that you looked COMPLETELY GORGEOUS in all your bloggy pics, and totally NEVER noticed ANYTHING about your nose…honestly!! Never noticed at all!! Nothing even ever remotely occurred to me about it! That actually is encouraging to me about all of my own “flaws”…maybe I’m the only one who ever notices them? But seriously, don’t let the haters get you down girl! You’re so beautiful!
I never even noticed a bump on your nose! And just know that there are a lot of us girls that would kill to look like you; you’re gorgeous!
Now THAT’S what I call self control! I baked up some Red Velvet Whoopie Pies this evening and “had” to do a taste test. 😉
So funny- I never comment but I will have commented twice in as many days!
Just real quick about your nose-
My nose leans “a little to the left”. It becomes obvious especially in pictures, and every once in a while it drives me crazy. I have to say, I noticed it in your pictures, but it helped make me feel better about myself, like I found a ‘nose lean’ soul- sista! You are super attractive, and have the BEST legs- I love that you haven’t let a little bit of a crooked nose unnerve your self confidence! (although having broken it three time is as valid a reason for surgery as I have ever heard).
YAY pilot for requesting no change to your nose!! My best friend has a quite crooked front tooth and I would hate it if she got it fixed- it’s like her own unique quirk that makes her extra special to me! 😉
Hello, well first, I love your website and your motivation and wonderful energy! You are so inspirational. I just want to say that I have a good friend who underwent rhinoplasty and had the most horrific story. She had a month off of work, 3 months off training, and countless nosebleeds. She lived on painkillers due to the pain. Well, what’s it all worth? I’m glad you made the right decision, and I think you are beautiful with a beautiful nose!
I’m just coming out of the lurkers box and commenting because that comment made me so mad. You are beautiful and the pilot was right to beg you to keep your nose – its part of you!!
I’ve got scars on my legs from a nasty bycycle accident when I was a teenager, and for years I hated going on vacation and putting shorts on or wearing a swimsuit. I begged my parents to let me get laser treatment to get them removed so I could be “normal”. I got 1 leg done (the one with the worse scarring) and it hurt so bad, and I’m now left with red burn like marks. Far worse than the silvery scar tissue. But these legs are part of me, and these legs are the ones that will get me up Kilimanjaro in September!!
The biggest part of beauty is accepting who you are and these wee quirks are what make us all unique and interesting. Living a happy, healthy life is far more important than unscared legs or a nose minus a wee bump 🙂
Ciorsdah xx
hooray for stepping out of lurkdom and thank you for such a wonderful comment 🙂 hope to see you around more often!
I have been reading your blog for a while now and haven’t left a comment yet, actually this is the first time I have left a comment on any blog at all. People are so odd aren’t they, I feel sorry for the person who made that silly comment, they must feel pretty yucky inside to have to put that negativity out in to the world. Not only are you beautiful, you come across as genuine, intelligent and funny (i find myself giggling at your blog quite a lot), you are also an inspiration, by being exactly who you are and sharing it with the world.
thank you so much ellie <3
Oh Gosh Gina!
I NEVER even noticed that there is something out of the ordinary going on with your nose!
Remembering some of your cute pics I can honestly say that I did not see anything wrong with your nose at all.
Obviously everyone notices their “weak spots” so much more than anyone else, we fixiate on those spots and think it’s screaming out but in reality it doesn’t. 🙂
Of course it is entirely up to the individual if they want a surgery or not, I personally have nothing against it and would probably get something done if I wasn’t totally put off by the pain (had my wisdom teeth removed and it was the single most horrific hospital experience, that was it for me and surgeries) let alone the cost.
Definitely with you on the plastic surgery thing. I’ve been self-conscious about my nose my whole life, and although I’ve grown into it now, if I still felt the same emotional distress about it that I felt as a kid I’d probably consider surgery. If surgery is what you need to make you feel better – well – I’m not the biggest fan of surgery but if it’s what you need and it will really change your whole life, go for it.
Of course, Jennifer Gray got a nose job and then couldn’t get another acting job! I love people’s quirks and I wish everyone could accept that it’s the differences that make them beautiful, but I totally get it anyway.
On the other hand, I never thought your nose looked strange- you’re freaking hot!
Really?! I’d never noticed anything wrong with your nose! I never would have guessed that it had been broken or anything to be self-conscious about. The rest of you’s way to hott for that anyway 🙂
Wow – what a ridiculous “question”. I can tell you that I assumed that your nose was a family characteristic and part of what made “you”, “you”, and I don’t think it is unattractive in any way. I had the “family” nose and I did correct the bump in college through a rhinoplasty and I am glad that I did but looking back now I think it was more about where I was with my own self esteem than my “problem nose” and that I could have done just as well by working on my feelings about myself rather than my nose.
I am 42 now and have the typical concerns of a 42 year old that could be corrected surgically but luckily, I “get it” now – there will always be something to correct but being grateful for your health, the good in your life and getting comfortable in your own skin is usually a better choice than surgery. I say usually because I believe there is a place for plastic surgery and that it can be helpful so I won’t say that there is a never a reason for it.
The pilot loves you and your nose so why mess with a good thing?
Hi Gina, I don’t know if I’ve ever commented before but I read your blog all the time and think you are BEAUTIFUL – and you should never feel insecure about your nose. It’s really sad that someone asked that “question” and you shouldn’t even think twice about it. 🙂 You are a gorgeous, strong woman!
I have to agree with most of these comments. I’ve been reading your blog for a couple months now, & I’ve never even noticed a bump on your nose. I’m too busy wishing I had your hair, drooling over the eats, or wanting to pet your dogs because they are so freaking adorable! 🙂
I agree with everyone else- I’ve never noticed anything wrong with your nose- you’re so beautiful. It’s kind of funny b/c I was just talking about my nose with my husband last night. When I was in high school I had some oral surgery for a severe over bite, and in the consultation with the oral surgeon, he suggested that I get a nose job- I was 17!! Thank goodness my mom was there and made a witty remark to him about throwing in a boob job too for one low price. Anyway, I was telling my husband that I don’t think I would PAY for a nose job, but hypothetically if someone was just giving away free plastic surgery my first choice would probably be a nose job, since I’ve always been self-conscious of it. Whenever I tell anyone I don’t like my nose b/c it’s so big, they all say they’ve never noticed. A lot of the time I think it’s all in a person’s head. One person tells you you have a big nose and then you think everyone is thinking that when they’re really not!
you are obviously gorgeous! NO need to fix anything about you!
enjoy your Friday!
Trust me, your nose and every other part of you is just precious! I wanted to say that I am aiming to eat like you and love love love your blog. Also, you are so mature for your age! I wish I had what you have going on when I was that young. Keep up the great work, good luck with the cafe, you are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have seriously never noticed anything out of place with your nose… you are an incredibly gorgeous chica so don’t feel self-conscious because of that comment. I actually watched that interview with Heidi Montag after she got all that surgery and I remember us talking about how she can probably never do anything athletic now because she literally got her back and the way her body is structured, altered. I’m more a fan of real, FUNCTIONAL beauty. I might not look so pretty when I run, but I like the way I look and I like that my body allows me to do what I love to do.
Name the cafe – Ahhhh Cafe or Ahhh I’m Here!
WHAT? I’ve never noticed anything wrong with your nose. I even went back and looked at photos from past posts, trying to find something, and I got nothin’! You’re gorg, plain and simple. Nose bump or no nose bump!
On a totally different note, millet bread makes me laugh because it’s what I feed my parakeet for a treat! In its whole form, that is (not in bread form). They love it, it’s kind of a junk-y treat for them. Which is why I think it’s funny that it’s a health food for humans!
seriously girl.. I’ve never noticed ANYTHING wrong with your nose. That person must have magnified and studied countless pics to see it. Don’t change it! You’re gorgeous as is! 🙂