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Fit Guide FAQs

Helloooooo. Happy Monday! How was the weekend? I hope you had an amazing one! Ours was a nice mix of recovering from our little trip, enjoying time outside, and spending a cozy evening inside while it poured. I feel like it didnโ€™t rain nearly as much last time we lived here – last summer I…

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4/22: Meals and fitness for the week

Hey hey! Happy Sunday! Howโ€™s the weekend going? Weโ€™re back from an amazing little getaway to Jacksonville. It was the perfect way to kick off the weekend, and since we got back on Friday night, weโ€™ve still had the rest of the weekend to enjoy! On our way out of town, we made a stop…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy weekend to ya. What are you up to? Weโ€™re enjoying a little impromptu beach vacay in Jacksonville.  (The weather is ridiculous here! Sunny, warm, and with a breeze.) It was grandparentsโ€™ day at Livโ€™s school. Her class is very small, and she was feeling sad about being the only kid without grandparents…

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Creating a quiz with Interact

Hi friends! Iโ€™m so, so excited that youโ€™re pumped about the new personalized fitness plans. The enthusiasm has been so amazing, and Iโ€™m beyond thankful for all of your support. Iโ€™ve received quite a few questions about the plans (how theyโ€™re set up, muscle group splits, how long are the workouts, and the cancelation policy),…

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Introducing the Fitnessista Fit Guides

Personalized fitness plans based on what you like to do, and your unique goals. Hi friends! Happy Monday! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Iโ€™ll be back soon with a recap from the fun, but in the meantime, I have some exciting news. The Fitnessista Fit Guides are on the way, and theyโ€™ll be in…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? Iโ€™m definitely looking forward to some time with the fam and getting the info together for the new fitness plans. Iโ€™ll have all the details posted on Monday and will send it to newsletter subscribers as soon as itโ€™s ready.  Other than that, Iโ€™m excited to…

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Healthy Vegan Artichoke Dip

This vegan artichoke dip is totally healthy, rich, and creamy. It uses vegan cream cheese for an awesome texture and is perfect to make in advance for any upcoming spring or summer dinner parties! Party Food Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! Howโ€™s the morning going? Iโ€™m coming up for air after all of the celebrating weโ€™ve…

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Focus On: the Peloton App

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning going? Today Iโ€™m popping in with a review for something Iโ€™ve used and LOVED for almost an entire year now: the Peloton app! Peloton App Review When I first saw the Peloton commercials, I knew I wanted to try their classes. They seemed interactive and fun, and I had a…

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Party all weekend

Hey hey! How are you? Hope you enjoyed a fabulous weekend. We had a great one spending time family and friends, so it was definitely a win. ๐Ÿ™‚  I shared some of the adventures from Friday and having the fam in town in Friday Faves, and the festivities continued through Sunday. On Saturday, we had…

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4/8: Meals and fitness for the week

Hi friends! Happy Sunday! I hope youโ€™ve had a wonderful weekend. Iโ€™m writing a recap from all of the weekendโ€™s festivities and fun, but in the meantime, I thought Iโ€™d pop in and share the upcoming fitness menu. This week is an exciting one because Iโ€™m a full week from the new fitness plans that…

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Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope your weekend is off to a wonderful start. Iโ€™m a late-night blogger tonight because weโ€™re spent the day celebrating and enjoying having the Pilotโ€™s side of the fam here in town. They came in yesterday, and ever since then itโ€™s been non-stop party time…and itโ€™s the best. Itโ€™s been…

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Thursday happenings

Hi friends! Howโ€™s the morning treating ya? Itโ€™s been a pretty great week, and Iโ€™m loving having the girls home from school. Weโ€™re having lots of fun playing outside, baking, taking little adventures (we drove to the splash pad yesterday to find that it was closed, so we headed to the park instead) and going…

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