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yoga sandwich (+ playlist help!)

Hi friends! How are you?? Happy Monday! Hope your week is off to a great start. Did you do anything fun this weekend? Ours passed in such a blur, but it was definitely filled with family and friend time, unpacking more boxes, and delicious food. It was also a yoga sandwich: it started off and…

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Friday Faves

Helloooooo. Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? Anything fun or exciting? Any weekend getaways? Weโ€™re finishing up the house (wahoo!! I should be able to share some pics next week), heading to a friendsโ€™ bday party, and donโ€™t have a ton planned. Iโ€™m looking forward to a weekend with the fam, and planning our…

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Total body towel workout

Hey heyyyy. Happy Wednesday! Howโ€™s the week going?? Ours has been a good one. I trained a client yesterday, took the girls to their lessons, and we had family dinner at the country club. The food was really good and since it was family night, there were lots of boisterous kiddos. (P has recently decided…

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Beauty and skincare faves

Helloooooo. How are ya? Howโ€™s the week going so far? We have a busy day ahead -the girls have lessons and I train my first client back in Valdosta- and Iโ€™m looking forward to enjoying some time outside with the fam. For this morningโ€™s post, I thought Iโ€™d share the latest and greatest beauty product…

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fried pickles, yoga, and weekend things

Helloooooo. How are you? How was the weekend? How is it Monday already? The weekend was such a blur. It went by wayyyy too quickly and was packed with fun events and (you guessed it) more unpacking. The house is still coming together, slowly but surely. (Chasing after kids while trying to put things away…

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Friday Faves

Hey hey hey! Happy Friday! Whatโ€™s going on this weekend? Anything fun? Iโ€™m super excited because a friend from years ago (OG blog readers: remember Tinkerbell??) is coming over this afternoon to drink wine with us. I canโ€™t wait to see her and catch up, plus she finally gets to meet the girls! Theyโ€™ll obviously…

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Treadmill Sprint Workout + playlist

Hi friends! How are ya? Happy almost-Friday! Iโ€™m so ready for the weekend. We have lots of fun plans with friends, and Iโ€™m excited to take a couple of new classes. Iโ€™ll be sure to report back! For the most part, Iโ€™ve been following along the Barre Bootcamp challenge, and doing my own thing here…

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Spiced chicken manchegos with house guacamole and calabacitas

Hey hey! Happy Indian Food Wednesday. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Iโ€™m so happy to hear that so many of you are loving the new barre workouts! Katie and I had a blast making the videos, and I really enjoyed creating these workouts for you. Iโ€™m so pumped that youโ€™re enjoying them! Itโ€™s interesting to get a glimpse of…

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My review of Thinner, Leaner, Stronger

Hi friends! Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful morning so far. Weโ€™re just taking it easy over here and enjoying the beautiful weather. Livi starts swim classes this week, and Iโ€™m excited to take them to a new park later today. Yesterday afternoon I interviewed at a yoga studio in town (!) and am slowly making…

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You can do hard things

Hi friends. Hope youโ€™ve having a wonderful day. I hope you donโ€™t mind me hopping in here today with some thoughts and everything thatโ€™s been going on lately. With the great move, Iโ€™ve been thinking a lot about challenges and how so many things can change over time. A year ago today, I was recovering…

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EATster weekend

Hi friends! How are you? How was the weekend??  It was our first *real* weekend in Valdosta. Itโ€™s weird because in some ways, it feels like we just got here. (Ok, in a lot of ways. Like the moving boxes that weโ€™re still drowning in, which never seem to empty and mysteriously keep multiplying.) In…

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