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Hobby of necessity (giveaway)
*This giveaway has ended as of 12/16 midnight. Stay tuned for more giveaways soon! Winner’s info at the bottom of this post, along with the details on the lotion bar I’m so obsessed with 🙂 Thank you so much to everyone for entering!******************************************************************** For me, there are two types of hobbies: 1.) the kind you…
Read More →Hole in one
Last night, I got sucked into this book: Source The lovely Jenna recommended it, and she pretty much never does wrong when it comes to nighttime Kindle reading suggestions. I ended up doing the “one more chapter” thing until it was way past bedtime, and now here I am, groggy and so excited that it’s…
Read More →o so gorgeous
Santa came early! I’d been lurking the oGorgeous website since the new bags were released, and the above silver bag was on my Christmas list. I was beyond excited when my friend Cassey offered to send me one- it just arrived today. As you guys know, I hardly ever do product reviews on the blog,…
Read More →Our last class
Tuesday nights are going to feel so different without grabbing our pillows, handbook, dinner to-go and heading to Bradley class together. Before we started classes, we both knew bits and pieces about labor and childbirth, but no idea of what the whole picture could look like from start to finish. To be real, I didn’t…
Read More →Blizzard Booty Burner
I woke up this morning so excited to see…. SNOW! From a distance, that is 😉 (I enjoy snow the most this way) One bonus point for chilly weather: when I take Bella out, she does her business wicked fast. I should put a jacket on her, but she’s like a little white furry lightning…
Read More →Oats, sneaks and bark
3 blog-related things from the day: 1.) The return of savory oats I say “oats” but it’s really Bob’s Red Mill hot cereal… oaty enough, though. Seasoned with nutritional yeast, garlic, sea salt, cayenne, and topped with a slice of goat gouda + the last bit of Nana’s famous egg casserole 2.) New kicks! I…
Read More →Full term
Last night, Bella would not get off my belly no matter how many times you kicked her. Maybe she already knows that you’re going to be best friends, just like she knew you were there before I did. Your room is (pretty much) ready, your clothes and bedding are washed, just waiting for you. I’m…
Read More →A glowing meal
Hi friends! How’s your morning going? We’re on our second day of gloomy doomy rain over here- I kind of love it. Since I didn’t want the weather to get in the way of Bella’s walking schedule, I took her to walk indoors to PetSmart. She starts squeaking like a little bird as soon…
Read More →Take your workout with you
‘Tis the season for cookie overload shopping ‘til you drop holiday parties (Dick van Dyke!) cards (we got 4 today and I realized that we’re slackers) and my favorite part: spending time with family and friends. Sometimes this includes traveling to be with those you love, or entertaining out-of-town company. One of the things…
Read More →7 preg must-haves
I’d been waiting to write this post until the end of my pregnancy, and before I knew it, here I am. Just shy of 37 weeks, baby will be full-term this week, and can make her arrival whenever she’s ready! It’s usually more common for first-time moms to have a longer pregnancy, but my stepmom…
Read More →Egg Myths
Morning friends! <3 Hope you had a lovely weekend. It was quite a whirlwind over here: -Winterhaven: Kyle and Meg got engaged (!!!) –Brunch at Nana’s and the Street Fair Lots of fun stuff! And now it’s Monday…. Source Nothing like a kick in the pants to remind yourself of all the things on the…
Read More →12/11: Pics from the day
It was a perfect Sunday 🙂 Brunch at Nana’s was the standard amazingness, and everyone on my Dad’s side of the family got to celebrate Kyle and Meg’s engagement. A warm and toasty fire holiday decorations Sammi (!!!) hanging out with the fam and Nana’s wonderful food. She had everyone’s favorites (my beloved egg casserole…
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