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“That won’t happen to me”

Back in the day, I would hear about pregnancy symptoms and ailments and just think to myself โ€œoh, that wonโ€™t happen to me.โ€ Now that these things are all actually happeningโ€ฆ itโ€™s actually kind of funny to think I could avoid it. Some of them arenโ€™t too shabby (like my dry skin) and some are…

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Hi friends! Howโ€™s your night going? Weโ€™re on a little staycation ๐Ÿ˜€ Back in May, I grabbed up a LivingSocial deal for a one-night resort getaway โ€“thought it would be something fun for the Pilot and I to do- and we discovered that it expired on Monday. Couldnโ€™t let it go to waste, so we…

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A cute little schnoodle

Hi friends! Happy Saturday <3 Hope youโ€™re having a great weekend so far! [Flowers from the Pilot! Le swoon] I was thisclose to calling in sick today. I feel like sadness and death had a baby (ok, Iโ€™m being really dramatic, but donโ€™t feel any better than yesterday), but figured Iโ€™d soldier through and then…

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Fall and Comfy

Hi friends! How was your Friday? Hope you had a wonderful start to your weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™m so glad ya enjoyed the restaurant dining post! I utilized those skillz at dinner tonight: [warning: iPhone photos ahead] We ate at Zivaz, which is pretty much like the Mexican version of Pei Wei ๐Ÿ˜€ Of course, I…

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What time is it?

Ohhhh, I donโ€™t know.. let me check. On maybe this: Source or this: Source or this perhaps? Source Ever since menโ€™s-inspired large watches started to become popular (last fall), I was kind of skeptical. I have small wrists so a lot of them looked like *too much* on me, I use my cell phone to…

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Reader’s Request: Healthy Restaurant Eats

Hi friends! Howโ€™s your morning going? Itโ€™s Friday!!!!! Iโ€™m thinking that makes it a good day already ๐Ÿ˜‰ So this post has been a long time coming โ€“so many requests for this one- but I want to preface it by saying that sometimes going out to eat is a special occasion, or a weekly treat.…

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“Give Me Cookies…

or give me death.โ€ I started saying phrases like this after our Philly trip. We were at Independence Hall, so of course I had to say โ€œGive me liberty, or give me death!โ€ [in some kind of funny weird accentโ€ฆ?] and on the walk back to our hotel, it turned into โ€œGive me lululemon or…

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Papa Pilot

Hey, everybody. Bring on the weekend! I already have one small project lined upโ€ฆ This strollerโ€™s so versatile and dude friendly (read: not pink with rainbows) that Michael Bay would give it a slowmo, close-up in his next blockbuster. Behold:  Source Of course, Iโ€™ve gotta transform it from itโ€™s current state: Expect Gina to do…

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Bfast and Eff Ayyy Cues

Hi friends! Happy almost-Friday! Hope your day is going well <3 I woke up with a crazy allergy attack! My nose and throat hate me. Teaching will be interesting, but maybe this means that cooler weather is on the way? Thank goodness for a nice, hot bfast to help with the ick: Gingah tea with…

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Back on the mat

Hi friends <3 How was your humpday? Anyone else itching for the weekend to get here? Me <— so ready. Loved your comments on the Focus On post! If youโ€™ve been wanting to try Turbofire, or any of Beachbody programs, hit up my friend Lizzie– she can [honestly] answer all of your questions. [She helped…

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Nursery and Baby Reads

Thank you SO much for all of your awesome feedback on our baby registry. Iโ€™m going to make some changes per your recommendations โ€“ youโ€™re amazing. I just feel so thankful to be sharing this with all of you because I know so many of you are moms and know whatโ€™s up โ€“I appreciate your…

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Focus On: TurboFire

I love this weekโ€™s Focus On topic because TurboFire is one of my workout staples. Theyโ€™re designed well, fun, the music is fab, and I burn a crazy amount of calories in a shorter amount of time. I love the fact that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) training is utilized and Chalene Johnson is pretty…

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