How to combine Peloton with other workouts (+ sample workout plans!)

I’m sharing how to combine Peloton with other workouts + a sample Peloton workout class schedule!

Hi friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re having a good morning so far. I taught bootcamp last night (so fun!!) and today is parents’ day at Liv’s new school. We’ve been really happy with the switch so far (it was definitely the right choice) and all of the kids and families have been so wonderful. I also have a meeting this afternoon and catching an upper body workout before picking P up from school.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some ideas on how to make your own workout plan from the Peloton workouts. This can work whether you have the bike or just use the app. (I used the Peloton app for a year before I got a bike and it ended up being the best purchase ever.)

How To Combine Peloton With Other Workouts.

– They provide safe, fun workouts with awesome music and instructors

– They give an extra motivation boost via the leaderboard in classes using their equipment (it’s so fun to see your PR on the leaderboard so you can try to PR or even pass people who are taking the class with you)

– The app has a ton of variety! They offer running, strength, meditation, bootcamp, cycling, and yoga classes

BUT there’s one thing I think is lacking, but would be a little tricky since they offer so many different programs:

customized training plans based on their workouts and the ones you like to do.

[They can have my idea and hopefully they’re already working on it!]

They do offer “programs” but that’s more of a build to a certain fitness level or event than weekly workout programs.

One of the things that can be most challenging when you’re doing new workouts is determining some type of plan or structure. You want maximum results from your effort, but also want to avoid injury and overtraining, alternate cardio intensities, and allow for adequate muscle recovery time for repair and recovery. It can seem overwhelming!

Here’s what I see: someone who rides their Peloton bike every day. YES, they’re getting awesome cardio! But there’s a chance that their routine could be even stronger if they added in some strength work and changed up the types of rides they’re doing. (I’d also recommend glute and back strengthening and hip flexor stretching from the position you’re in on the bike.)

Setting up a Peloton Workout Schedule

This post is going to be a beefy one, but I wanted to share some ideas on how to create a workout plan if you have a Peloton bike or use the app! There are a few different version: bike and app, treadmill and app, app only, and a mix of everything! Keep in mind that you don’t have to own the bike or treadmill to get in the workouts. I know a few people who have purchased this spin bike and propped their iPad to do the rides. I’ve tried a couple of their treadmill workouts through the app on a hotel treadmill and loved it! You can absolutely use the app with your own equipment or equipment at the gym.

[Please keeping in mind that these are just ideas based on my certification and knowledge. If you need specialized help, please reach out to a local certified personal trainer. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes and honor your body. Modify and shuffle as needed.]

How to combine Peloton with other workouts (+ sample workout plans!)

Peloton bike and app

Click here to download a printable PDF.

Peloton Bike + App Workout Plan:

Sunday: 30-minute Sundays with Love or Groove Ride

Monday: 20-minute Arms and Shoulders + 10 minute Core Workout

Tuesday: 45-minute ride using intervals (Live DJ, Tabata, or HIIT & Hills)

Wednesday: OFF (Zen in Ten Meditation)

Thursday: 15-min HIIT ride + 10-min Full Body Strength

Friday: 20-minute Glute & Legs Strength + 10-minute Core

Saturday: OFF (10-minute Glutes & Legs Stretch)

Peloton treadmill and app

Click here to download a printable PDF.

Peloton Treadmill + App Workout Plan:

Sunday: 45-minute HIIT Run

Monday: 30-minute Full Body Strength

Tuesday: 30-minute Fun Run + 10-minute Full Body Stretch

Wednesday: OFF (10-minute Restorative Yoga)

Thursday: 20-minute Hills Run + 10-minute Arms Toning

Friday: 45-minute Bootcamp: Full Body

Saturday: OFF (Zen in Ten meditation)

Peloton bodyweight dumbbells

Click here to download a printable PDF.

Peloton App Workout Plan (Bodyweight and dumbbells):

Sunday: 45-minute Power Yoga

Monday: 30-minute HIIT run (Outdoor)

Tuesday: 20-minute Arms & Shoulders Strength

Wednesday: OFF (Zen in Ten meditation)

Thursday: 30-minute Fun Run (Outdoor)

Friday: 20-minute Glutes & Legs Strength

Saturday: 20-minute HIIT Cardio + 10-minute Total Body Stretch

Peloton workout plan

Click here to download a printable PDF.

Peloton App Workout Plan (Treadmill, Bike, and Weights)

Sunday: 45-minute ride (Live DJ, Tabata, or HIIT & Hills)

Monday: 30-minute Bootcamp: Full Body

Tuesday: OFF (10-minute Full Body Stretch)

Wednesday: 20-minute Arms & Shoulders Strength + 10-minute Core Strength

Thursday: 30-minute Intervals Run or 30-minute HIIT Ride

Friday: OFF (10-minute Restorative Yoga)

Saturday: 30-minute Fun Run or Groove Ride + 10-minute Glutes & Legs Strength


So tell me friends, how do you structure your workouts each week? Do you go with the flow or try to plan in advance? If you need help setting up a workout plan, I have a podcast episode and PDF all about this here!

Have a great day and I’ll see ya soon!




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  1. Lindsey on January 28, 2020 at 6:28 am

    Thank you for this! I’ve been hoping to add in weights or yoga, but just haven’t sat down to do it!
    I love my bike, and even just a 20 minute ride a day makes me feel great!

    • Cassandra on January 29, 2020 at 11:02 pm

      Thank you for this! I love my Peloton bike and am on almost every day with a combination of strength + core workouts after but have been feeling burnt out and fatigued muscles. This was just what I needed!

  2. Laura D on January 28, 2020 at 6:54 am

    Thanks for this awesome post! I bought a Peloton bike a couple months ago and agree- beat purchase /investment ever. Do you share your leaderboard name
    So I can follow? No worries if you don’t. I am ridin4morewine:-) I enjoy the strength classes as well.

  3. Lindsay on January 28, 2020 at 8:30 am

    Thanks for this! I bought the Peloton when I was 6 months postpartum and it really helped me lose the first 15 lbs of the baby weight! I was actually doing your post-baby bod plan but didn’t have anyway to get real cardio in (other than walking, I hate running) and that’s what I needed to get a jump start on the weight loss! Now I’ve plateaued with about 5 more lbs to go, so I’m trying to incorporate more of the strength classes to see if that’ll help

    • Kara on January 28, 2020 at 9:03 pm

      Love this post! We bought the Schwinn IC4 & it finally came in a couple weeks ago. I love the bike & the app! I definitely feel like my strength training has suffered because I feel like I “have to” ride the bike for my workouts since it was such a big expense. I’ve done a couple of the bootcamp workouts & used the bike for the cardio option (why don’t they have bike bootcamp options instead of tread only!?!). Thanks for the motivation to incorporate more of a variety of workouts!

  4. Elizabeth Flanagan on January 28, 2020 at 9:59 am

    OMG this is why I love you. I currently have the app and going to OTF 2 x week but I would do all bike rides if I had the choice. This gives my week more structure and builds in some rest/yoga days! Thank you for making these PDFs. It must have been a lot of work and I really appreciate it!

  5. Sam on January 28, 2020 at 1:20 pm

    I love the app. Who are your favorite instructors? I mostly do the tread and love Becs, Olivia and Jess Sims. I’ve tried Ally on the bike and like her style but was wondering who else to try. Thanks!

  6. Amanda on January 29, 2020 at 2:19 pm

    Thank you for this post!!! I’ve had my bike since May and always just default to a ride because it’s so easy to do without thought and I love the good sweat. I try to incorporate strength training and stretching – this is actually one of my new years resolutions to be better about it. Very helpful to see this laid out in the PDF!!

  7. Jocelyn on January 29, 2020 at 4:57 pm

    Thanks so much for this! I got my Peloton in November. I LOVE all the workouts but I was struggling on how to put them together. This is perfect!

  8. Shannon on January 31, 2020 at 12:07 pm

    Finally jumped in and got one! Would love for you to share who your favorite instructors are/what your favorite kind of classes are because there are so many choices!

  9. Jessamy on February 17, 2020 at 3:37 pm

    Love this!! I got the bike about 60 days ago, and I am gaining weight. I was just thinking today that I need to add in some strength training. I plan to use your advice and tweak it.

  10. Nic on February 18, 2020 at 2:53 pm

    YAY I just moved and our apt bldg has pelotons and I’m so excited to hit it. Perfect timing Gina.

  11. Amanda on March 5, 2020 at 11:11 pm

    I’ve been searching for something like this! Thank you so much!!!

  12. Chrystal on March 28, 2020 at 9:08 pm

    Do you have this PDF that’s blank where we can build our own work outs?

    • Fitnessista on March 29, 2020 at 6:27 pm

      i don’t- i’m sorry about that!

    • Kristina on July 13, 2020 at 12:27 pm

      This is exactly what i wanted & needed! Thank you for putting this together. BTW instructor Cody is my favorite too!

  13. Hollyberry on April 10, 2020 at 8:52 am

    Hi – what size weights should I be using in the strength classes? Peloton just say small medium and large! Thank you 🙂

    • Fitnessista on April 10, 2020 at 6:03 pm

      for medium, i would do anything from 5-12 and large, i’d do anything from 12-25 depending on experience

  14. Philip on May 25, 2020 at 2:05 pm

    I think this is a needed addition the the Peloton universe. Do you offer customized plans?

    • Fitnessista on May 25, 2020 at 2:20 pm

      not right now but it’s something i’m considering for the fall!

  15. Udeme on February 24, 2021 at 10:31 pm

    This is so helpful!

  16. James on March 10, 2021 at 11:30 am

    Thank you! This was what i was looking for to get the most of the Peloton.

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