Reader Review: BodyMedia Fit giveaway-ENDED
I’m kind of obsessed with fitness gadgets.
Not really in the sense that I own a ton of them, but they fascinate me. For some, I can never get over how ridiculous (or inappropriate?) they are:
and others, I watch and notice other runners or gym-goers using them before doing my own research and potentially committing to a purchase.
A couple of the things I thoroughly watched and researched before biting the bullet and getting my own: the iPod (it scared me for a long time, as does most technology, but it’s so much more useful and user-friendly than I imagined), the heart rate monitor (I use my Polar for almost every workout) and the Garmin for running.
I’m the same way with popular fitness DVDs. Even if I don’t commit to the workout or follow the specified plan, I enjoy watching them occasionally to get new moves for my classes and personal workouts. Some of the best I’ve tried: Physique 57, Insanity, Zumba, Shiva Rea and TurboFire.
The first time I did TurboFire, I couldn’t help but wonder what the heck some of the participants were wearing on their arms.
It wasn’t a heart rate monitor or iPod, so after a quick Google search, I found something similar:
A BodyMedia Fit device.
So what is it?
A device that assists with meeting fitness goals. You wear the armband throughout your day – it tracks how many calories you burn, how many steps you take, when you were most active and how much sleep you get. You can send this data to a computer or smartphone, enter what you eat and set goals. The activity manager keeps you on track with specific feedback about your progress.
Here’s an idea of what the dashboard looks like:
You do have to have a subscription to access the dashboard ($6.95/month and first 3 months are free).
Anyway, when I first found out about it, I was excited to eventually add one to my collection, but after I became pregnant and wasn’t trying to reach any new fitness goals, I didn’t think it was necessary.
BodyMedia recently offered to send me one to try, but instead I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway.
One lucky winner will receive their choice between the wireless device (which uses Bluetooth capabilities to transport data to your computer)
or the Core (which connects to the computer via USB).
This giveaway has ended!
Congratulations to the lucky winner:
(I did a random number generator for the page the winner would be on, then the comment on that page- so page 13, comment 11)
Since I didn’t hear from this giveaway winner in two weeks, I picked a new winner via Facebook challenge. (10/21)
Congrats, girl! Send me your info (fitnessista at gmail dot com) and I’ll send it along to the BodyMedia fairy 🙂
Thank you again to everyone for entering! Stay tuned for lots of awesome giveaways.
It’s TABATA THURSDAY! Pick your favorite 4 minutes of cardio justice here, and check out the October calendar for more workout ideas.
My current fitness goal is to become more consist with my workouts. So much going on lately that it has pretty much come down to walking the dogs. Already started with some new classes and some yoga. Need to get back on schedule for winter, since it is harder for me to feel motivated then. Any new gadget will help! 😉
My current fitness goal is to stay motivated to workout at least 4-5 times per week. I just finished the 3 month TurboFire program (and it was awesome) but now I’m having trouble finding motivation. I need to find something new to inspire me! Maybe winning the BodyMedia Fit will be that motivation for me! 🙂
My current fitness goal is to add weight training while keeping up with my cardio.
I also already like the blog facebook page 🙂 it’s how I get my daily dose of motivation!
Thank you again for all that you do!
My current fitness goal is similar to yours. I really need to get back to lifting weights since I am teaching Zumba so much. I also have a wedding to go to in 6 weeks… so I want to try a new fitness class every week before the wedding!
I have been looking into the best device to achieve this. I love your blog and really trust your recommendation. I mantain an active lifestyle and am very good with my workout scheduel which consists of light cardio, strength training, PureBarre and Hot Power Yoga. That being said I think goals are important and my goal right now is increasing muscle tone and continuing to push myself and mantain my active lifestyle. I want the tools to measure and push myself. Goals need to be measurable and this device would allow me to push that. Please pick me 🙂
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My current fitness goal is to increase my running time/distance. I completed a half marathon in May and then almost completely stopped running. I’m trying to get back into it but I’m starting over from scratch.
To become more consistent with my fitness.
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I am just trying to commit to working out 5-6days a week. I have been doing Insanity and well it’s not my favorite workout but I plan on finishing the program. Next I want to try TurboFire because it just looks fun. I’m also signed up for the Susan G Komen 5K in Oct. Just want to focus on exercise of any kind. Keep Movin!
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My goal is to maintain the muscle mass that I currently have but reduce my body fat percentage. I would like to weekly get in 4 workouts per week. I’m also want to branch out and try new workouts/methods.
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This lady is a Facebook stalker! 🙂
My goal is to lose the rest of this baby weight. My daughter is a week younger than liv and its still not off:(
My goal right now is to increase lean body mass and reduce body fat. I’ve got about 8% to go & I think this device could be just what I need. You were right, this is a fun giveaway :0)
My current fitness goal is to run a Marathon in January 2013! 🙂
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My current fitness goals include shredding that last layer of fat around my midsection and building more muscle over all!
My current fitness goal is to amp up my exercise rather than doing the same thing over and over.
I already like your FB page! 🙂
My fitness goal is similar to yours, as well. I would LOVE to get rid of the flab on my arms (and everywhere else, too, to be honest!).
i’d really like to get down one or two more dress sizes before i go into maintenance mode. i’ve been kind of plateau’d lately, and frustrated (and bored) with my routines. something like this would kick me into gear! i’ve been flirting with a fitbit but had never heard of this.
I’m training for the Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge at Disney World this January and would like to be leaner and fitter to better conquer 42.4 miles over 3 days.
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My fitness goals are to remain consistent through the month of October, I tend to go through phases of a week of super heard work and then a week with none… 5 times a week for 4 weeks in the goal. I just started Body Revolution which is mostly weights with hiit spurts and I am hoping to increase my muscle mass as well, I want to get tighter as well as smaller. 🙂
My current fitness goals are to lose at least 35 more pounds to get to a healthy BMI (I just passed the 100 pounds lost mark yesterday!). I want to increase my lean muscle mass as I’m sure I’ve lost some over the past 10 months and of course, decrease overall body fat. I’m currently alternating zumba at the gym with Les Mills Pump. My goal is to get into good enough shape to comeplete 3 months of P90x followed by Jamie Eason’s Livefit 🙂
After that my goals are to constantly challenge myself and continue improving!
My fitness goal is to continue to improve on my 30 second sprint and mile times (and maybe tone up my seat/thigh area!).
I am in good marathon shape, but need to increase my muscle definition. I plan to continue running but quit being lazy with weight training.
My fitness goal is to improve my endurance and stamina. I admit I am not in the best shape, but I am trying to change that so I have more energy to play with my son (7) He is SO active and I would love to be able to run around and play baseball with him without feeling like I’m dying!
*Losing some extra pounds would be really nice too 🙂
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Also, I already like you on facebook!
My goal is to tone and increase lean muscle to aid in maintaining weight.
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Current fitness goal is to workout more often and get moving towards recovering my pre-pregnancy/baby fitness level. I know my body will never be the same, but I’d certainly like to get my fitness level back! The hardest part for me is increasing my cardio! My 4 month old weighs 15lbs, so weight lifting isn’t really the problem, haha! I’m now lifting weights that I struggle with a little pre-baby (and pregnancy, for that matter) like they are NOTHING! yay for useful muscles 🙂
My current fitness goal is to get back into the shape that I was around this time last year (when I got married!). Since then, I’ve been not eating as well, not working out like I should, and generally not “making time” for healthy living. I need to get moving in the right direction — I think something like the BodyMedica device would be a huge help!! 🙂
My current fitness goal is to increase lean body mass for my wedding in April!! I’ve gotta have my guns all ready to show off in my wedding dress!
My current fitness goal is to gain lots of muscle! I am competing in bikini division this upcoming April, and I have a lot of work to do..on my booty especially! This is a huge goal of mine that I am 1000% committed to for the next 6 months. I’m in it to WIN it!! It’s especially hard because as a university student, people aren’t always accepting when you don’t want to get super drunk and eat 4 pizzas. As in they are never accepting haha!
oh! and i’m already a fan on Facebook!
P.S. I am already a fan on FB!!
Also I like you on facebook! 🙂
I consider myself having a fitness gadget fetish as well.I love them! Your story,and Goals are a lot like mine.My 1st goal is to complete the St.Louis Rock n Roll half marathon on Oct 21 st with a PR.After that I plan on doing less running more HITT,and weight training.I plan on being in the building of strength and muscle phase until March 2013.I would love to win this little gadget.I promise to put it to good use 🙂
My fitness (and life) goal is to find balance, listen to my body, and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
Current fitness goal is to reobtain full ROM on my left leg (just had surgery to repair a patellar tendon ruptured during a tennis match)
My current fitness goals are definitely changing- I’ve just started college and am taking it as an opportunity to reassess. I’m working to lower my body fat and increase muscle mass. It is a constant effort to focus on clean eats in the dining hall, I’m trying to step up my weights routines but am looking for a way to really switch it up! This seems like the perfect way to do that. Thanks for doing the giveaway, Gina!
My current fitness goal is to integrate strength training into my cardio-heavy routine. They say…strong is the new skinny. I am doing great at trimming down, but I want to be lean and toned! This device would be awesome to aid in that goal!
My current fitness goals are just to get my body back after baby. I want to lean out again and start incorporating a more well rounded exercise regimen. My Polar battery recently died and it’s $75 to replace! I’m upset because we are on a super tight budget right now! I would love to win this product bc I believe it will effectively help me eat enough calories to keep up with my activity levels and keep BFing and lose the last 10 pounds (and not have to spend $100 for another HR monitor).
BTW, I already like you on facebook!
I already like your page on Facebook 🙂
My fitness goals are the same that they have been for years – lose fat, develop an eating plan that I can stick with long term, and to finally feel fit. I’ve been working with a trainer that I love but I don’t think I’m working hard enough on my own because I’m not seeing results. Having a way to track this would be a tremendous help.
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