The Healthy in Real Life podcast is HERE!
Hi friends! I’m writing with some exciting news today because the Healthy In Real Life podcast is up and rolling. You can listen on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.
I’ve considered doing a podcast for a couple of years now. The only thing really holding me back was the tech aspect, but once I decided I was going for it, a few online tutorials later and it wasn’t that bad. (If you’re considering getting into the podcasting world, I highly recommend Pat Flynn’s videos!)
Voice has such an incredible power. You can get so much from text on a screen and from video, but I feel like, with podcasts and audio content, it feels like you’re having coffee with a friend. That’s exactly what I wanted with all of you! It’s another way for us to connect and another way for me to share content with you, especially through expert interviews.
The first two episodes are now live and you can subscribe through iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play. You can also check out all of the episodes under the “podcast” menu option on the blog (top right of the menu bar). The first one is a short intro episode about my history with health and fitness, in addition to some plans for the podcast. The second episode is an interview with my good friend Jess. She has SO MUCH health and fitness knowledge to share, so I was excited to record some thoughts on postpartum fitness, diastasis recti, and her upcoming movement and Pilates festival, Momentum Fest. (If you’re in Denver this weekend, be sure to check it out!)
I have SO MANY IDEAS for the podcast and can’t wait to continue to share them with you! If you have any feedback or requests for upcoming episodes, please let me know!
If you would subscribe and rate the podcast so more people can see it, I’d appreciate your help so much.
To celebrate, how about a little Blogiversary giveaway from me to you?
One lucky winner will receive the following prizes:
– 2 Fabletics outfits of their choice
– a box of Daily Harvest smoothies
– a pair of Nike Zoom Pegasus sneakers
This giveaway is sponsored by Bella. 😉 The lucky winner will be announced in this week’s Friday Faves.
Here’s how to enter:
-Leave a comment below with something you’d like to see on the podcast
Extra entries:
-Subscribe to the podcast and leave an extra comment to let me know
-Rate/review the podcast and leave an extra comment to let me know
I really hope you love it!! Thank you again so much for supporting this little blog and for making this the amazing community that it is.
Subscribed and listened to the first two episodes! Perfect to listen to while walking my dog ??
I’d love to hear about your time management tips, especially with working from home as a working mom of two!
It’d be great to hear about how women can be more confident in the gym weight room. **
Would love to hear about healthy sustainable living, and balancing family, work, wellbeing.
I subscribed. Great pod cast
I rated and revised your podcast. God job on your first podcasts.
I would love to hear about how you balanced hormones… something im currently working on and love hearing podcasts that talk about this ! never enough info on the topic.
subscribed to your podcast!
I’d love to hear more about postpartum fitness. I loved Jessica’s information (yay for making me feel better about not being ready for plyometeics yet as I’m 10 weeks postpartum!).
I subscribed to your podcast!
I left a review of your podcast. Love it!
So exciting! I’d like to hear about supplements!
I’d love to hear more about how you fit in workouts at home when there is no time (or childcare!) to get to the gym/class.
I’d love to see an ep about coming back after a rut or injury – it can be hard to get courage to dive back in!
I subbed to the podcast also! I’m so excited for it!! Congrats!
I would love to hear more about nutrition on your podcast!
I’m following your podcast too via Podcast Addict
I’d love to hear more about your experiences with overexercising, important warning signs, and how to best “recover” from overexercising 🙂
I subscribed to the podcast! Can’t wait to listen 🙂
I subscribed to the podcast!
congrats on getting this started!! i would love to have a fun/comedic regular feature of “ask a trainer” silly gym etiquette type questions, etc. (like, a funny thing, not necessarily serious questions).
just subscribed 🙂
Hi Gina! I would love to hear
1. How to curb sugar addiction!
2. Balancing healthy life with kids
3. Healthy pregnancy tips
I rated the podcast!
I’d like to see content on going from one to two kids and raising healthy eaters plus more on the pelvic floor stuff.
I am excited for you! I’d love to hear about how you and Tom are raising healthy eaters, as well as suggestions for how you split/balance your workouts between higher intensity stuff and lower intensity stuff.
I just left a comment on Stitcher 🙂
Subscribed and listened to your first to episodes yesterday! I’m excited to continue to listen. In the episode with Jessica Valant I learned that you shouldn’t do any running until 16 weeks post partum for DR. I’m 11 weeks pp and have been running since about 6 weeks pp :-/, and I’m not sure I could give it up now. I know you have a couple RD friends, but if you ever need an RD for input on blog or podcast related things, let me know!
Since this is a current stressor in my household, I’d love to hear how you entertain the kids while you cook/prepare food. I try to get my son (P’s age) involved in the cooking, but that sometimes makes the process drag on longer (he makes a mess, etc.). And when it’s late and we’re all hungry, I just want to get the meal made quick! *****
Lastly…I subscribed :-).
What a GREAT giveaway, THANK YOU <3
I would love to hear about set backs you've had related to exercise and how you overcame them.
I’d love to know more about hormonal balance. Your feeding approach with your girls. Fitness certifications and teaching.
I subscribed
I listened on my way to work this morning! I would love to hear tips on healthy, easy snack/meals I can incorporate into a full working day away from home. I already bring my lunch, try and pack a fruit veggie, etc. but would love more tips!
Already subscribed and listened to the intro, very excited!
congrats, what a great giveaway ***
So exciting! I would love to hear you talk about Barre!
I would love a podcast regarding how to push through plateau’s!
I would love to hear a podcast about curbing sugar addiction!
I subscribed to your podcast and listened this morning while on my way to work. I love it!
I subscribed and I love it so far!
Congratulations!!! what a fun new adventure in this blogging journey of yours! You make me *******soooooooo******* happy!!!
What you eat in a day for a podcast idea!
I’d like to hear about how long you work out, when you do your in home work outs.
Subscribed already (before I knew about the giveaway! 😉
And left a review! Can’t wait for your next episode!
Would love to hear interviews with leading nutritionists on your podcast! Just downloaded the first episode!
yay! Can’t wait to listen. I’d love to hear about eating healthy on vacation. I do so well at home and then my brain sees not being home as an excuse to go wild!
I subscribed!
Subscribed to the podcast!