Winter Shape Up 2015: Week 2

Hi friends! Welcome to Week 2 of the Winter Shape Up! Anne and I are loving all of your amazing check-ins and posts. Keep up the great work! Remember, you already did the hardest part, which is getting started. Keep the momentum going!

Wsu2015 logo

Just like this cute little powerful penguin 🙂

You can jump into the Shape Up at any time, and please feel free to shuffle around the workouts to work with your schedule/life. Let me know if you need help or have any questions. As always, check with a doc before making any fitness changes, and honor your body. These workouts are designed for women who have a solid steady state cardio base (at least 30 minutes most days of the week), and are comfortable lifting weights. If you’re just beginning your fitness journey, or getting back in the game, join in the for strength training (use light weights to begin and progress from there), and instead of the Tabata and HIIT intervals, do steady state cardio. You can complete this on the treadmill (walking or jogging), stairclimber, rowing machine, or bike. 

Be sure to send in your sweaty pics on Twitter and Instagram, or check out our WSU Facebook group. 

Shout it out

Here’s what Week 2 looks like:

Wsu2015 week 2 schedule

Links to your workouts:

Wsu2015 workouts

Workout #3 (30-minute barre video)

Workout #2 (21-minute HIIT with video)

Upper body workout

Arm shredding supersets

Lower body workout

Lean lovely leg

Workout #1

For this year’s Shape Up, I designed the plan so that we would have TONS of variety. You have 6 Winter Shape Up-specific workouts (HIIT, Strength, Tabata, Barre), with different upper body, lower body, ab work, and cardio workouts sprinkled in. Variety is the spice of workout life, right? 🙂 I’m so stoked that you’re enjoying the workouts so far!

A very special thanks to this year’s Winter Shape Up sponsors:


Wsu2015 sponsors

Wild Blueberries / Cabot / Sabra / Sizzlefish / About Time / Fitfluential

Congratulations to the Week 1 giveaway winner, who will receive a Jump Start pack from our friends at About Time. (Whey protein powder and various workout fuel in delicious flavors, sweetened with Stevia.)


(The lucky winner has been emailed!)

Our Week 2 sponsor is Wild Blueberries, which I love to purchase for smoothies, breakfast cookie dough cereal, and blueberry breakfast bakes. They have amazing flavor, and are the perfect size. I usually find them at Sprouts or Whole Foods.

Wild blueberries thumb

You may not know this, but not all blueberries are created equal. Wild Blueberries have a more intense flavor, double the antioxidants and fiber, and a deeper blue pigment, which makes them serious nutritional superstars when compared to the regular ones you find in the produce section. The reason they have more fiber is due to the higher skin-to-pulp ratio than their larger cultivated counterparts. As for the antioxidants, they have a greater concentration of the flavonoid anthocyanin, a phytochemical found in blue-pigmented fruit. Because they grow in such harsh conditions, the antioxidants protect them from hash sunlight and rigorous conditions. We get to reap the cell-protecting benefits. 🙂 

Wild Blueberries are also smaller than regular blueberries, which makes them the ideal size for baking and cooking. Because Wild Blueberries haven’t been modified by man, they’re not meant to travel great distances fresh, so you’ll find them in the freezer section of your grocery store. Just be sure to look for “Wild Blueberries” on the label. Check out this link to find Wild Blueberries near you!

Our friends at Wild Blueberries generously offered a $25 Whole Foods gift card + a Wild Blueberries infused water bottle. (One reader will be chosen from my site, and one from Anne’s.)

Wb 0062 facebook holiday sweeps post images thumb

To enter, simply leave a comment below each time you complete a workout this week. You already have a freebie entry from yesterday (rest day!), and an additional one if you’ve already worked out today.

Let’s hit week 2 with a bang!


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  1. Kim on February 4, 2015 at 5:35 am

    Three miles on the treadmill for my steady state yesterday!

  2. Bethany on February 4, 2015 at 6:00 am

    3 rounds of WO2 and upper body supersets this morning. i could barely lift my arms to wash my hair afterwards…

  3. Ericka on February 4, 2015 at 6:07 am

    BURN SO GOOD – loved the Barre burner!! 🙂 🙂

  4. Amanda on February 4, 2015 at 6:10 am

    I have to rearrange things today, I will be doing the Leg Burner X3, plus 15 minutes of steady state!!

  5. Allison G. on February 4, 2015 at 6:21 am

    Finally am able to workout again after this sickness and it felt so good

  6. melissa on February 4, 2015 at 6:31 am

    Sore today, doing today’s workout tomorrow. Got it set up at the house!

  7. Lauren @ sassy Molassy on February 4, 2015 at 6:33 am

    Whew, just did hiit and the upper body workout! Tough one!

  8. Carly on February 4, 2015 at 6:34 am

    Workout 2 with the arm shredder – complete!

  9. Lindsay on February 4, 2015 at 6:44 am

    I did Workut #2 and the arm workout today an HOLY JELLO ARMS BATMAN. Yeesh. I mean, I feel great but yowza! My arms need a nap. Is that a thing?

  10. Anna on February 4, 2015 at 6:51 am

    I’m not following the schedule but did 3 rounds of workout 1 this morning and loved it.

  11. Kelsey on February 4, 2015 at 6:56 am

    I am loving workout 2! I’ll get the upper body after work.

  12. Angela M on February 4, 2015 at 7:04 am

    Woke up early for a Body Pump class!! Body is shaking and feeling the burn already!

  13. RachelG on February 4, 2015 at 7:54 am

    For me today is Workout #3 and steady state so I’m doing the barre video and the warm up (about 10 minutes) of Insanity Cardio. 🙂

  14. Hannah on February 4, 2015 at 7:55 am

    Yesterday I ran and walked for a cool down for steady state!

  15. Lissy on February 4, 2015 at 8:29 am

    did arms and some steady state yesterday and a rest day today

  16. Lynora on February 4, 2015 at 8:35 am

    Workout 2 done! That arm workout had me sweating!

  17. Anna on February 4, 2015 at 9:26 am

    40 min steady state today on the stair master!

  18. Jackie on February 4, 2015 at 9:34 am

    Loved that this cardio fell on a Wednesday! Middle of the week and pushes me strongly into the rest of the week!

  19. Jennifer Lattin on February 4, 2015 at 9:40 am

    Did Workout #2 today + Upper Body.
    My body is quite fatigued from WSU 2015 (hurt so good), so, I did a low impact version of workout #2. 🙂

  20. Allison D. on February 4, 2015 at 9:45 am

    steady state 35 min run today.

  21. Sara on February 4, 2015 at 9:56 am

    Did Workout #2 and an upper body circuit from Pop Sugar since I wanted to get the arms in but don’t have access to a gym.

    If you have alternatives to some of the equipment-heavy routines from your own workout list that you would suggest, I would love to hear! All I have are a pair of 5-pound weights and typical apartment things like dining room chairs for barre, cans that I use as lighter weights, etc.

  22. Jennifer on February 4, 2015 at 9:57 am

    After I completed workout #2 & upper body I had to go out and shovel. Ouch! But thank you so much. I feel now with working out, I not only plan what workout I will be doing, I PLAN the time. You know people always said simply schedule your workout, but it never occurred to me to actually schedule it in like you would eating your lunch. You don’t forget about those….you just do it. Hope this motivates me to continue even after the Winter Shape Up.

  23. Ilene on February 4, 2015 at 10:00 am

    Did a HIIT workout yesterday!

  24. Ilene on February 4, 2015 at 10:05 am

    And on Monday, I took a Pilates Burn class!

  25. Kathleen on February 4, 2015 at 10:12 am

    Online Zumba for the first time this morning! I had no idea it was so much fun!!

  26. Paige Callahan on February 4, 2015 at 10:13 am

    Got workout 2 and the arm workout done!

  27. Annie B on February 4, 2015 at 10:21 am

    Today was 30 min resistance training and a 3 mile steady state run!

  28. Annie B on February 4, 2015 at 10:21 am

    Tuesday’s workout was a super sweaty spin class! The teacher showed music videos along with the playlist projected on the wall- pretty awesome!

  29. Lauren on February 4, 2015 at 10:25 am

    I’ve been really slacking!! I have a ladies night boxing class tonight. Hopefully I win some good prizes!

  30. Marissa on February 4, 2015 at 10:30 am

    Took a class today, but it incorporated squats, pushups, biceps, triceps, and rows, so it was sort of like what I was supposed to do today!

  31. Tracy on February 4, 2015 at 10:34 am

    I did a really challenging vinyasa yoga practice this morning at 5:30am 🙂 followed by some HIIT on the elliptical.

  32. Jennifer on February 4, 2015 at 10:35 am

    I’ve loosely been following your WSU 2015 and it has been awesome. I did the arm shredder workout this morning and loved it. Plus I checked out the POSH podcast….incredible, great recommendation. Heard them give a shout to you in last weeks mix.

  33. Erin M. on February 4, 2015 at 10:39 am

    total body weight workout today…and more snow shoveling!

  34. Sarah s on February 4, 2015 at 11:03 am

    HIIT cardio and abs!

  35. Cara on February 4, 2015 at 11:24 am

    Barre class and a sweaty 60min vinyasa class! Im doing a 28day yoga challenge this month and am loving it so far!

  36. Anu on February 4, 2015 at 12:08 pm

    Loved the barre burner!

  37. Anu on February 4, 2015 at 12:08 pm

    Oh man that HIIT workout hurt so good!

  38. Anu on February 4, 2015 at 12:08 pm

    Legs feel like jello – amazing leg burner!

  39. Jessie R on February 4, 2015 at 1:41 pm

    25 Minutes of sweaty bike intervals and a good stretch. Some Core and Upper Body work to follow this evening.

  40. Vicki L. on February 4, 2015 at 2:07 pm

    Got the workout in today. Definitely a sweaty one!

  41. Jacki on February 4, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    I’m half marathon training, so I can’t participate in a lot of the daily workouts, but I did run 7.5 miles!

  42. Kady on February 4, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    I switched around Tues/Wed, so did steady state on the elliptical and treadmill at lunch today.

  43. Masala Girl on February 4, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    doing uppper body soon!

  44. Bree on February 4, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    <3 work out #2, did it along with some easy yoga today.

  45. Kim on February 4, 2015 at 3:35 pm

    Workout 2 and upper body…wow!!

  46. Mary Beth on February 4, 2015 at 3:59 pm

    Zumba today for my steady state!

  47. Charlsie on February 4, 2015 at 4:09 pm

    Workout #2 kicked my butt!! My arms are burning too!!

  48. Kristi on February 4, 2015 at 4:24 pm

    Workout 3 and steady state went down last night! My first Barre experience 🙂

  49. Katie O on February 4, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    Noodle arms arm’s shakey legs after workout#2 and the arm burner..hope I can carry my babies tomorrow!

  50. Rachel on February 4, 2015 at 4:43 pm

    Arm circuit this morning 🙂

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