077: Military Life Q & A

HI friends! How’s the day going? Happy hump day I hope that the week is going well. It rained a ton yesterday, which was LOVELY, and I’ve been getting creative on the workout front with my broken pinky since I can’t lift upper body weights. I’m looking forward to a long run this morning.

For today’s podcast episode, it’s a solo one with meeeee and I’m spilling the tea on military wife life. I’ve been with the Pilot for most of his military career and it’s funny because leading up to our relationship, I had zero experience with the military. This is a podcast episode I would have liked to listen to when we were first dating! Please keep in mind that I’m only sharing MY experience, which doesn’t mean that it’s the same experience across the board. What it’s like for some people doesn’t mean that it’s like that for everyone, and so many different factors like location, your husband’s unique job, kids, deployments, the squadron and spouse support can all affect your experience.

077: Military Life Q & A

Here are the questions you sent over on IG that I’m answering in today’s episode:

Is the Pilot commercial or military? I thought he was commercial now.

What’s the most rewarding part about being a military family?

Do you get good health insurance through the military?

New military wife? How do I not make the military my life?

How can I best support a military family when they move?

How do you escape the drama?

How do you rekindle your relationship after being apart for so long?

One thing I expected about the lifestyle that wasn’t true and something that was

Resources from this episode:

Get 15% off Organifi with the code FITNESSISTA. The green juice and gold powder are my favorites! I also recently tried and loved their protein powder and have been adding the delicious red juice into my rotation.

I love love love the meals from Sakara Life. Use this link and the code XOGINAH for 20% off their meal delivery and clean boutique items. I recommend the beauty chocolates and the dark chocolate granola.

CBD has changed my life. It helps so much with my anxiety and sense of calmness. You can read more about my experience with CBD here and use the code FITNESSISTA here to get an extra 15% off your first order. (I love the flavored drops!)

Thank you so much for listening and for all of your support with the podcast! Please leave a rating or review if you enjoyed this episode. If you leave a rating, head to this page and you’ll get a little “thank you” gift from me to you.

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play.

Thank you so much for listening and supporting the podcast! I’m just shy of hitting 300k downloads and I’m so thankful to you all for supporting this endeavor. It’s something I do 100% for fun and as another way to connect with y’all, so it makes my heart happy to read your awesome reviews and when you help me spread the word to family and friends. 💞

Related posts:

When he came home from the last deployment

Deployment thoughts

The homecoming video

Deployment tips with two kids

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  1. Dominique on April 28, 2021 at 9:07 pm

    Thank you for this!!! I’ve been an AF wife for just over a year now and we literally got married the day before lockdowns started in California, so it’s been an interesting ride to say the least. Because of all the Rona stuff, it’s been pretty isolating – I still haven’t met a single military wife since we’ve been married! We just PCS’d to our new duty station in the midwest a couple months ago and it has been ROUGH, especially since my husband’s current squadron is majority civilian workers so not a strong sense of community. Plus coming from Cali, there’s just culture shock 😉 If you ever do more posts or podcasts with advice for military wives, or if you have suggestions for resources/podcasts on the topic, I would love to read/listen! <3

    • Fitnessista on May 3, 2021 at 12:18 am

      oh i can’t imagine being a military newlywed with all of this going on. hang in there!! i hope that as things open up more you’ll be able to find more a community. when we didn’t have active squadrons (even in tucson, i feel like we never hang out with anyone because we live far away from base and all of the people who live in the same neighborhood always do things together), i found my close friends through other communities, like the gym or fitness studios, things the kids were doing, etc. i will definitely keep my eye out for some more good resources to share! i’m here if you ever need anything or have questions, too

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