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I die for Thai

San Diego created a monster. I had my first Thai experience, and since then have been dreaming of wrapping everything in rice paper and dipping it in peanut sauce. So when I was trying to figure out dinner last night โ€“we usually go out, or get takeout on Saturdays- I said: โ€œDoyouwantpizzafordinner orโ€ฆ would you…

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While I was Zumba-ing

Back home from a sweaty Zumba class (got to dance with a blog reader and her family!) showered: fresh and so clean rocking my moccasins drinking tea and eating pie. Oh, and dreaming about Las Vegas. Vegas would be lovely right about now ๐Ÿ™‚ And while I was gone, the painters were hard at work…

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What if she’s a he?

Iโ€™m bummed because I had to come home early from work today. I slept like a rock last night, woke up feeling great, ate a solid bfast (brown rice cereal and 2 eggs) and was in the weight room when I started to see spots. After drinking some lemonade and splashing cold water on my…

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Scary Claus + Black Friday Frenzy Workout

It was a glorious Black Friday, complete with a workout to beat the craziness!  Everyone enjoyed the day according to their leisureโ€ฆ I shopped, got in the aforementioned Black Friday workout (posted at the end for you!), a long nap and started putting up Christmas decorations. [Glass hurricanes and bowls + different sizes of ornaments…

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It took years

I think I finally mastered the art of Black Friday shopping.   There was no way I was going to go out and fight that diehards at midnight last night, so I woke up early this morning and hit up my favorite stores. They were surprisingly calm and werenโ€™t too picked over. The only one…

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24 Days of Thanks

Thankful: 1.) For my husband, who makes me swoon and feel so very lucky every single day, 2.) the sweet baby growing in my belly, 3.) my family, 4.) my Bella and 5.) for friends. The ones who live all over the world, and still manage to make me feel like theyโ€™re close by, and…

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‘Twas the night before Thanksgiving

and all through the house not a Gina was cooking neither was her spouse.โ€ What was supposed to be โ€œcookstravaganza as soon as I get home from workโ€ turned into โ€œletโ€™s watch Family Guyโ€ instead. I may or may not have fallen asleep.   Itโ€™s a good thing I work better under pressure ๐Ÿ˜‰ Work…

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The best kale chips

Mystery #1: Our lime/orange/grapefruit tree. When we first moved in, I was convinced that they were limes. Then they turned orange and are now splitting open. A fruit mystery, fo sho. Mystery #2: Our dehydrator is broken. You see, things go inโ€ฆ but they never come out. They just disappear. The most recent disappearing act:…

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I’m her favorite….

until the Pilot comes home. Or anyone else comes over. At least she makes me feel like her BFF for most of the day ๐Ÿ˜‰ Bell has a little bit of cabin fever, hence the stink eye. I donโ€™t teach on Tuesdays, so I almost always manage to get in a long walk with her,…

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34 weeks

and feeling sappy. 22 weeks:                                                                     28 weeks: 32 weeks:                                                                             34 weeks:       Is it just me, or has the belly gone through a major growth spurt in the past two weeks?! Itโ€™s also taking on the torpedo shape that I had predicted. Iโ€™m kinda goofy with the belly sometimes โ€“Iโ€™ll rub it, make silly faces…

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Gingerbread Protein Pancakes

Iโ€™m always scary exited when gingerbread makes its seasonal arrival.  Source When it shows up at Starbucks, I feel like the holidays are officially here and will usually get a soy latte with a couple pumps of gingerbread. [Thatโ€™s actually a hot cocoa, but you get the idea] So this morning, I decided to gingerbreadify…

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The Taco Man

Thereโ€™s a man that drives around base in his taco truck, selling delicious Mexican meals. The truck plays the โ€œMexican Hat Songโ€ as its horn (I couldnโ€™t even make this stuff up), and the guys on base swarm around the taco truck like a grown-up version of the ice cream trucks of our youth. The…

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