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Home, sweet home
Bell, sweet Bell After lots of driving… ok, so I was just navigating, with eyes closed and mouth open…. it’s good to be back 🙂 I actually managed to stay awake for most of the ride, since I feel bad crashing while the Pilot is driving- he always stays awake to hang out with me…
Read More →Hello and goodbye
Morning, friends! It’s our last morning in San Diego… We’ve had such an amazing time, and as sad as it is to leave, [Please come home with me, seals!] I can’t wait to watch Bella try to shake her tail off her body teach a Zumba class sleep in our own bed (even though…
Read More →Not my forte
Another amazing day <3 It was the Pilot’s first time at the San Diego Zoo- we headed down there after bfast. We loved seeing all of the animals – my favorite was watching the meerkats dig for grubs and eat them. There were also a few hilarious photo ops… and the Pilot coerced me to…
Read More →Never leave
I think I’d like to stay here a couple more days. Ocean, wildlife, shopping, amazing restaurants and yoga, not much more that a girl could ask for 😉 But I can’t help but wonder, does the novelty wear off? Friends that live in exotic or beachy locales, does it still feel as magical as it…
Read More →Holla for La Jolla
[It’s actually pronounced La Hoy-uh, but it works… right?] LOTS of outdoor adventures today… and lots of SEALS! Per many of your suggestions, we spent all day exploring La Jolla cove. You always know how to hook a girl up with amazing local suggestions <3 Besides at least an hour of seal-watching, the day included…
Read More →You can [cord] bank on it
[Bella loves the belly] As we’ve been rolling along with everything, we’ve had to make a lot of medical-related decisions for the baby. Some were easy (like deciding to skip the eye treatment after birth- it’s only absolutely necessary for those with a history of STDs and can make the baby’s vision blurry during a…
Read More →The curry of my life
I’m not sure why I waited 27 years to try Thai food. I’ve heard good things about it, but never got into it for some reason. Well now that I’ve finally crawled out from under my rock, I finally understand what the hype is all about. We were looking for somewhere casual to eat last…
Read More →You stay classy, San Diego
After an afternoon of driving, the Journey station on Pandora, lots of reminiscing and goofing around, many stops to stretch my swollen ankles (and randomly seeing a friend of mine at a California gas station!) we made it 🙂 It’s absolutely GORGEOUS here. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been to San Diego…
Read More →Crisis Averted
Hey from the road to Cali! [Random: We always sing “On the Road Again” when we get into the car for roadtrips, since we’ve taken so many together. Except we change the lyrics to “On the road again, we’re on the $*&@&*(@ &*@(!& road again”] I ended up crashing last night in the middle of…
Read More →Just the essentials
Hi friends! Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday wishes <3 I loved reading all them and they made my day even brighter than it already was. I’m up late blogging since we were out partying our faces off! Ok, not really. I went to work, came back to the casa, showered (“I can’t…
Read More →The one that did it
It’s been a pretty amazing birthday. Morning kisses from Bell Birthday kicks from the little lady Surprises from the baby daddy and love of my life a crazyawesome Zumba class and CAKE. [GF chocolate with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles!] I’m a happy kid, even though as I’ve gotten older, birthdays have become less and…
Read More →Birthday Zumba
Good morning! Happy Saturday to you 🙂 Hope you’re having an amazing weekend so far. [She was in another world for that pic, but usually Bell will give me a smug face when the Pilot is petting her. Like “See? I win. Be jealous.”] The Pilot and I got a lot done around the casa…
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