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Reader’s Request: Fitnessista-fying Meals

Hey guys! Howโ€™s your day been?? I was a wild child and left the house today ๐Ÿ™‚ Sniffling and disheveled, I hit up the smoothie place   (carrot, apple, beet, ginjah) Target (where I had an impromptu conference call- with beeping price guns in the background and half a voice– klassy) TJ Maxx and Publix.…

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Nothing Can Keep Me Away

From the Indian food buffet ๐Ÿ˜‰ Heh heh. The pilot got home last night and I think he could tell from looking at me that I needed to get out of the house. I was pale, in the same jammies I had slept in the night before (nice, right? haha), watching House Bunny for the…

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Cabin Feeeeevah

Hi guys! Howโ€™s your day been?? Mine has been bueno ๐Ÿ™‚ Even though I get a little antsy when I have to stay home sick, Iโ€™ve gotta roll with the punches. Iโ€™ve spent the day laying lowโ€ฆ. watching profound intellectual films (Source) sorting through mail, NEW LARABAR FLAVAHHHHS! Thank you, Andi! eating chocolate drinking chocolate…

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Vegans in Valdosta?

Hey guys! Itโ€™s INDIAN FOOD WEDNESDAY! Whoโ€™s celebrating? I see a trip to the Indian buffet in the very near futureโ€ฆ. So last night, some friends at I met at Bleu Pub for dinner since the guys were working late. (Except for my pilot love, who stayed home sick yesterday) Jeni and I split the…

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Night Off

Hey guys! Hope youโ€™ve been having a great night <3 Iโ€™m going to be taking the night off bloggingโ€”weird day, but everything will be back to normal in the morning. While we sleep, Fitnessista will be moving to her own SERVER! The blog is very excited ๐Ÿ™‚ Until then, a video thatโ€™s been cracking us…

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I’d like to thank the curry

Hi guys! Howโ€™s your day going? I JUST woke upโ€ฆ and feel a thousand times better! ๐Ÿ˜€ The pilot had it way worse than I did, so hopefully by tomorrow heโ€™ll be back to semi-normal ๐Ÿ™‚ Last night, I really wanted to make soup for dinner since we were both feeling so sicky. Iโ€™m not…

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Juice for the Sickies

Heyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ How are ya? Hope youโ€™re had a wonderful day! Thanks for all of the get-well-soon tips ๐Ÿ™‚ Itโ€™s been LAZY over here in the cold/virus/whatever house. The puppies have been happy to partake in the rest and recovery day ๐Ÿ˜‰ Little nuggets ๐Ÿ˜€ I cleaned up around the casa and started to learn…

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Similar Dragons

Hi guys! Happy Monday- hope your day is going well ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you for your amazing Sunday comments. I loved reading them on the way back to Valdizzy ๐Ÿ˜€ As you guys know, the pilot and I both have a horrendous terrible cold/virus/something or other. Some people lose their appetites when theyโ€™re sickโ€ฆ it takes…

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Raw Kick in the Pants

Hey guys! Happy Sunday <3 Hope youโ€™re having a lovely and relaxing day! My last class of the day yesterday was bootcamp. Mindy Mylrea was the presenter for this one โ€“I took a few of her classes during the workshop- and she is a little fireball of energy. Love her ideas and she has so…

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Where’s my wagon?

Heyyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope youโ€™re having a great day! When the pilot comes to pick me up, I hope he brings one of theseโ€ฆ. I may lose my walking ability by the end of the day- my legs are NOODLES! Aaaaand I still have all day tomorrow (Sunday) of classes. Good thing I planned ahead and…

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Obeying the Dessert Law

Hi guys! Happy Saturday! Hope youโ€™re having a fabulous weekend so far ๐Ÿ™‚ So glad you liked the Fitness Fashion Friday post! The last class of the day yesterday was Glutes, Guns and Guts. For the workshop, we each had to grab a bender ball, Glider discs and a stability ball. We used each tool…

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Shake, Step and Fashion Friday

Hi guys!! Howโ€™s your Friday treating ya? Hope itโ€™s been lovely ๐Ÿ™‚ Zumba this morning was off the chizzle. Two hours! Loved. Every. Second. Hereโ€™s some info about Zumba for those of you who are wondering what the heck my fitness obsession is. Zumba is an aerobics fitness program that was created primarily by Beto…

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