Crossing to the Dark Side
Hi friends <3 How are ya? Hope you’re having a great day so far! I’m so stoked you loved the Pilot’s guest post– he’s kind of amazing It was a lovely surprise to wake up to his post this morning.
Bright and early, I took a ballet class. Holy thighs and buns. It was glorious
I was so glad to replace the morning’s pack of Via with a green juice:
-one stalk/head/thing of romaine
-one organic cucumber
-one green apple
-1/2 lemon
Same amount of energy minus the caffeine. I just need to stop being lazy about cleaning the juicer- it’s one of the only reasons why I haven’t juiced lately
Post dance, I munched some brown rice toast with goat cream cheese, eggs and salsa:
(eggs and salsa are a match made in heaven)
and packed up a three course meal
Leftover soup from the other night:
Fennel, green apple, and onion salad with balsamic and Garlic Gold
(aka tuny, with hummus, Dijon mustard, tomatoes, kalamata olives and oregano)
and a goat brie wedge
In theory, it was the perfect lunch. The only thing to taint it was the fact that I didn’t screw on the lid to the cat food tuna all the way. Um yeah.
Stinky. But so delicious
So today, I’m crossing over to the dark side and replacing the beloved Crackberry with an iPhone. I can use the iPhone to complete credit card transactions and it will make life a little easier. I’ve avoided getting an iPhone FOREVER because I don’t like the keypad (I like actual keys instead of a screen), but the Pilot has always had one and loves it. I am pretty stoked about the apps, though!
Team Crackberry or iPhone? Any apps you’re crazy about?
What’s your favorite stinky food? haha
I’m back to work. See ya in the morning!!
I LOVE my Iphone, I don’t know how I lived without it! An app I used daily was the Iperiod app and I recommend it to you b/c I know you do the FAM method. It made it super easy to chart, it has temp, etc. all the info that goes with charting right on your phone and you can really pinpoint when your ovulating just like charting. Anyhoo, thought you may find it useful since you mentioned before you were charting.
Welcome to the Iphone Family =)
iPhone for sure! However, wait until it goes to Verizon, their network is far more superior than AT&T’s. I love, love, love your blog by the way, I look forward to reading it every morning. 🙂
I swore it wouldn’t happen, but my iphone turned me into one of THOSE people. I’m glued to it standing in line, at dinner, when I wake up in the morning. It’s an issue. Seriously.
I know you’ll LOVE it. It does make your life incredibly convenient and the touch screen feels normal pretty dang fast.
As I get older, I can safely say that if it’s stanky I probably love it. Fish, cheese, whatever. I couldn’t pick just one!
Team Android here, LOVE it! I’m waiting for the 4G before I make another switch.
Favorite stinky food…left-over salmon (in the microwave at work…co-workers hate that!)
That salad sounds delish:) Slash I am team droid ALL the way! Double slash my favorite stinky food is anything garlicky;)
I am in love with my iPhone. I used the Facebook app a lot, but my favorite is the Fandango app. You can purchase movie tickets in 30 seconds! If I am running an auction on eBay, I use that app a lot as well.
I have a Palm, but I am definitely Team iPhone. I’m getting one this spring!
My favorite stinky food is tuna too!
I love my iPhone so much it hurts! Welcome!
The iPhone will for the better. Guaranteed. I always say, “you either have an iPhone or no phone.” I can’t wait to see the apps you get!
As for stinky food…my hubs hates when I get home from ENJOYING & SAVORING Indian food. He won’t even kiss me when I eat it! Oh the trouble I go through just to enjoy Baigan Bhartha.
Team DROID!! We have had a juicer for years but it sits in the back of our pantry because cleaning it is such a hassle!
I have the crackberry primarily because I love Verizon; however, now it might be hard to resist the iPhone. The only thing I will say is like you, I like the keypad and hate the letters on the iPhone, but I’m sure you’ll get used to it and all will be well. Have fun with it!
Depends on what kind of user you are. I e-mail a lot for work. The Blackberry keypad helps me type quickly. I’m more productive. If I had an iPhone, it would just slow me down. I have a Blackberry Torch. I love it.
i used to be scared of the touch screen too, but now i’m addicted!
how is that goat brie and where did you get it? it sounds like the best thing ever since i LOVE brie and chevre goat!
Team Android! But that’s just because Sprint doesn’t do the iPhone 🙁 I want an iPhone just for the awesome apps like Words with Friends!
I love my Google android phone! It’s got a slide keyboard if I want keys, or I can use the keypad on the screen– best of both worlds. 😉
Favorite stinky food? My husband thinks my roasted broccoli (with garlic) is stinky, but I love it!!
I have an IPHONE. For the month of January only, the app called RunKeeper is FREE. It’s usually $9.99. I would check it out if I were you!
took me a month to get used to the iphone keypad! It eventually becomes easier.
I dont have an iPhone but I do love my touch screen. You get used to it really quickly!
Love my iPhone! My favorite app is Around Me so that I can find a coffee shop/gas station/bookstore/whatever in an unfamiliar neighborhood.
WOw your lunch looks amazing – serious food envy going on here, come pack me lunch?! 😉
Just heard Verizon bought the iphone I am going to have to make the switch next time I upgrade :D!! Do love my crackberry though!
sure, come on over! 🙂
PS where do you get the goat brie– is that a TJ’s find??!
I wasn’t going to chime in but there has to be more Droid love people. I have the Droid X and its the best decision I have EVER made! 🙂 But I know you can’t go wrong with the Iphone. Enjoy your new phone:)
I can’t say people in my office LOVE it when I re-warm broccoli in the office microwave… whoops!
i live in waterloo, ontario, “home of the blackberry/RIM!” husband says we must support local industry so we are crackberries! i love having facebook on my blackberry! but you gotta go with what will be most useful for you!
sorry about the “tuna surprise…” 🙂
“replacing the beloved Crackberry with an iPhone” = omg i was just talking w/ my hair stylist about this 2 hours ago!!
the #1 reason i havent done it yet is b/c service with AT & T sucks in CA but now iphone is gonna be with Verizon, too, (just was announced on Tues) so I am going to do it.
I think…
Like you, i hate the touch screen! I love my keys. I am so fast on those Crackberry keys and whenever i try to use Scott’s touchscreen Droid phone, I am sooo slow. People say you get used to it, but we shall see.
Cant wait to hear if you get used to it (have heard that some ppl never do and have friends who’ve gone BACK to the crackberry but they are rare). you’ll be an old pro in like 1 day!
Happy for you!
l love anchovies and canned sardines. LOVE. But it really stinks up the garbage can!
Oh Lord. Made a raw apple cider vinegar + EVOO dressing to rub my kale after training clients the other night and the container leaked all. over. my lunch bag. Smelled AWFUL. Tasted amazing. 🙂
i’m not sure if i would go over to iphone. my bf wants to, but i had a touch screen phone before and couldn’t stand it, so when i got my blackberry i had to have one with actual buttons. who knows what the future will bring i guess!!
I’ve totally had that happen with the icky fish smell in the past….when I used to eat fish, that is!
Favorite stinky food by far is brussel sprouts and broccoli- lurve them 🙂
Anchovies on pizza or ceviche! Love it!
I’m typing this on my iPhone right now, haha. I love it and have fully joined the cult of Mac (MacBook, iPhone, and I REALLY want an iPad to read on!) my favorite apps are facebook, twitter, fandango, aroundme, and as far as games go, angry birds, Oregon trail, and paper toss are pretty amusing. I also have a really cool one that tracks my period which is pretty neat!
I’m team iPhone all the way! My fave apps are Words With Friends (basically scrabble, add me!), AppBox Pro (has GoogleReader), and I use I dock it to my iHome and do YogaDownloads. Awesome!
I just have a regular phone, I feel like this is one of those team jacob team edward things and I’m neither :/ I love anything with garlic in it!!
android! I love my captivate. can’t stand typing on the iphone, like the swipe keyboard
Favorite stinky food = anything with lots of garlic. Like this vegan ceasar dressing I make. I stink after I eat it but its soooo worth it!
Love my crackberry but an iphone tempts me because they’re so much easier for internet and the apps are amazing. Like you, I love the blackberry keyboard. Touch screen aint my thing 🙂
I am in love with my iPhone. It sounds crazy that a phone can change your life, but it really does. I feel so much more organized and together now that my calendars, music, etc. is all in one place.
Neither team: Android with apps. I use the TMobile 3g MyTouch. I got it free since the 4g was just coming out.
I was a former crackberry user who crossed over to iPhone territory! It was hard at first, I’m the same way as you: I liked typing with actual keys, but now it’s second nature. I’m able to peruse blogs and comment without going to my computer.
I have an Android… the Droid Incredible…. I call it the Incredible Piece of CRAP!!!
I had a Blackberry for 2 years, got the Droid and have had SO many problems with it! I need a new phone!
hi gina – when you say juicer- do you mean the vitamix? isn’t it just a matter of sloshing some water in there & pressing ON?
you don’t have to scrub the blades do you?
i’m thinking of plunking down a lot of $ &getting one, so i’m interested in what you think about the cleaning issue…thanks!
hey kim,
i make smoothies in the vitamix and juices in the juicer- the juicer is a different machine and a total beast to clean!
Team iPHONE over here! been in love with apple products since 5 years ago! never going back! it’s the best! everyone tries to copy the iphone but noone can hold it down like apple peeps! you will get used to the keypad as everyone does! you’ll be fine. i’m so fast with it now. 🙂 love and more love to the iphone. plus it has face time! so awesome!
my current fave app rite now is the game: angry birds! so addicting! haha but i also have epicurious, vegan yum yum, and whole foods which i love to look up recipes esp when i’m at a grocery store.
fave stinky food: fish sauce! staple in asian/filipino dishes but stinky! since i’m filipino, i grew up with this in the philippines. lol i don’t use it much bc it’s so high in sodium! but still enjoy it once in a blue moon.
I love tuna and I really like what you put in it. I would never think to add hummus to tuna….but I love the idea!! I have an iphone and LOVE it!!! Gotta get the facebook app of course. I also have an app that tells me where sushi restaurants are near me. 🙂
Team Iphone! I switched over a few months ago and now love it! i thought I wouldn’t bc of the buttons, but its grown on me.. my fav app is Kayak for travel planning, bc my bf and I are currently long distance (he’s Air Force).
I also crossed over to the Dark Side in November.. it felt so weird at first (mainly because I was a BBM addict), but I’m pretty sure you’ll like the iPhone better! I thought I loved my CrackBerry too but I find my iPhone so much easier to use.
stinky food is the best. EVER.
and i was a little wary about the iphone at first, but i don’t know what i would do without it now!
I have a bb and hate it! Getting an iPhone next week! Can’t wait any longer and even though I’m with verizon I’m still switching to AT&T! Our contract is up next week and I have been waiting since last year for the iPhone 4. I might be persuaded to wait if the verizon phone was actually the exact same as at&ts and already had all its kiinks out! Plus I think AT&T will be cheaper for my hubby and I to both have one!
I’m a Verizon user, so I am beyond thrilled I can FINALLY get an iPhone! Can’t wait!!!
I’ve got an iPod touch – so everything but the phone part of the iPhone (while I’m in areas with wifi anyway…)
Two words – angry birds. Not very helpful in the productivity area but SOO addictively fun!
anote is a great tool for to-do lists, grocery lists, notes, etc. I heart it!
hahah i played angry birds on the pilot’s iphone on the drive back from atlanta once… for 3 HOURS!
Congrats on the iphone, you will get the hang of the touch screen in no time. Team Droid, I love my 4g Sprint EVO.
I LOVE my Blackberry. I just got the Torch a few months ago and it is AMAZING! After having the iPhone for two weeks and being annoyed with the whole keypad situation, I went back to my beloved. And By the Way, there is an app for the Blackberry Torch that allows you to process credit card transactions.