Focus On: Tracy Anderson Method

Morning friends! How’s your day going? Thank you so much for your awesome discussion on sugar last night and for the sweet compliments on the new job – I’ve very excited! I’m actually off to take my drug test this morning (ie Operation Golden Flow) so that I can start working soon. In the meantime, here’s a post with a Tracy Anderson Method review.

This is one that was a popular request on Facebook and I’ve been intrigued to learn more about it myself, as I’ve never tried the DVDs or taken a class. So instead of trying to research the deets without having real life experience and write a post about it, I decided to put the call out on Twitter for any Tracy Anderson pros. I DM’ed back and forth with Jenna, who so kindly offered to write a review post for me. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did 🙂

See ya this afternoon with the best gluten-free brownies everrrrrr <3




Tracy Anderson Method Review

Tracy Anderson Photo Source
Hi Fitnessista readers!

I’m Jenna and I blog over at the online home of Upcakes, my baby business that I just started in London, where I live ( – no longer active). I’ve been reading blogs for a long time and Gina’s always been one of my favourite voices in the community. So when she asked me to review the Tracy Anderson Method, I jumped at the chance! It’s people like her who inspired me to start blogging in the first place anyway 🙂 

What is the Tracy Anderson Method

The Tracy Anderson Method consists of two components: Dance Cardio and Muscular Structure Work (Mat Work). Tracy’s motto is that you have to work your small accessory muscles that surround your larger muscles, in order to get the ideal lean and feminine shape. She believes that conventional forms of cardio (eg running spinning) can overuse your large muscles and bulk you up, whilst the Dance Cardio portion of her workouts uses lots of varied movements that help you burn fat without the bulking. The Muscular Structure work is the ‘design’ part of the workout–a series of dancer-like movements in high reps that aim to re-shape your problem areas.

What to Expect from a Tracy Anderson Workout

In each of the dance cardio DVDs, there is a teaching chapter where Tracy talks you through each dance combination and breaks it down for you move-by-move. Once you’ve learned the combinations, the aim is to perform the 7 or 8 songs continually, which usually lasts about 45 minutes. During the Muscular Structure dvds, you just follow her along whilst she does the moves, always in high repetition with low resistance.

Tracy Anderson Method Dance Cardio Workout DVD Source

Tracy Anderson DVDs

Tracy Anderson Method Mat Workout DVD: If you only purchase one thing from Tracy Anderson, this should be it. It was her first muscular structure DVD and I can rave about it enough! I think all her best, most effective moves are in here. Your butt and inner thighs will never look so good as when you stick to this DVD.

Dance Cardio Workout: This was the first cardio DVD and whilst it’s the also the simplest, it’s not an easy way out! The music is super fun and you really start to enjoy the routines when you get a hang of them.

Dance Cardio 2: The steps become pretty complicated in this DVD, but it’s not necessarily a harder workout that the first, so I wouldn’t recommend starting with it. I also find the routines are a little too similar in this one and therefore not as much fun.

Perfect Design Series: This is a series of 3 DVDs that build on the Mat Workout, getting more complex with each DVD. They are equally effective as the Mat Workout, and having more to choose from allows you to switch it up, but it’s a little more of a pricey package. And I just happen to LOVE the results from the Mat Workout the most 🙂

-Post-Pregnancy DVD: This is mat work only – I haven’t tried this one myself, but I’ve heard rave reviews about it! Women speak of their loose skin snapping back and their saggy stomachs disappearing.

-Metamorphosis: This is Tracy’s brand-new program – a group of 4 DVDs, one for each ‘body type’ according to where you tend to store weight. When you buy this DVD you also gain access to her online community, where trainers will redesign your workouts for you every 10 days. Pretty cool, huh? However at around $120+, its definitely a splurge and I have to say I’m still saving up for it.

Equipment Needed

You’ll need a set of 3lb weights for some of the DVDs, but other than that all you need are a pair of sneakers and comfortable workout clothes. 

Pros of the Tracy Anderson Method

– The muscular structure work really is a stand-out, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it for my body.

– I like the emphasis on getting a lean shape, rather than focusing on building muscles.

– Tracy has a really lovely manner and is not overly bossy or loud in her style (but that might be a con for some peeps).

Cons of the Tracy Anderson Method

– If you’re a workout purist and want to follow Tracy’s program to the letter, she demands that you do both cardio AND muscular structure 6 days a week – which is unrealistic for some. (She does say that you could do a minimum half an hour of each, but seeing as the DVDs are in sets of 45-60 mins, it can be hard to do half of one dvd and then switch to another halfway through).

– Tracy also advises you follow her diet plan whilst doing her workouts (not included in the DVDs, but can be found online and in her book ’30 Day Method’) but its super-restrictive and nowhere near enough calories for most of us to be able to function properly on. Proceed with caution. [***Gina’s input: I have researched her diet method and am telling ya’ll to say NO to it. Not a balanced plan that can be maintained as a lifestyle]

– Some of the mat workouts will not give you the ‘burn’ that many of us like to get from our workouts, but trust me, this does not impact the results you will get.

Let me know how you find it!

Jenna x


Thanks so much for this review, Jenna!

Here’s a fun video of Kelly Ripa (and her very nice looking hubby) taking class at the Tracy Anderson New York studio.

Kelly Ripa tries Tracy Anderson Method Video

Have you tried her DVDs before? If so, what did you think? If you haven’t, do you think this is a workout you’d enjoy? I personally would love to give it a try, but as far as fitness goes, I’ll happily try anything 🙂

Edited to say: I loved reading your discussion in the comments below. I added my two cents about the Tracy Anderson Method here. 🙂

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  1. Shanna, Like Banana on April 20, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    I have a feeling I’d love this method since I love to dance and get my fitness on at the same time. Maybe I’ll look into the DVDs!

  2. Hannah on April 20, 2011 at 1:12 pm

    Interesting–Tracy Anderson has been really hyped by her celebrity endorsers, and part of the reason I think she is so popular is that she touts the whole “ballernina body” concept, which some women fall prey too (including myself), but I think that it’s just a veil for obsessive and compulsive exercise and restrictive dieting. However, the dance routines do look fun, so maybe it’s something to do once in a while.

  3. Crystal on April 20, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    I think that Tracy’s workout dvds are, for the most part, pretty okay. I really think that like many workout regimens, you have to tweak it a little to fit YOU. I like to mix up my workouts, so I’d never just follow one method. One problem: I don’t believe in only lifting 3 pounds or less; I use 12 pound dumbbells like a big girl!

    The main issue I have with her method is her diet. As a registered dietitian, I would never advise someone to eat as little as she recommends, especially if they are doing intense workouts! But it looks like you already mentioned that in this post, which is good 🙂

  4. LisaG on April 20, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    The video makes it look fun; I’m game. I’m not a coordinated dancer, so don’t know how good I could do.

  5. Claire @ Live and Love to Eat on April 20, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    Thanks for the review, I’ve considered buying these for a while!

  6. Dana Marie on April 20, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    the cardio is basically how I work out before I followed Body Rock or one of the structured one lol – I think I know a girl that teachers there –I dont know what the diet Tracy recommends is – but it seems like a half assed dancers work out and if she tells you to eat very little you prob won’t need that much if that’s all you do

  7. Summer B, on April 20, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    SO weird you posted this..I was JUST ranting about Tracy Anderson this very morning!
    I guess she doesn’t jive well with my philosophy…She uses 3lb dumbbells, says lifting weights makes you bulky and her diet seems very low-calorie… For me, I’m recovering from an eating disorder so I can’t really diet…and lifting makes me feel STRONG! I am not saying it doesn’t work…just rubs me the wrong way 🙂

    • Connie on April 21, 2011 at 10:42 am

      I love Tracy Anderson! First, I bought her mat dvd and did it for about 20 days and saw amazing results. I stopped when my metamorphosis set arrived. I just completed day 13 and it is wonderful! It is so hard as well! I can’t even use 3 lb weights for my arms – I use 8 oz. cans right now! lol. However, I am a small person (weighed 120 before Tracy – now down to 114.5). I don’t know if a heavy person could stand all the jumping in the dance cardio. I have to step dance a lot of the time instead of jump. Anyway, it’s definitely worth it and my arms are getting more lean and my butt is lifting up! I am crazy over the results! Btw, I’m not following her diet.

  8. J @ I Don't Eat Standing Up on April 20, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Oh boy. If I could only run or spin and get the muscles I wanted without having to lift really heavy weights consistently, I’d be in heaven. Unfortunately, my body does not work that way. 🙁

  9. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) on April 20, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    Thanks for the honest review of the T.A. method….I have read about her workouts in magazines and online but have never done any of her moves/meals on my own. Thanks for the pros and cons as you see them.

    Gina…love “Operation Golden Flow”–lol’ed both last night and this morning when I read that. Good luck with getting all the paperwork done and in order and getting going and started with the new gig!


  10. Lauren on April 20, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    I’ve really wanted to try the Tracey Anderson method, so thank you for this post!!! My friend is starting a month-long Tracey Anderson boot camp in May and now I want to join her!! 😉 Haha, should be fun 😉

  11. Danielle on April 20, 2011 at 3:34 pm

    I think it’s so interesting how passionate people are about this workout! I understand that a lot of women want to encourage positivity and say ‘women can and should lift weights’, but um…why do you care if they don’t? Seriously?!

    Also, to say that only lifting 3lb weights won’t get you lean and toned is clearly not true. Can we just look at Gwyneth Paltrow? This workout might not fit EVERYONES fitness philosophy, but no need to bash it and say it doesn’t work just because you don’t like the sound of it. What happened to “everyones body is different”? No, lifting weights won’t make you huge, but yes, some women will ‘bulk up’ a little. Doing super heavy squats will give you awesome toned legs with developed muscles and will help reduce the fat, but it’s not going to make your legs small. No, not everyone wants small/thin legs, and that’s obviously the beauty of being individual women, but some women do want a ‘smaller’ look, a la Gwyneth. So for them, this workout might be perfect!

    • ilovefetacheese on April 20, 2011 at 4:03 pm

      Hey Danielle,

      I totally see your point. I think we all just have differing views on what is attractive for women. That is totally fine of course!

      I guess I just wanted to say that my problem with TA is that she preaches this extreme diet to go with 1-2hrs of cardio, which can be a very dangerous combination. Why?

      Long periods of cardio put your body in a catabolic state, and thus you lose muscle mass. While this may be attractive to some, it can cause long term health issues in the future if it is combined with dieting. As we age, we lose muscle mass anyways, and simple tasks will become more difficult.

      Now, long periods of cardio can be sustained with proper nutrition (e.g. a marathon runner). You have to be eating enough calories to maintain the muscle you have so that you do not go into a catabolic state. With the TA method, which suggests 800-1200 calories per day, that would give your body probably 600 calories per day to use as fuel for muscle maintenance. It is well known that this amount is extremely low for ANYONE and could cause bodily damage.

      I’m not sure if you’ve read this article, but there is speculation that Gwyneth Paltrow has early onset osteoporosis due to her extreme dieting. I’m definitely not arguing with your point at all, but I feel the need to post this on here at least so women can evaluate the TA program more thoroughly.

      • Danielle on April 20, 2011 at 4:21 pm

        Hey, thanks for the reply! And I love your blog by the way!

        I definitely understand where you’re coming from, and I actually DO agree. I am a marathon runner who also lifts heavy weights, so I understand the benefits/importance of each type of exercise, and I also, clearly, eat a lot 🙂

        I don’t think eating such a low amount of calories is healthy, and I do think that lifting weights for women is important in terms of bone density (of course, diet plays an important role in protecting your bones, too). My problem is with women who feel like it’s trendy to suddenly bash ‘skinny fat’ people, and to go crazy over how terrible this workout/diet regime is that TA promotes. I’ve seen so many comments like “guess I’ll never lift my kids up again!!!!!” and it’s just like…that’s not what anyone said. I think people should calm down a little and stop making such rash statements based off a couple of quotes from a trainer. She isn’t claiming this is a book about protecting your bones, being healthy, or being able to lift things in daily life. It’s just a way of exercising that will achieve a certain look – that’s all! Nothing to get offended over. I’m pretty sure this woman lifts something over 3lbs in her life (like, her purse, if she’s anything like the rest of us) so it’s not saying that. It’s just saying that if you want a super lean/small/Gwyneth Paltrow-esque look, then maybe heavy weights won’t achieve that.

        At the end of the day, she isn’t Gwyneth or Madonna’s doctor, so I guess my issue is, why are you complaining that it’s not setting a 100% healthy example? It’s a book about getting a good looking body, so I think there’s no need to get on a high horse about it! If you want a book about sensible nutrition, read something else. And the ‘perfect body’ is not attainable without some degree of deprivation. And, you can’t even have a beautiful Oxygen magazine cover body without deprivation, let’s be honest. Those Oxygen girls lift heavy weights and also have REALLY restrictive diets, so this isn’t about fit girls vs. skinny fat girls.

        • ilovefetacheese on April 20, 2011 at 4:34 pm

          Hey again 🙂 I totally see the point you’re making. We do tend to get riled up, don’t we? 🙂

          In my opinion, I think the problem is that some women may think this IS healthy, and that’s the point some of the nay-sayers are trying to make.

          I do think that you’re right – TA makes these outrageous quotes and look what it gets her? Tons of publicity.

          I actually think that there is more opposition to having muscle (in terms of general women views) than being skinny fat. As an advocate for heavy lifting/olympic lifting, I see that on my blog as well. I know that what I consider attractive is not the majority. You never see Victoria’s Secret models that look like Jamie Eason or Erin Stern.

          And I think you’re absolutely right for pointing out that fitness models in Oxygen or ANY magazine for that matter, portray and unrealistic image. They go on fitness competition diets prior to their photo shoots and do extreme methods to get water out of their bodies.

          Maybe the real issue is that the women we think are beautiful are possibly very unhealthy too.

          Anyways, I’ve enjoyed having this discussion with you all on Fitnessista and we all just gotta make our own decisions, hopefully in the most healthful way possible 😀

          • Dana Marie on April 20, 2011 at 5:22 pm

            your cat is super cute – is that a Calico?

  12. Erin O on April 20, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    I think the ‘bulking up’ versus ‘lean and toned’ is their way of marketing. A lot of the current population of women feel that lifting weights will somehow make them really big and muscly, so she is marketing to that segment to say “You can exercise and not get bulky”. Even though we can exercise with heavy weights and achieve the same. It’s laughable to think that by me doing P90X with heavier weights that I will start looking like a man because my muscles will magically grow huge!

  13. Morgan on April 20, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    I loved reading this review! I have thought about ordering this workout set but I think I’ll hold onto my money for now. I havent done very well committing to any workout dvds in the past and I do much better with a plan on paper and my own choice of cardio. I don’t understand why people make these great dvds and write these wonderful books but then always accompany them with a somewhat ridiculous food plan (i.e. Skinny Bitch) Thanks for this review!

  14. Morgan on April 20, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    I loved reading this review! I have thought about ordering this workout set but I think I’ll hold onto my money for now. I havent done very well committing to any workout dvds in the past and I do much better with a plan on paper and my own choice of cardio. I don’t understand why people make these great dvds and write these wonderful books but then always accompany them with a somewhat ridiculous food plan (i.e. Skinny Bitch) Thanks for this review!

  15. Katheryne on April 20, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    I have tried her workout DVDs and I’m not a fan! It’s a lot of choreography and you need quite a bit of space. I do however use three pound weights when I do the Bar Method classes and DVDs, and after the number of reps you do your arms are seriously fatigued, and you feel great after and sore the next day.

  16. Maria @ Oh Healthy Day on April 20, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    When it comes down to it, you know your body and you know how it reacts to light weight lifting and how it reacts to heavy weights. You know what kind of cardio gets you in shape and what workouts just “work” for you. I know I can lift heavy a few times a week, but I gain muscle fairly quickly so I have to balance it out with lots of cardio (which I love). I also know that it has a LOT to do with how I eat. I’m still trying to figure out what combination of workouts and eating styles make me feel at my best…so I don’t really believe that cookie cutter programs like this work for me or most people.

    Bottom line: do what works for your body type, what makes you feel great, and is realistic enough for you to stick with.

    • Amara@GirlinaWhirl on April 20, 2011 at 6:32 pm

      OK, be aware though that a lot of what you think is gaining muscle really quickly is muscle pump: your muscles filling with water and it’s a temporary effect that goes away within weeks. I follow a bulking thread on, and these ladies are purposely trying to gain muscle. With lifting heavy and carefully eating OVER maintenance calories they are lucky to put on 4 pounds of muscle after 6 months. On the other hand, lots of cardio will quickly have your body “eating off” those muscle gains you worked so hard for. As a response to those comments above, it’s been shown those Oxygen models are NOT eating next to no calories except for a few weeks prior to the shoot. We’re talking 2500 a day and upwards for months beforehand to put on that muscle!

      • ilovefetacheese on April 20, 2011 at 6:36 pm

        i follow that thread too!!! :] and yes, i should have clarified that. they do have to eat quite a bit to maintain muscle.

      • Danielle on April 20, 2011 at 7:30 pm

        I don’t mean restrictive as in caloric intake, but restrictive in the high-protein/super ‘clean’/6 mini meals a day eating. I don’t think it needs to be low-calorie to count as restrictive.

  17. Chelsea @ One Healthy Munchkin on April 20, 2011 at 5:00 pm

    I’m not a fan of dance workouts, so this doesn’t sound like it’s a good fit for me! I’ll stick to running, even if it does bulk me up, according to TA. 😛

  18. Amanda B. on April 20, 2011 at 5:10 pm

    While Tracey Anderson’s routines may be decent, I can’t get behind anything that would support her craziness. Most of the stuff she says about “bulking” is just plain scientifically invalid. Furthermore, her emphasis on “lean” and “tiny” bodies is, in my opinion, buying into the archaic myth that women must be tiny and weak to be attractive. Which is beyond annoying, as a woman who wants to be both strong AND feminine.

    Not to mention, her diet plan isn’t just bad- it’s downright dangerous. Many of the meals on the plans wouldn’t even hit 1000kcals a day, and would leave you both starving and malnourished.

  19. Krista N. on April 20, 2011 at 5:15 pm

    TAM is amazing!!! I like it better than Physique 57 and it is right up there with the Bar Method, in my opinion 🙂 Also, she has a lot of free webisodes on youtube, so you could try the method before you invest in the DVD’s.

  20. Margaret on April 20, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    Thanks for this review. Tracy Anderson is one of my favorites! I don’t follow her diet, but I do incorporate her workouts into my routine and try to follow a high repetition, low weight philosophy since my lower body tends to bulk up from heavier weights and plyometrics. Her workouts are great for maintaining a long lean physique. I do however run and do other things as well for cardio.

  21. Jessica on April 20, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    Thanks so much for posting this review, and I’m really loving all of the dialogue! After reading all of this, the TA method is definitely not something I want to do. And, is it just me or does her “dancing” look more like flailing and bouncing around? Kind of ridiculous 🙂

  22. Lauren on April 20, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    I read so much about her diet she recommends before I ever knew much about her workouts. That in it self turned me off so much to her I couldnt think about the rest. Yea everyone will be super then if your living off pureed vegetables and tea.
    As far as the workout I think to each their own. Im sure it does work. Just like pretty much anything else if you stick with it. Dancing is fun! I do some workouts with light weights and some with heavier. But I do body weight more then anything because power yoga is my favorite. I run and do spinning and so far I dont look like a man. I think she is just a lot of hype right now not to say I will never try her dvds. Experimenting is fun!

  23. Whitney "To Live and Diet in L.A." on April 20, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    I interviewed Tracy for my blog in October and was/am very skeptical of her “method.”

    The fact is, anyone who does 60 minutes of cardio/strength training 6 days a week and eats an extremely low calorie diet is going to lose a lot of weight…regardless of the particular exercises. If you look at her clients (Nicole Richie and Gwyneth Paltrow for instance), it’s clear that these are not women know for having strong healthy physiques but more for often looking emaciated.

    I tried her Perfect Design video recently and though a lot of the lower body workout was really good, but the entire arm segement was hard to follow and seemed ineffective.

    I would say to use her videos if you need some inspriation to get moving for 60 minutes. But it’s not going to be any better than any other 60 minute cardio/strength training class. And certainly don’t follow her or anyone else’s diet plan if it calls for less than 1200 calories a day.

    Here’s the link to my interview if anyone’s interested:

  24. Aleksis on April 20, 2011 at 6:04 pm

    I remember looking her up a really long time ago, however being a dancer for 14 years, I am so skinny with no real muscle tone. This would probably work great for the body types that actually do bulk up with minimal work (my mom has this body type) but for me lifting heavy weights and advanced cardio is the only way to have any tone …she looks great though!

  25. Sarah K on April 20, 2011 at 6:34 pm

    I’ve never heard of this or her, now I really want to try it. Looks like so much fun!

  26. Lori on April 20, 2011 at 8:08 pm

    Tracy originally recommended longer workout sessions (90+ minutes) but now, with the release of her newest project, Metamorphosis, she only asks for 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of muscular structure, which is pretty doable. I’m thinking of starting up the muscular structure work consistently, but doing different cardio. I’ve done some reviews on metamorphosis for anyone who is interested in what’s included in the package. You can check it out on my youtube channel. 🙂

  27. Laura J. on April 20, 2011 at 8:47 pm

    I bought her mat and post pregnancy DVDs a while back and honestly hated them. For one, she is a terrible instructor- she rarely gave you any cues when she went on to the next exercise. I was constantly checking the TV to see if she what she was doing b/c she hardly ever talked. On top of that she has no personality. She was dull and the workout was dull and it now collects dust somewhere in the back my closet. When I workout, I want something enjoyable and if I’m doing a video or a class I want someone who is fun and encouraging. Just my opinion though 🙂 Tracy Anderson lovers, please don’t stone me! 🙂

    • Lori on April 20, 2011 at 9:28 pm

      lol – we won’t stone you! I can agree that she did not give many cues (if any) in some of her original dvds. She does a better job with the metamorphosis series. She smiles a lot during the cardio and gives good instruction for the muscular structure moves. I actually like the lack of instruction in the original dvds now because once you learn the moves it can be really annoying to hear that over and over. I’m super excited about the continuity program because we will get new material mailed to us every month! It seems like Tracy really listened to feedback from her original dvds and made some great changes for metamorphosis.

      • Laura J. on April 21, 2011 at 9:47 pm

        That’s good to know– that she changed her style up a bit for the newer stuff. I only ever tried those first 2 DVD’s and the dancing ones scared me, ha. I know I don’t have the patience or coordination to even attempt those! I’ll definitely research her Metamorphosis stuff now and see what it’s all about 🙂 Thanks!

  28. Linda on April 21, 2011 at 2:20 am

    I read in many fitness blogs that women cannot bulk up with weights. Well, women CAN bulk up with weights. Women won’t get as big as guys, or get arm muscles as defined as guys, but we can bulk up. I’m a rock climber and have been climbing for years. I don’t lift weights per se, but climbing is as good as lifting my own weight, I’d like to think. Due to injury, I couldnt climb for 6 months or so. After that I could see the difference in my arms and shoulders after not climbing for so long. My clothes fit looser around my arms. If you look at women climbers, they can be as lean as can be, but you will have bigger arms and shoulder muscles. Look at girls doing crossfit, I think they do bulk up. I think it is wrong to say that women will NOT bulk up. We should say, women will not look like they have men muscles. And as everything, moderation is key.

  29. Megan on April 21, 2011 at 8:31 am

    Ok. As a Mom of a 2 1/2 year old who is “trying” for another, I see dance fitness as a wonderful break from my day to do something fun and actually work out at the same time. I think this is right up my alley. I’m not against lifting weights, but my 25lb son takes care of that part :). I need something that I look forward to, and will take time out of my day to do because I WANT TO. I don’t get that with most workouts! So this sounds super fun to me, although I am thinking it will more encourage me to find maybe a local gym that offers dance aerobics :). Maybe. Or maybe I need more fun workouts for at home. But I just hate figuring out what DVDs would work best, and I could end up buying them all! So thank you so much for your review 🙂

    And gals…no matter what your calorie intake is, be sure that ISN’T what your worried about. Concern yourselves with nourishing each cell with the nutrients it needs- Paying special attention to the micronutrients many of us lack, like what you get from eating whole foods and lots and lots of fresh uncooked fruits, veggies and greens. We’re big fans of low sugar/processed foods and high raw around here! Good bye calorie counting, we do DON’T miss you 🙂

  30. Katherine on April 21, 2011 at 9:26 am

    I just came across a video of some the moves Tracy does and it is pretty silly to watch. I wouldn’t be above trying it though, that’s for sure! I’ll pass on the deprivation diet though.

    Gina I was wondering- I am really interested in getting into yoga more but I’m not sure what mat I should be using. Is my pilates mat too thick to bring to my gym? I don’t want to look like a weirdo! If you think it is too thick, can you recommend a good mat for beginners. I’m afraid to splurge on an Aurorae mat and then not like yoga as much as I’m thinking I will.

  31. nicole on April 21, 2011 at 10:47 am

    I bought TA metamorphosis DVD and I have to say it is a different kind of workout but I really like. You def work up a sweat with the cardio and after doing the mat work, I found that my muscles were sore (in a good way). The workout consists of 30 min cardio and 30 min mat work. I go to the gym reguarly and do yoga. But it’s nice to sometimes switch it up and do something different.
    The diet is a little extreme for me but there are some good recipes that are included in the book (ex: turkey chili, blueberry applesauce,chocolate pudding, etc).

  32. Eva on April 21, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    hey! i just wanted to add my input. i’m new to this website and to Tracy Anderson, but i just got her book from the library (that way, i can chuck it if i don’t like it, haha). i don’t need to lose weight at all (i weight around 85 pounds, but that’s because i’m 4’9”, and it’s proportional to my height — i’m 24 years old), but i would really like to tone in, well, all areas. so i’m interested in trying this, maybe doing them for 45 minutes and modifying the diet (since i don’t need to lose the weight). thank you for your honest opinions on the method. i really appreciate it. 🙂 Eva

  33. Eva on April 21, 2011 at 10:57 pm

    i guess, after doing some research, that my way of modifying the diet is to make sure i’m eating a lot of protein and fiber-rich foods (and vegetables and fruits). i know some of you may not have the same issue as i do, but it’s definitely something i have to be considerate of.

  34. Christy on May 17, 2011 at 3:21 am

    This workout looks alot like Pilates. You do a lot of small exercises which increase the burn. I want the videos. Has anyone else ordered?

  35. Dori on May 18, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    Tried to try out a live class to review for NBC but they said no!

  36. Isla on June 29, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    Hi everyone! So I know that everyone had been talking about the TAM, and I just wanted to throw in my two cents. First off, I will say what type of body I am because I know my review won’t apply to all women. I am 5’5 and usually weigh in around 115. I have a smaller frame, but I have excercised my entire life so I am muscular. Mainly, when following the TAM my main focus was to maintain certain muscles I have built and continue to slender and tone. For women with that objective I suggest this:
    1. The dance cardio is a BLAST! My heart is racing at the end, but I swear it is so much fun it doesn’t feel like a workout. However, I did start to notice my calves and legs buking a bit after the cardio because there was so much jumping involved. Thus, I began doing 30-40 minutes of the cardio every other day (usually 3 days per week). On the off days, I find a different cardio workout that works my heart but doesn’t bulk. For me, I use the elliptical machine, (I enjoy it because it doesn’t stress my calves or my legs) but if you are an avid long-distance runner than running won’t bulk you because your body has become immune to it (but your heart hasn’t!)
    2. DO her muscular structure workouts! Once again, if you are not looking to put on muscle/lose weight, but just merely tone, do it 3 times per week for the leg and butt work. (I do 30 reps of each move (3-4 moves) 3 times per week and it only firms my muscles and only takes my 15 minutes!)
    3. Arms- her arm workout is INCREDIBLE! never tried anything like it- I feel like I have Natalie Portman’s arms in Black Swan without 20 years of ballet training!) Arms are my “skinnier” part of my body so I normally doing the 4 dance arm workouts a week combined with her the TAM weight movements 3 times per week.
    4. Abs- The thing I love about her workout is that your abs are engaged in everything (especially the butt and thigh workout) so your ab workout can be 10 minutes every other day and once again, constantly switch up the moves!
    Hope this helps for women like me:)

  37. MamaP on July 15, 2011 at 8:23 am

    I do Tracy’s workouts almost every day. When I stick to it (that’s the key), and when I eat well, I see results. Like…I SEE RESULTS. I actually posted before/after pics of myself after 6 weeks of doing Tracy’s workouts. I alternated days instead of doubling up her workouts, which she suggests. So, one day I’d do cardio, the next I’d do mat. I’ve done her original mat workout, her post-pregnancy workout and her Dance Cardio. I’m about to receive her Metamorphosis Hipcentric DVD. I love these workouts, but they take a lot of time, effort and CONSISTENCY. MamaP (

  38. Emily on July 19, 2011 at 11:12 am

    Its kind of sad to see so many people on this blog literally “buying” into TA’s insanity. First of all, with her -centric videos, she’s basically telling the world “you CAN spot reduce!”. Next, a closer look at TA tells you that she’s really full of BS (and I don’t mean a Bachelor of Science.) Her background is sketchy–she started to “study fitness and anatomy and science and developed this method.” Where did she study (what institution gave her a degree or certification or even consulting)? What doctors or certified trainers, cscs, registered dieticians, nurses actually work with her? For that matter, what professional dancers even support her claims–the few actual dance teachers who’ve commented on here say that what she does isn’t even dancing! She has a small handful of celeb clients that she puts out there to help sell videos–aren’t most of those celebs also investors in her company–so it’s in their best interest to hawk what she’s selling? Seriously, if I want to dance, I’ll put on some music and flail about a room for an hour and I’ll probably work up a sweat and have some sore muscles the next day. Go to an elementary school gym class–those adorable kids without motor coordination probably do a lot of the same moves as her “chicken dancing.” Notice I’m not even touching on her diet…..

    It’s disheartening to read so many followers of a supposed “health and fitness blog” are even entertaining the ideas of this wacko. Sure, it might yield some firmer butts, but pretty much any fitness regime will do the same.

  39. Jill on October 16, 2011 at 9:06 am

    How about a tibial stress fracture, joint effusion, torn MCL and Meniscus… do you still think this is worth it for her “unsafe” 90 day plan? She is NOT a heath provider and is selling out poor advice. Her caloric intake is under 700 calories a day which borderlines anorexia and can be devastating to a majority of your systemic body organs. On the top of it, her uncoordinated workouts cause injuries and are not safe. This woman should be sued AGAIN and she will be!

  40. Josie on October 27, 2011 at 6:49 pm

    I have tried her book version (30-day). I ignored the food portion and the cardio portion because I have a specific diet due to a medical condition I have and would not want to deviate from it. The cardio is too high impact for me and is very awkward. I run (4 miles each run) and/or cycle 6 (15 to 25 miles per ride) x a week and that proves to be effective cardio for me.

    Having said this, I think that her mat exercises are EXCELLENT. They compliment my diet and cardio work. I have muscle definition that I have never seen before, especially in my abs and legs. I would recommend her mat exercises to anyone who is already physically active and want a challenge.

    I don’t think her workouts are for newbies or sedentary people who are just starting out. I think it would frustrate them and it quite frankly too strenuous.

  41. TAM on December 24, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    Hello I am a recovering TAMer. I have all her DVDs. In regards to The Continuity Program, which follows the Metamorphisis. It is edited so badly it is barely do-able. I was a defender of her method and her workout until recently. There are many issues with her Customer Service, after waiting patiently for improvements and changes…nothing has gotten better. Now on her website they are trying to keep people from finding out how poor the quality of these DVDs are. Customer Service has not helped anyone with a resolution to the editing problems. In order to do the workouts you must hold a remote control in your hand so you can pause, fast forward and rewind….as some exercises are put in two times in error….and some are left out. In one batch of Continuity a whole section was left off the DVD in order to view the complete workout you must log into her website.

  42. Kimberly on January 9, 2012 at 9:03 am

    I have been working out for over 20 years, and I have a mixed review of Tracey’s Method. First, I don’t really care for Metamorphisis, but I LOVE the Mat Workout DVD. The mat workout gave me results like no other. I have a butt now! The cardio was difficult for me to follow and VERY hard on my knees. I’m an old lady. As another reviewer stated, after starting Metamorphisis, I started dreading exercise. There is a line between working and agony. My hips and knees were in serious pain, partially due to the Metamorphisis exercises being done on one’s hands and knees, instead of standing like in the Mat Workout. So Tracey, I give you serious props for the Mat DVD… and thank you for my butt. However, if you’re older and have knee issues, you might want to reconsider the Metamorphisis series.

  43. Rachel M on March 4, 2012 at 7:31 pm

    I do the Mat Workout only and really like it. I started seeing results after two weeks and do feel stronger and leaner. I do not and will not ever follow her diet, and don’t have time to also do cardio as well. What I like about the Mat Workout is that there is no jumping around and she really does take your muscles in different directions. I had personally never done many of these moves before. As for her 3-lb. weight rule, whether this is or isn’t true, I hate lifting weights and look for any excuse not to have to go heavier than is necessary. I also agree with her that a six-pack does not belong on a women’s body. “Sexy lines” are just fine with me.

  44. Moriah on March 12, 2012 at 4:59 pm

    I too have done TA’s mat workout and I love it. I also just started META (hipcentric). I find it so disheartening to see so many negative haters. I don’t do her diet either, but I have NEVER seen results as fast and as consistent than her workouts. I’ve tried weights, cardio (running), denise austin, yoga and pilates, zumba, you name it. Nothing ever worked. I felt like I was getting in shape, but not changing my body to become long and lean. I’m 5’3″ so for me, I don’t want a six pack like Jillian M., I don’t want Denise Austin’s bulky quads. Gee…I guess I’ve never seen anyone get injured from lifting weights or running too much (sarcasm). I can tell you ALL forms of exercise can have some chance for injury. To just be so critical without giving it a chance is stupid and ignorant. Not all standard forms of exercise work for everyone. I lost inches in a matter of weeks doing her workout and eating whatever I wanted. Nothing I have done over the years produced the results I see with her. Don’t knock it until you try it. And a lot of the people that try it and don’t like it complain mainly about lack of instruction. It’s not rocket science people, it’s easy to memorize her moves and count!!!

  45. LittleE on April 5, 2012 at 12:52 am

    A couple of years ago, I completed 10 sessions each of the Mat Workout DVD and Post Pregnancy DVD. (You’re supposed to change your routine after 10 sessions so you muscles do not “get used to” the movements.) I’d say it worked very well. I just bought Sequence 1 of Tracy Anderson’s Method series and am going back to this type of work out !

    But consider your bodytype. I am an apple shape, or cone shape – thicker from the waist up. When I used to lift heavy weights for arms and upper back I bulked up in the upper half; so Tracy Anderson’s low-weight high-rep workouts are excellent for slimming down my upper half. For my lower half, I occasionally work them out harder than Tracy does.

    However, if you are the pear or hourglass shape (more common) you’ll want to strictly follow Tracy’s no-weight method for your legs and hips and rear to slim them down. But you could occasionally lift heavier with your arms for strength because you are already naturally slimmer on top. Read “Escape Your shape” for more info.

  46. Sarah on April 16, 2012 at 1:15 pm

    I have been trying out the Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis DVDs for a few weeks now. I will be honest, I cannot wait to find a new workout program. As a slightly overweight 21-year old, this method is extremely difficult to follow and the diet plan is extremely unrealistic for basically anyone. I also cannot stand how she believes the perfect body is hers. I have a larger chest, and defined arms, and I love them just the way they are! Every time I workout I feel bad about myself that I cannot do some of the exercises because I just can’t follow her. Her moves are spastic and there’s hardly any order to what she does. She claims to be the first to create a workout program that targets “auxiliary” muscles, but I highly doubt that is true. I would not recommend this to anyone unless you are an extremely skinny dancer.

  47. Lydia on May 5, 2012 at 6:41 pm

    As a loyal TAMer of 2+ years, I have to throw in my two cents as well. I LOVE this workout! I agree that her diet is insanely low cal, but almost no one follows it completely. It always confused me as to why it’s so restrictive because the workouts are so effective you really don’t need to restrict your calories to less than 2,000-2,300 /day to see amazing results. I will say that TAM does have some big cons, namely:

    -the diet
    -lack of instruction (although it’s not really that hard to figure out what she’s doing if you just look carefully)
    -poor editing in the videos
    -the workouts, especially the dance cardio, are very hard

    I agree with those who complain about the things listed above, however, I am more than willing to put up with them because the changes to my body have been truly AMAZING! I have worked out frequently and consistently my entire life but for the first time ever I actually LOVE my body! I have done all of Tracy’s early videos and have been doing her Metamorphosis program (the abcentric one) for almost a year. I have never had definition in my abs, even during a yearlong period in my life when I did 600 crunches a day, but now I have clearly defined, flat ab muscles and even better, a waist that is narrower than my hips and my ribs (for me, this is something I did not think was even possible). My legs and arms have never been more slim or defined, despite the fact that I previously did a lot of strength training with moderate-heavy weights, and my butt, which wasn’t even that bad to begin with, has lifted up 2 inches. 2 inches! I will say that I have gotten these results by doing the workouts consistently, the muscular structure (30 min DVD) 5-6 days/week & I do her trampoline or dance cardio (also 30 mins) 4 times a week, and eating a very healthy diet (not Tracy’s).

    Of course different people like different body types and workouts and nothing is perfect for everyone, however, if you do want to have a dancer-type body (and be in great shape), this workout can give you that, IF you are consistent. I understand why Tracy rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but her workouts deliver everything she promises. The metamorphosis (a new workout every 10 days for your body type) is $30/month, which is less than half the price of my old gym membership–for me, this workout is incredible!

  48. Amanda on July 17, 2012 at 10:34 am

    While I like the actual mat work, as a ballet dancer and Pilates instructor I think the dance cardio is chaotic, spastic and downright ridiculous! I could get the same workout jumping rope, hopping in place or jogging in place.

  49. Moxie on July 26, 2012 at 10:05 am

    I have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. I have been using the TA- M for about 3 months. I, like many others, did not do the diet simply because I thought it was too extreme and I didn’t need to loose weight that fast. I already eat fairly healthy. What I haven’t read anyone say is that the diet is for the 3 month period, not sure she meant for people to eat like that the rest of their lives. She even says in the DVD ‘There are French fries in your future’ the diet was intended to maximize the ‘metamorphosis’.

    As far as the cardio- I love it! I dont feel exhausted afterwards, I feel invigorated.No I’m not perfect at it but I find it fun and I haven’t gotten tired of it yet. As the previous commenter noted, ‘you can do the same thing skipping rope’ I partly agree but how boring is that? I like the dance aspect, it makes it feel less like a workout. I have never been able to stick with a cardio DVD this long if that helps anyone. You don’t have to be a dancer, jumping is the most important part.

    The floor series is tough; not only with respect to the actual exercises but also on the wrists and knees. I have tendinitis so I use wrist braces to get me through and that seems to work. My knees have slowly gotten used to it but in the beginning I used a pillow. Its all about making it work for you.

    My results so far- lifted butt, firmer thighs, more toned arms, more slender midsection. Weight loss= 10 pounds, one dress sized & increased confidence. I’ve also noticed I’m lighter on my feet ( thanks to all that jumping!) and I have a more endurance.

  50. cutie44404 on August 3, 2012 at 5:10 pm

    hi , thanks for your blog about TA method

    can u tell us what is the best dvd for beginners ? and how to proceed up to advanced level

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