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Asian-style Fajitas

Hi guys! Hope youโ€™ve had a wonderful day so far! Iโ€™m so glad yaโ€™ll liked the Zumba video! My class is awesome and teaching is such a blasty ๐Ÿ™‚ I started my St. Pattyโ€™s day off with a green breakfast cookie It was my first time using oat bran instead of oats, too, and it…

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A Little Jig

Hey everyone! Happy St. Pattyโ€™s Day (and Happy Birthday to my little bro, who has the most awesome birthday ever) ๐Ÿ™‚   (Source) To start your St. Patrickโ€™s Day off on the right *foot*, hereโ€™s a little jig for yaโ€™ll. Not this kinda jig:   (Source) (Random trivia: I actually took Irish step dance for…

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Calming the Shiba

Hey hey hey ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope youโ€™re all having a great day! I loved reading about your workout plans for the week. As expected, yaโ€™ll are quite the gym monkeys- I love it ๐Ÿ™‚ I started mine off with a giant organic Fuji apple and a walk with the puppers on the base trail. We walked…

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Wilting Dolmas

Hey everyone! Hope youโ€™re having a great morning ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you so much for your awesome feedback on the breakfast cookie video and my OpenSky shop! Thursday AM weโ€™ll be running a special promotion on the foam rollersโ€ฆ stay tuned. I canโ€™t live without my foam roller- we have a deep and profound relationship ๐Ÿ˜‰…

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Come Shop With Me…

Letโ€™s shop, letโ€™s shop awayyyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ Hi everyone ๐Ÿ˜€ Iโ€™ve joined the OpenSky party! I figured it would be an awesome way to share all of my favorite products with you, since Iโ€™m often asked which brands I buy and where I get them. This way, you can get my faves all in once place!…

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The Bfast Cookie

Heyyyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope your Monday is treating you well! I thought Iโ€™d start the morning off with a how-to video on the little breakfast beauty I came up with a couple of years ago. Since my eating style has changed over the years, this new breakfast cookie includes my current modifications, but please alter it…

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Soul Food

Hi guys:D How was your day?? Iโ€™m writing to yaโ€™ll with a giant Southern food baby.   Tonight, I decided that I neglect to feed the pilot food from his youth. We eat a lot of ethnic foods (especially Mexican, since thatโ€™s what I grew up with) and FoodNetwork specials, but the pilot is a…

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Squeaky Clean, yo

Hi guys! How are ya? Did anyone do anything fun this weekend?? We were spring cleaning machines. Not exactly fun, but necessary- weโ€™re almost done. I even made my own cleaning solution! Since weโ€™re in the process of ridding our house of all chemicals, I mixed up that bad johnny after some Google research. Juice…

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Mummy Knee

Hey guys ๐Ÿ˜€ Howโ€™s your weekend going? Mine has been lovely so far ๐Ÿ˜€ Iโ€™ve become quite the pro at wrapping my knee: When I went back to work the second time, I was feeling pretty good with the knee situation so I hopped on the elliptical for 30 minutes with a magazine. It felt…

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Lovin’ Your VS Body

Hey guys! Howโ€™s your Friday going?? Hope your day goes by quickly so the weekend celebration can begin ๐Ÿ™‚ This morning, I was so stoked that I had a raw breakfast cookie waiting for me. -1/3 C oats (ground into flour) -1/2 scoop vanilla Sun Warrior -mesquite and cinnamon -1/2 banana -1 T almond butter…

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Go Big or Go Home

Hey everyone! Hope youโ€™re having a wonderful night. Is it the weekend yet? Sheesh. Sorry Iโ€™m late posting today— after work I went straight to Longhorn to meet up with the girls. I had the usual nutritionally-devoid iceberg house salad (no cheese, no croutons) with balsamic on the side And didnโ€™t mess around when it…

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Foam Roller Triumphs

Heyyy ๐Ÿ˜€ Itโ€™s almost Friday! Thank goodness, no? B-fast this morning was two partsโ€ฆ One (before yoga): (Banana with almond butter, mesquite and cinnamon) Then I went up to the yoga room which was heated to 90* to see what I could do with my post half mary knee situation. I put in this DVD:…

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